Tungsten Powder
Tungsten metal powder is produced by controlled decomposition of APT and reduction of the oxides in hydrogen atmosphere. We offer a highly diverse range of powder grades.
...moreTungsten Carbide Powder
Tungsten carbide is manufactured by direct carburization of tungsten with carbon, or Tungsten is converted back to the ammonium para-tungstate (APT) form, an early point in the tungsten carbide manufacturing process.
...moreTin Powder
Tin Powder is manufactured from electrolytic and atomisation process.
Appearance : Silvery-white(it changes color at 13.2â )
...morestainless steel powder
Stainless steel is produced by mainly atomisation process
...moreSilver powder
Silver powder is mainly manufactured by electrolytic process or atomisation process.
Appearance : Silvery grey
...moresilicon powder
The basic process heats silica and coke in a submerged electric arc furnace to high temperatures. High temperatures are required to produce a reaction where the oxygen is removed, leaving behind silicon. This is known as a reduction process. In this process, metal carbides usually form first at the lower temperatures. As silicon is formed, it displaces the carbon. Refining processes are used to improve purity.
...moreNickel Powder
Nickel powders are mainly produced by atomisation, electrolytic and hydrometallurgical process
...moreManganese Powder
Molybdenum is a silvery white metal, very hard transition metal, but is softer and more ductile than tungsten.
...moreIron Powder
Iron Powders are manufactured by mainly three process reduced iron powder, atomized powder, and electrolytic iron powder. Each type is used in various applications depending on their properties
...moreFused Tungsten Carbide Powder
Fused tungsten carbide which has a particularly high degree of hardness and wear resistance. For this reason, it is primarily used in advanced wear protection and tooling technology.
...moreElectrolytic Copper Powder
Copper powders are manufactured by water-atomising, air-atomising or by electrolysis to give irregular, spherical and dendritic morphologies respectively. The resulting powder might then be processed further in a ball mill to flatten it into flakes for use as a coating or pigment.
...moreCopper Powder
Copper powders are manufactured by water-atomising, air-atomising or by electrolysis to give irregular, spherical and dendritic morphologies respectively. The resulting powder might then be processed further in a ball mill to flatten it into flakes for use as a coating or pigment.
...moreChromium Powder
Cobalt powders are produced mainly by hydrometallurgical process which incorporates three processing stages chemical dissolution(leaching), solution purification and metal recovery which is also called as autoclave processing.
Appearance : Lustrous Grey
...moreAluminium Powder
Aluminium powder is produced by air atomisation process The resulting powder might then be processed further in a ball mill to flatten it into flakes for use as a coating or pigment.
...moreAluminum Powder
CAS 7429-90-5 Purity % 99.9 Melting Point °C 660.1 Boiling Point °C 2467 Density GCm3 2.699 Mohs Hardness @ 20 °C 2-2.9 Coef. of Exp. @ 20 °C 22.4 X 10-6 Elec Resistivity Microhm-Cm 2.655 Crystal Structure Cubic, Face Centered Appearance Grey
...moreBrass Powder
rass powder is used in Friction Material, Gears, Wheels, Valves, Fasteners, Hardware, Locks, Cylinders, Latch, Nuts and Bolts Etc.
...moreCobalt Powder
Cobalt powder is used in good-quality Cemented Carbide Adhesives, Battery materials, Diamond Tools, Magnetic Materials etc.
...moreLead Powder
Lead powder is used in Oil and Gas exploration, Radiological Medical protective clothing, Industrial X-ray shielding, Golf club manufacturing, Anti-friction products, Radiological protective gloves etc.
...moreTungsten Metal Powder
CAS 7440-33-7 Purity % 99.98 Melting Point °C 3387 Boiling Point °C 5927 Density GCm3 19.3 Elec Resistivity @ 25 °C Microhm-Cm 5.6 Crystal Structure Cubic, Body Centered Appearance Steel Gray Metal Powder
...moreAluminum Non Leafing Paste
Type al al+mt al+mt+na al+mt+to al+mt+xy cas al-7429-90-5 mt-8008-20-6 na-8038-30-6 to-108-88-3 xy-1330-20-7 melting point °c 660.1 na na na na boiling point °c 2467 145-205(mt) 185-215(na) 110(to) 137-143(xy) density gcm3 2.699 1.4-1.6 1.4-1.6 1.4-1.6 1.4-1.6 physical state solid semi solid semi solid semi solid semi solid odour odourless solvent smell solvent smell solvent smell solvent smell autoignition temp °c 650-700 252(mt) 450(na) 535(to) 465(xy) flash point temp °c na 35 35 35 24 form flaky particles paste paste paste paste appearance grey silvery white silvery white silvery white silvery white.
...moreAluminum Leafing Powder
Cas al-7429-90-5 melting point °c 660.1 boiling point °c 2467 density gcm3 2.699 physical state solid odour odourless autoignition temp °c 650-700 flash point temp °c na form flaky particles appearance grey.
...moreAluminum Leafing Paste
Aluminum Leafing Paste is used in Paint manufacturing, painting Roofing Tiles, Fences, Anti-corrosive paints, Exterior painting with high reflectivity & Thermal Resistance, Spraying, Dipping, Painting towers, bridges, Oil refineries, tank vessels, high grade Printing, high grade finishing for Automobile parts, Furniture and for chrome like decorative finishes etc..,
...moreZinc Dust
Zinc Dust is mainly used in Chemical application, Metallurgical applications, Lubricants, coatings, Paint formulation, Electrolytic zinc refining etc.
...moreAluminum Non-Leafing Powder
Aluminum Non-Leafing Powder is used as Roof coatings, as Corrosion protection coats, as Reflective paints, in Marine paints (covering coats), Roof coatings, in Heat-proof and highly heat-resistance paints, Chrome effect paints, Aerosols etc...
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