waffle towels
These extra large sized towels are great for outdoor activities involving water! Take it along to the pool or the beach, lay on it and use it to towel off! Our Terry Towels are the thickest and come in solids and stripes. These make for great bath towels and bath mats. The Waffle Towels are thinner and come only in solid colours.
...moreSquare Pillow
This decorative square pillow is 26�x 26�. They fit in pillow shams and are usually, but not necessarily, placed against the headboard.
...moredown pillows
A synthetic, polyester fill that is coated in silicone to give the feel of a down pillow. These pillows are more affordable than down pillows and also come sans the allergy factor that most down pillows have.
...moreDecorative bolster pillows
Log-like pillows, decorative and also good to hug or elevate the legs on, these pillows also come in all sizes these days.
...moreSanta Bottle Cover
Sheer Curtain
Cactus Beach Bag
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