Zinc High (Srushti or Dharti)
This Soil application formulation contains multi-micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committee It makes the plant to grow more tolerant to diseases & drought It induces better fruit setting, improves quality of produce and results in higher yield It can be used on all crops Dosage:Soil grade – Apply @ 5 – 10 kg of Multiplex Zinc High (Srushti or Dharti) per acre.
...moreZinc High-micronutrient mixtures
This Foliar Grade formulation contains multi-micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committee This makes the plant to grow more tolerant to diseases & drought It induces better fruit setting, improves quality of produce and results in higher yield It can be used on all crops Dosage:Foliar grade – Dissolve @ 2.5 ml of Multiplex Zinc High (foliar) /litre of water & apply on both sides of the leaf.
This contains Zinc solubilizing bacteria (ZSB). The bacterium solubilizes the insoluble zinc compounds/minerals in soil and makes it available for plants. It helps to improve plant vigor & yield and it is suitable for all crops. Dosage: Seedling treatment: Mix 100 g. of Multiplex Zinc-B with sufficient quantity of water and organic manure to form slurry. The seedlings are dipped in slurry for 30 minutes prior to planting so that the bacteria get attached to the roots. Soil application: Mix 3-5 kg of Multiplex Zinc-B with compost and apply to one acre. Drip Irrigation: Mix 3 kg of Multiplex Zinc-B / acre in drip stream.
...moreWhite-flow-(Cauliflower) seeds
Package of Practices: Soil:loamy soil with good water holding capacity Seed Rate:600 Sowing Period:Sep to December for North India, November for other parts of India Pit Depth and Spacing:Plant 45 X 4 cms spacing
...moreWheat Special-micronutrient mixtures
This is a multi-micronutrient mixture which contains Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in balanced proportion which is most suitable for wheat crop It is in powder form and ensures healthy wheat crop and increases yield
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : Sulfosulfuran 75% W.G.MODE OF ACTION AND GROUP : Absorbed through both roots and leaves. It translocates throughout the plant and acts as an inhibitor of amino acid biosynthesis, hence stopping cell division and plant growth. Selective, systemic sulfonyl urea herbicide.PRODUCT CATEGORY : wettable granulesTARGET WEEDS : It is effective against grasses and broad-leaved weeds TARGET CROPS : wheat barley & oats.
...moreVarsha- Bio product
This contains Verticillium lecanii fungi. When the fungus meets the pest insect, it invades the body and kills the pest It controls all soft bodied sucking insect pests like aphids, thrips, mealy bug, whitefly, scale insects & all types of mites Dosage: Dissolve @ 1 ml or 3 g of Multiplex Varsha in one litre of water and apply on both sides of the leaves.
Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin 10% EC Mode of action and group: Contact Insecticide, synthetic pyrethroid group Product Category: Emulsifiable Concentrate, for foliar spray Target Pests: Sucking & Chewing pests Target Crops: All crops Special Features: It does not have any phytotoxic effect on plants
...moreTrishul- Bio product
This contains Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), which in symbiotic association with root system helps in better absorption of phosphorous, water and other essential plant nutrients in easily usable organic form. It produces wide range of plant growth promoting substances like IAA, IBA, GA. which helps in healthy growth of plants. Dosage / Acre:Mix @ 2 – 3 kg of Multiplex Trishul with 100 kg of well decomposed farmyard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast before sowing or transplanting crops.
Tezz-(Chilli) seeds
Package of Practices: Soil: Light to Medium Seed Rate:100 g per acre Sowing Period:Kharif(May to June), Rabi (Oct to Nov), Summer (Dec to Jan) Spacing:Light Soil 60 X60 cm or 75 x 75 cm, Medium to heavy (90 X90 cm)
...moreTea Nursery Special
This is a balanced multi–micronutrient mixture which contains Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as required for Tea crop. It is available in liquid form and helps development of healthy & sturdy tea sapling
Active Ingredient: Pretilachlor 50% EC Mode of action and group: Growth inhibitors. Selective pre-emergence broad-spectrum herbicide Product Category: Emulsifiable Concentrate, For foliar spray Target Weeds: Echinochloa crusgalli, Cyperus difformis Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus iria, Fimbristylis miliacea, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia Pulviflora, Leptochloa chinensis, Monochorea vaginalis Target Crops: Field crops (Transplanted Rice) Special Features: Good herbicide for Paddy
...moreSupriyaa-(Tomato) seeds
Package of Practices: Soil:Medium to Heavy Seed Rate:100 g per acre Sowing Period:Kharif(June to July), Summer (January to February) Pit Depth and Spacing:75 X60 cm or 60 x 60 cm
...moreSunrise- Bio product
This contains bacteria Rhizobium sp. In symbiotic association with leguminous crops the bacteria fixes large quantity of atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available for plants. Rhizobium normally enters the root hairs, multiply and form nodules producing nitrogenous compounds which are utilized by the plants. It can fix up to 20-40 kg of nitrogen per acre in one cropping season and leaves behind substantial quantity of nitrogen in soil for succeeding crops and increases yield. Dosage:Mix @ 250 ml or 2 kg of Multiplex Sunrise with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast. Multiplex Sunrise is suitable for all leguminous crops.
...moreSumangala-(Bhendi) seeds
Plant Type : Tolerant to Powdery mildew disease. Highly tolerant to yellow vein mosaic virus disease. It has 2-3 side branches and gives soft marketable fruits. It has good fruiting, which starts from bottom & has short inter-nodes. Long Shelf Life and Wider Adaptability.
...moreSugarcane special
This is a multi–micronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committee This is available in powder form and its application induces better tillering and increases internodal distances It induces resistance to diseases and enhances sugar content of the cane Dosage:Apply @ 10 kg/acre at the time of sowing and second application 75 days after germination @ 5 kg/ acre.
...moreSpodomar- Bio product
This contains Nucleo polyhedron virus which kills Spodoptera litura a lepidopteran insect pest. It contains virus which enters the insect body at larval stage & the virus dissolves all the internal organs of the insect and kills the pest. Dosage: Dissolve @ 1 ml of Multiplex Spodomar in one litre of water and should be applied on the entire plant in cool hours of evening.
Sparsha- Bio product
This contains Pseudomonas fluorescence bacteria which controls many plant diseases It produces group of antibiotics which competes with other plant pathogens and suppresses their growth and kills them It controls leaf, soil, seed & air borne diseases such as onion smut, paddy blast, bacterial wilt, die-back in chilli & tomato It also releases plant growth promoting agents Dosage: Foliar application: Dissolve @ 1 ml or 3 g of Multiplex Sparsha in one litre of water and spray on both sides of leaves. Soil application: Mix @ 100 ml or 1 – 2 kg of Multiplex Sparsha in 100 kg of FYM or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast on one acre.
...moreSoldier- Bio product
This contains Heterorhabditis indica, entomopathogenic nematodes. These nematodes when meets the pest insect, it enters the body through openings along with associated bacteria which causes septicemia (blood poisoning), The nematodes eat, multiply inside the insect body and kills it It kills pests like root grubs, termites, cut worm, root weevils and other soil borne pest Dosage: Apply @ 1 – 2 kg of Multiplex Soldier/acre for all field crops and 5 to 15 g/tree for plantations crops.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT : CHLORPYRIPHOS 50% + CYPERMETHRIN 5% ECMODE OF ACTION AND GROUP : Combi product with Contact & Stomach poison insecticidal activity from organo phosphorus & synthetic pyrethroid groups.PRODUCT CATEGORY : Emulsifiable Concentrate, For foliar spray.TARGET PESTS : Aphid, Jassid, and Thrips, White fly, American bollworm, Spotted bollworm, Pink bollworm, and Spodoptera Litura.TARGET CROPS : Cotton
Active Ingredient: Hexaconazole 5% SC Mode of action and group: Systemic Fungicide. Triazole group Product Category: Suspension Concentrate, For foliar spray Target Diseases& Crops: Scab, Blast, Sheath Blight, Tikka Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Pod Rot, Leaf Spot in vegetables & fruits, Koleroga of arecanut
...moreSampurna-micronutrient mixtures
This contains all essential plant nutrients like major nutrients – N, P, K; secondary nutrients–Ca,Mg,S and micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum It contains high quantity of magnesium & potassium and it is ideally suitable for Banana crop It increases the initial growth vigor of plants and induces resistance for pest and disease It helps crop to withstand environmental stress, significantly improves the growth, yield and quality of the produce Visual improvements can be seen within 6 – 7 days after the spray It is compatible with most of the pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers Dosage: Dissolve 2.5 ml of Multiplex Sampurna in one litre of water and spray on both surface of leaves. 4–5 sprays are recommended for banana crop.
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