Solar Parabolic Dish Concentrator
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Solar parabolic dish concentrator consists of a concentrator which uses solar grade mirrors as reflectors and a receiver. The sunlight is concentrated onto the receiver and the medium which flows through the receiver gets heated up. Solar parabolic dish concentrators can be effectively retrofitted / integrated with steam boilers, hot water boilers, absorption cooling etc. so that solar energy can be used as a supplementary source to conventional energy systems like LPG / Diesel fired boilers.
Main Components of the Solar PV Power Generating System
● Solar PV Array of required capcity to generate power
● Solar Charge Controller Unit to regulate the power
● A Battery Bank to store the power (not required for solar pumps)
● High efficient power inverter to convert the DC to AC for powering conventional loads
Unique Features :
● Modular with high durability solar grade reflectors upto 90% reflectivity.
● PLC based daily tracking system.
● IBR approved receiver and drum designs.
● Approved and tested at authorized test centre of MNRE.
● Can work for 250 to 300 days in a year.
● Can be easily integrated with the existing system.