Pulse Jet Bag Filter
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Recovery of particulate matter from exhaust gas is vital for any industry from two aspects * To avoid pollution problems * Recovery of finished product-increasing the plant yield
Pulse Jet Bag Filters
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HIGH RATIO PULSE JET BAG FILTERS control particulate emissions and pollution levels. Bag material and air-to-cloth ratio are selected based on application requirements. The bags are supported internally by wire cages which do not impart any load onto the bag. Inspection and maintenance doors are built-in, and platforms and ladders are provided as per requirement. Industries like foundries, cement, mini steel plants, sponge iron plants, power plants, material handling, mining, plastic working, woodworking, and metalworking generate high levels of particulate emissions, which are now closely monitored and regulated by government bodies and legislation. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Dust-laden air enters the unit through the hopper or at the plenum, and clean air flows out of openings in the bag hanging plate. The accumulated dust is removed from outer bag surfaces at regular intervals by short pulses of compressed air introduced into the bag through a solenoid operated pulse valve. A PLC operates the pulse jets in sequence at predetermined intervals. Dust collected in the hopper is discharged through screw conveyors and/or rotary air lock valves. The message is clear — if you want to lower your particulate emissions, our bag filters can do the job for you effectively and reliably. Talk to us today to see how we can help. OTHER AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENTS: Hopper Vent Filter Scrubber Cyclone Dust Collector Multiclone Dust Collector
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