Fire Alarm System 2 zones
SALIENT FEATURES: � Best in class micro-controller technology with modular design. � Conforms to Indian Standard speci�cations. � Open, Short and Fire test facility provided. � Tamper trigger provided. � Operates from 180V to 270V AC with SMPS secondary regulations. � Compatible with all types of �re sensors and accessories. � N-number of sensors can be connected in series for individual zones. � R.F and Electro-magnetic interference suppressor build it. � Compatible with PSTN and GSM Auto-dialler. � Mild steel Housing with powder coating. SPECIFICATIONS: � FA-02- Two-zone Fire alarm system. � FA-04- Four-zone Fire Alarm System. � FA-08- Eight-zone Fire Alarm System. � FA-12- Twelve-zone Fire Alarm System. FA-XX-series are our conventional and addressable �re alarm system with the best in class micro-controller technology with a unique modular design. They are Time tested and build to last, Ideal for Home, corporate of�ces and banking sector. Our product come with standard 1-year warranty.
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire detectionalarm systems are designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is classified as either automatically actuated, manually actuated, or both.