Automatic Fire and Smoke Curtains
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We stand as a distinguished Supplier of Automatic Fire and Smoke Curtains from Karnataka, India. We offer an assortment of Fire and Smoke Curtains that are lightweight and have quick response time. We are capable of handling bulk orders of Curtains and ensure clients receive their order on a timely basis. Clients can obtain Automatic Fire and Smoke Curtains from us at most affordable rates.
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Smoke curtains are designed as barriers to contain and/or to channel away smoke, heat and superheated gases as a vital part of a SHEVS (smoke, heat, exhaust, ventilation system).IPEC Smoke Curtains are designed to activate upon receipt of a signal from either a fire alarm system, or locally positioned detector. Smoke Curtains are used to: 1. To act as a smoke separating element within the building design to prevent the passage of smoke, heat, superheated gases for a predetermined period of time in either the vertical or horizontal orientation.2. To assist designers to form smoke reservoirs and compartments to minimize lateral smoke spread and/or to assist the SHEVS (smoke heat exhaust ventilation) system.3. Can descend after a set predetermined period of time, to a predetermined position to assist with protected means of escape.4. Descending to a predetermined position for a predetermined time to create a smoke layer reservoir, ensuring the protected means of escape remains open longer prior to descending to their fire operational position after planned evacuation times.With ever increasing environmental safety legislation putting more restrictions on building design; integrating smoke containment systems that are compatible with good design is making designers lives easier. Smoke Curtains are proving to be the first choice for combining effective smoke protection with the latest trends in interior design.An effective smoke curtain should operate automatically in the event an alarm signal, a prolonged power failure, or equipment or wiring corruption. An automatic smoke barrier must always deploy in a safe and controlled manner.Solid barriers can provide effective smoke containment, but automatic Smoke Curtain are far more sympathetic to the requirements of design, appearance and building function.The design and installation of a smoke barrier system into a building should always be carried out by qualified consultants and engineers. Consideration must always be given to providing adequate means of escape and rescue.
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smoke curtain, fire telephone system, video analytics