SRIMAD BIO PHARMA & RESEARCH PVT LTD an independent contract manufacturer serving the domestic and International Nutraceutical, Cosmetics and Herbal Pharmaceuticals industry. We are a company of professionally enthusiastic committed team of medical Practitioners, Scientists and Bio-Informatics Professionals as active members serving the medical fraternity. Our primary objective is Preventive health care. Effective prevention decreases the risk of individuals experiences a disease condition or injury. The Expert Team of Srimad Bio Pharma & Research Pvt.Ltd consistently met the global manufacturing standards to serve our customers by providing high quality products. SRIMAD BIO PHARMA & Research, is functioning under the guidance of INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (IIMSTC) which is a trusted name in Indian Medical Research Industry. SRIMAD BIO PHARMA ventured into Manufacturing under the strict monitoring and quality assurance of International Institute of Medical Science &Technology Council widely known as AIIMS Technology Council abbreviated as IIMSTC. The international presence of the council brings out high quality products and best services under the supervision of the legend medical practitioners in the health care industry and hence geared towards meeting the requirements of the customers across the globe.