AOA Vanes are used to measure the angle of attack of an aircraft. An angular sensor of the RVDT senses the angular position of the vane with respect to the fuselage reference line. The angle of attack calibrator provides for calibration of the RVDT’s. The angular position of the vane can be set to any angle from –45 deg to +45 deg and this angle is sensed by a precision encoder, which has an accuracy of 0.03 deg The relative outputs of the four RVDT’s are displayed directly in digital read outs with a resolution of 0.1deg. Direct calibration of the AOA is thus rendered extremely simple.
Microwave Test Bench
Technilab offers High Quality Microwave Test Bench in X band and Ku band Frequency for Educational Institutions, S band, C band, L band Components for defence, Industry customers. . Our Microwave Test benches comprises of high power output source, sensitive detector diodes, Precision CNC Machined Waveguide Components ensuring constant power output, repeated results, System easily tuned for minimum VSWR max power output. Our product range also comprises of various waveguide components like, Gunn Diode, Pin diode, Detector diode, Frequency Meter