Electronic Pressure Switch
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The µP-regulated, programmable pressure transmitter type 540 has a robust industry design. The parameters are easily adjustable with two function keys in the configuration menue which disposes of up to two programmable switching points. All systems are equipped with a diag nostic function. The large 4 digit LED display assures a good accuracy of reading. The pressure switch type 548 is based upon the well proven ceramic technology developed by Huba Control over 20 years ago.
pneumatic switch
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These are switches that are used in steam rooms. These are usually just on and off buttons. They come in various designs to help improve the look of your steam room.
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Pressure Switch
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Our pressure / Vacuum switches are available in mechanical switching as well as Hall effect switching with operating pressure ranges from 700 m bar. The hall effect switches are completely programmable for ON OFF state and can maintain very low hysteresis. The applications include automotive & industrial filtration systems, oil pressure sensing in engine & transmissions, etc.. Available in 2 wire or 3 wire configuration Temperature range : 40°C to +125°C Supply Voltage :4.5 V 12.5 V
Washing Machines
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Washing Machines, Drying Machines, garment machines