rudraksha bracelet
You must know about the functioning of rudraksha and gemstones before you start using these. Rudraksha are great balancers of energy in our body-mind. Rudraksha are hence used for balancing graha energies for our benefits. Rudraksha has dynamic polarity (it can change its polarity ) and works at cellular level in our body. Our cells have protein, DNA, RNA, and amino acids. The amino acid has electrical charges and any disturbance in amino acids disturbs the electrical polarity in our cells. The healthy cells have 70 to 100 millivolts of current, with the heart cells having 90 to 100 millivolts. Due to stress, anxiety, and fears coupled with disturbed electromagnetic fields around us, the cellular voltage drops. People with chronic illness have cellular voltage of 30 to 50 millivolts.
Application : Religious
...moreRudraksha Mala
17,999 - 18,000 Per piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Love mala (prem mala) consists of 6,7,9, and 13 mukhi rudraksha beads. 6 and is for Mars which helps avoid anger and conflicts in relationships. 9 mukhi for Rahu avoids severe aggression and separations in love relationship. 7 mukhi for Venus creates romantic hormones in the body and 13 mukhi also for Venus creates an attraction at the auric level. Those who want to have love in their life e by attracting opposite sex or those who are already in love should wear this rudraksha combination mala. Shop now : Astrology Consultant whatsapp- +91-9845124158 Email us : Call Now : 8884985444 {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}
Country of Origin : India
Size : Standard
Type : Rudraksha
Gender : Female, Male
In the above picture, at the bottom, below the spinal cord, is the location of root chakra. This chakra operates at IR and Red color frequencies. This chakra is for survival of our life and works as the foundation of our life’s journey. Life can be stable or unstable, fearful or courageous, energetic or dull etc. depend on this chakra. IR is Rahu and Red is Mars. Both these are heat generating frequencies. Disturbed Rahu or Mars (Afflicted/debilitated/Exalted/Retrograde) would imbalance this chakra.
...moreGem Stones
As discussed earlier gemstones are boosters. You should be very careful while you wear a gemstone. Or else, it would do more harm than any good. This is especially true for Blue sapphire (Neelam) for Saturn (Shani), Hessonite or Gomedh for Rahu and Cat’s Eye stone or Lahsuniya for Ketu. To be in a safer side, always wear rudraksha for Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. If you feel that you must wear a Blue Sapphire (Neelam) because of your inner calling, I suggest you meet me in person to analyze your astro chart and understand the position of Saturn in your life. Why do I say that you should be very careful about wearing a gemstone? Gemstones are dug from deep earth. Because of tectonic pressure, the gemstones acquire radioactive properties and keep on radiating negative ions of chemicals these are composed of.
Application : Jewellery
Feature : Shiny Looks
69,900 - 69,990 Per piece
Gemstones which highly valued for their immense rarity and high-end beauty are known as Precious stones. Shop now : Email us : \Call Now : 8884985444
Country of Origin : India
Our physical body is made of pancha bhoot (five basic element) : earth, water, fire, air, and ether. None of these elements have prana (life force). The electrical body, in and around the physical gives life to it. Example: Imagine a fan without electricity as a physical body. A fan can rotate only when electricity is connected to it. Same happens with our body (like a fan) and electricity (aura). This electrical body , also known as aura or sukshma sharira , surrounds our physical body and works as a medium to receive energies from the universe and supply positive energies to us. We can also say that this electrical body is nothing but the mirror of our inner body electromagnetic field. That is why, when we meditate and do chakra balancing through mudra and beeja mantra chanting, the dimension and quality of aura changes. Another way to explain is that our body is like a sponge, which is soaked in water i.e auric body. In the absence of this body, we are dead ( as the panch bhoot sharira has no life).
...moreVishuddhi Chakra Services
When we have an imbalanced Vishuddhi (throat) chakra, we start to suffer frequent sore throats, frozen shoulders, toothaches, jaw pain, earache, etc. An overactive chakra makes you a person who always talks and talks. Such persons feel restless when there is no one to talk. If they do not find anyone around then, they start talking to themselves or to a TV. Mercury (Budha) and Saturn (Shani) control and influence this chakra. If you experience such imbalances then you must consult Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma for an astro consultation to find the state of Mercury (Budha).
...moreVenus Shukra Graha
A malefic / vakri or badly placed Venus robs a person of pleasures of life. Low sexual desire, premature ejaculation, frigidity, problems relating to sperms ( sperms are called “shukranu”), womb and conceive related issues of women are indications of Venus related problems. Venus can help to be successful as a model, stage artist, movie actor and all kinds of creative activities.
Above the root chakra is the Swadhisthana chakra. It is below navel area and includes genital areas. The imbalanced chakra symptoms are: Underactive Swadhisthana chakra Frequent urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney problems, PCOD, disturbed menstrual cycles, semen deficiency, dryness in the vagina, uterine problems, testicles, pelvic pain, depression, feelings of isolation and the inability to enjoy life with oneself or with others are signs of under-active Swadhisthana chakra. Indications of a blocked Swadhisthana chakra are frigidity in women and sexual dysfunction in men. To these people, life looks barren, dry, and boring. These people shun all social functions and parties. They are morose kind of people. Overactive Swadhisthana Chakra On the other hand, those with an overactive chakra are party animals. Sex is their primary motivator. They watch too much pornography; engage in too many discussions relating to sex and enjoyment. These people cannot commit to permanent relationships and have multiple partners.
...moreSun Surya Graha Services
Sun helps us to gain name, fame, power, and authority. Sun is our soul. A debilitated Sun makes us dull, unimpressive, lacking in luster and brilliance, and worthless. If it can be energized, then the Sun can fill the life with brilliance, draw name and fame and bring honor to one’s life. Sun effects our digestion system and pancreas. A weak Sun in astro chart can lead to gas, severe flatulence, and indigestion.
...moreSaturn Shani Graha Services
Saturn is like a GPS. If functional, it will lead you to your destination of success. If it is malfunctioning then you will lend at wrong destination on the path of your life. Time, money, and efforts, all gone in waste. Saturn rules over your Ajna chakra or third eye. The clarity about life, the visions, and goals of one’s life come from Saturn. Without knoPundit, we touch our forehead and say..” my karma..fate”, but in actuality, we are referring to Saturn..Shani maharaja. It is so because, Shani is the “danda adhikari”, means the judge who has the power to give awards and punishments as per past karma.
...moreRahu Graha Services
In Hindu scriptures, Rahu is referred as Chhayaa (shadow). It is correct because IR, which Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma refers as Rahu, is invisible to naked eyes. IR is in between Red and Micro woven frequency range and hence has the element of heat. Heat is required for origination, growth, and sustenance of all organisms and living beings. That is why, Rahu is such an essential form of energy.
...moreNaadi Dosh Services
Naadi is pulse. A vaidya (ayurvedic doctor) checks naadi to ascertain tatva imbalance so that tridosh (vata, pitta, and kapha) can be balanced in the body. Any imbalance in these three will lead to diseases (dis-ease) in the body. From Vedic jyotish point of view, if we can find out which naadi a person belongs to, then we would know what kind of diseases the person shall be prone to.
...moreMoon Chandra Graha Services
We have 70 % water in our body. We know how moon influences the seawater creating lull or waves. Moon thus controls and influences our emotion. People born on days closer to Poornima (full moon) are generally happy-go-lucky types. They are very emotional and sentimental. On the other hand, those who are born closer to amavasya (new moon) are prone to depression and susceptible to negativity. A sad movie or song, or negative people make them get into melancholy and depression. Seeing the moon position on astro chart, we can find out about a person temperament.
...moreMercury Budha Graha Services
This graha is for peace and tranquility in the heart. If Mercury is bad in astro chart then the person attracts wrong people to his/her life unknoPunditly those who give pain and sufferings to him/her. As this graha rules over heart chakra, it can effect all vital organs like heart, liver, lungs and pancreas also adversely. Mercury is also for memory and intelligence. Students face many issues if Mercury is vakri or debilitated.
...moreMars Mangal Graha Services
Mars is highly misunderstood by people. However, It is a graha which is known as “mangal” means auspicious. This graha is for energy, heat, courage, leadership, and valor. Too much of this energy (if Mars is exalted) or if it is malefic in astro chart, a person can be very short tempered and aggressive in behavior. If it is vakri then it can make one fearful and lazy. If it is debilitated then one can get into depression and does not take any interest in worldly matters. Narendra Modi, prime minister of India. Mars plays a major role in his life.
...moreManipura Chakra Services
If the chakra is underactive, then a person starts feeling inadequate, has low self-esteem, low levels of confidence, an inferiority complex and no desire to excel in any field in life. The person is not interested in gaining a name or fame. He likes to lead a mediocre life where he can remain unknown and ordinary. He finds difficult to handle stress and anxiety. Overactive Manipura chakra It can lead to too much energy in this chakra. It creates delusion and dissonance, disdain, hatred, arrogance and manic conditions. Too much ego, over-confidence, and an over-ambitious attitude are indicators of an overactive front Manipura chakra. An overactive Manipura chakra makes a person extremely ambitious, and self-centered. He thinks that he is the only VIP, everyone should listen to him, and nobody should question his authority. Autocratic bosses at the office and dominating wives at home are good examples of overly active Manipura chakra.
...moreKetu Graha Services
We discussed about Rahu. We learnt a new way to understand i.e. the working zone Rahu is at the root chakra (the lower part ) of our body. This is because of the “Chhaya” effect on water/liquid in a reversed way. FolloPundit the same understanding, though the picture of Ketu is shown as lower part of the body, the working zone is over the head. (read Rahu explanation). Ketu occupies the top layers of energy spectrum in the range of UV/Violet, above Saturn (which rules over third eye).
...moreKaala Sarpa Dosh Services
Majority of the people think that it is some sort of black snake blemish. When all the grahas are placed on one side of Rahu and Ketu, we say that a person has a KaalaSarpa dosh.
...moreJupiter Brihaspati Graha Services
Jupiter is for wisdom and family happiness. It helps in studies, assimilation of knowledge, sound decisions, discerning ability and general wellbeing in one’s life. A malefic Jupiter can make a person incapable of taking correct decisions resulting in repentance. The person finds himself/ herself incapable of handling any kind of stress and panics when faced with small impediments. The stress piles up and leads to various complications like liver cirrhosis , and diabetes etc. A badly placed Jupiter can delay marriage and /or no marriage.
...moreCrown Chakra Sahasrara Services
The crown chakra aligns our consciousness to one-ness with the multi-verse. Imbalanced Sahasrara Chakra An imbalanced Sahasrara chakra would make a person believe that God never hears his /her prayers. A sick feeling that no one could really help him/her, that life will never change, and she/he is destined to constantly suffer, churns within him or her.
...moreAnahata Chakra Services
Above Manipura chakra is the Anahata (Heart) chakra. It is over the heart region. Symptoms of a Block in the Heart chakra When this chakra is blocked, then the person does not trust other people. He or she thinks the whole world is untrustworthy. He or she becomes incapable of loving others. Every person looks like a cheat. He or she finds it difficult to relate to others. If the heart chakra is blocked, the person does not love himself/herself. He/she doubts everybody and finds it difficult to fall in love. An overactive heart chakra can lead to over-sensitivity and make a person very emotional. They are cheated very quickly and are gullible. They are incredibly generous to the point that they land in trouble often.
...moreAjna Chakra Services
Above the Vishuddhi is the Ajna chakra, popularly known as third eye. It is on forehead, between the eyebrows. We normally touch here while referring to luck or Bhagya. A person whose Ajna chakra is blocked finds it difficult to visualize his/her future and cannot have future plans for business, job, house, and children.
...moreMangalik Dosh in Marriage Consultancy Services
There is lots of confusion regarding Mangalik dosha. To ally all fears and wrong understanding, we shall learn more about it and make notes in what situations this is not applicable. To start with, let us understand that Mangalik is not a dosha (blemish). Mars being the source of energy and leadership qualities and great organizational skills can take career graph of a person very high. To understand in very simple way, we call a person Mangalik when Mars energy i.e. Red color frequency is too much in him/her. Too much of this frequency leads to rashness in behavior, aggressive temperament and dominating character.
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