Wood Burning Stove
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It is now understood that emissions from traditional cook stoves pose a threat bigger than previously thought. The newest health data from WHO estimates that 4.3 million people die annually from household air pollution caused by cooking with biomass and coal. It is the greatest health risk in the world after high blood pressure, tobacco and alcohol. More people are dying from the incremental, ongoing inhalation of smoke from fires they ignite in their homes than from malaria, tuberculosis and HIVAIDS combined.
Super Turbo Wood Stove
2,000 - 65,000 Per
Wood stove, Pellets stove with more than 50 % efficient are avaliable
Best Deals from Wood Stove
Wood Burning Stove
9,500 Per Piece
Wood Pellet Burner
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It is an economical alternative for providing energy to boilers, coating, heating and drying industries. It uses biomass pellets as fuel which is fully natural and renewable. It helps in saving the fuel by replacing the costly fuels like LPG, Diesel and Electricity. It can be coupled with the existing horizontal boilers with minimum retrofitting and gives the maximum benefit to the customers.
Wood Combustion Stove
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Wood Pellet Burner
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Airier wood pellet stoves are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. We provide Eco stoves for residential and commercial space. These are carefully designed keeping all possible difficulties in kitchen in mind.