Adinath Industries Near ITI, Bathinda, Punjab

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider
  • Year of Establishment 2021

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Adinath Industries is a prominent name in the food industry. Today we have been able to reach the top despite being a very new startup because of the dedicated services and quality products that we have been serving to our clients all over the country.

In this hard and stressful world that we live in today, it is of immense necessity to serve all food products that are wholly good and nutritious. It is the sole reason that we manufacture and supply fortified rice kernels. 

As it is a basic necessity of life we have taken it upon us as our duty to serve them at very reasonable rates so that it becomes easily reachable and affordable to one and all. That is why our rice kernels are priced at Rs. 45-60/ kg. We supply in minimum quantities that range up to 10 tons. 

We have been guided and led by our inspiration to serve quality to humanity. We envision 

everyone benefitting from our products. This leads to manufacturing the very best from our unit in Gurdaspur in Punjab. At our unit, we ensure that every grain of rice is adequately fortified in the optimum quantity so that everyone who uses our rice kernels can benefit from us.

Just as we value purity and genuinity, we also treasure being a quick response team that will immediately respond at one small call. All these attributes of ours are making us one of the most appreciated companies today.

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Contact Information

Adinath Industries

  • Mr. Chander Gupt
  • E-19, Old Industrial Area, Near ITI, Bathinda, Punjab