Fuel Management System (FMS)
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This Speed Limiter is based on the Fuel Management System (FMS) that used to control the speed of the vehicle by virtue of the quantity of fuel. It consists of Speed Sensor, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and Solenoid Valve. It is installed in be-tween the fuel pump & fuel filter. ECU can be programmed at any set speed. Speed Sensor is in-stalled between the lower extrem-ity of odometer cable and gear box As the vehicle start moving its odometer cable rotates due to this rotation. Speed Sensor gener-ates for a train of output pulses which are transmitted through cable toECU. ECU. When subsequent output of the solenoid is gener-ated. that control the flow of fuel quantity to maintain the set speed. This process is continues throughout the journey this speed limiter is suitable for all big xR diesel operated vehicle like tractor , trailers and other vehicle haying GVW greater than n 3.5 tones. FMS (MASL -1050 & MASL-A1050).