Plantonics Gold
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Plantonics Gold is amino acid based Plant Growth promoter. It contains amino acids in the form of bio-available Nitrogen. Plantonics Gold is first of its kind product manufactured by Best sources by sophisticated state of art technology. The active nature of amino acids helps in chelating and better absorption of nutrients by the plant. Plantonics Gold contains protein for increasing the productivity of the plant under all geographical conditions. Plantonics Gold is available in both liquid and granule form. Plantonics Gold in granular form is slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for longer duration. Advantages : Increases the yield and quality of the crop. Enhances the flowering and reduces the flower drop. Increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves leading to higher photosynthetic rate. Increases the resistance power of the plant by strengthening the immune system Increases soil micro flora and improves the health of the soil. Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/pesticides. Recommendation : It is recommended for vegetables, fruits, Cotton, Cereals, horticultural crop and all other crops. Method of application & Dosage : Liquid : Foliar Application : 2-3 ml/Litre of water, Drip Irrigation : 1-1.5 Litre/acre Granule : 10-15 Kg/acre * *Dosages will vary based on various Geo Climatic conditions & crops. Packing : Liquid formulations : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr Granular Formulations : 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 24 Kg, 48 Kg