Limba-501 (Bio Pesticide)
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100 Litre (MOQ)
LIMBA -501 It is useful for destroyed little animals on the leaf of plant as well as in which protein and calcium also helpful in these herbal pesticides. In which all type of little insects like as green and white flea, thrips, crackers, green fly and white fly, grass hopper etc. types of insects are controlled by this product. Cotton, vegetables, onion, tobacco, ground nut, grains, sugar cane, wheat, beans, orchard crop, paddy, caminseeds, etc. type of crops are given better result through our product. It is match with all type of fungus destroyer and insect destroyer product. LIMBA is an eco-friendly as well as free of pollution. It is a one type of bio-products. When the insects are take their food at that time this products go in their body by food. So that’s why it is a 100% pure and effective product which gives result rapidly. PROPORTION: - 2 to 3 ml. in 1 ltr. Water. INCLUDE: - PARTICULAR PERCENTAGE Neem Arc 11% Sitafal Arc 11% Dhatura 0.2% Garlic arc 0.2% Jetropha 0.5% Nicotine (tobacco) Arc 12% Aelovera 0.5% Cow Urine Arc 17% sea protein Q.S. base
attack Bio Pesticide
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ATTACK is eco-friendly as well as free of pollution.It is match with all type of fungus destroyer and insect destroyer product. It is helpful for the control of green beetle, soldier beetle, termite and milibug. It is useful for destroyed little animals on the leaf of plant as well as in which protein and calcium also helpful in these herbal pesticides.Cotton, vegetables, onion, ground nut, grains, sugar cane, wheat, beans, orchard crop, paddy, cumin seeds, etc. type of crops are given better result through our product.
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