Plantonics Zinc
Zinc is essential for the plant growth and development. Zinc is required for normal photosynthesis in plants and is directly/indirectly required by several enzyme systems, auxins and protein synthesis. All flowering plants require Zinc for flower production, fruit set, seed set, and improved rate of maturity. Pale patches, yellowing, and mottling leaves are symptoms of Zinc deficiency. So are shortening of stem and stalk internodes giving a rosette bushy look. Leaves are thickened and narrow. Growth of plant, flowering, fruiting and maturity are delayed, shoots may die off and leaves can fall prematurely. Plantonics Zinc is combination of Gluconates and Amino Acids fortified with Zinc in readily available form along with seeweed extract and Humic Acid The Gluconates and Amino Acids acts as natural chelating agents which engulfs the nutrients and helps in easy in-take of the nutrients by the plants. Plantonics Zinc is available in both liquid and granules form. Plantonics Zinc in granular form is formed by using natural clay as base material. The slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for longer duration. Advantages : Necessary for energy production, protein synthesis and growth regulation within plants Necessary for the formation of chlorophyll and carbohydrates. Increases the flower formation, fruit set, seed set & rate of maturity which results in higher yields Reduces withering in patches. It stops the formation of abnormally small leaves. It increases the plant’s resistance to diseases and boosts growth rate. Completely Biodegradable. Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/pesticides. Recommendation : It is recommended for vegetables, fruits, Cotton, Paddy, wheat, maize and all other crops. Method of application & Dosage : Liquid : Foliar Application : 2-3 ml/Litre of water, Drip Irrigation : 1-1.5 Litre/acre Granule : 5 – 10 Kg/acre * *Dosages will vary based on various Geo Climatic conditions & crops. Packing : Liquid formulations : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr Granular Formulations : 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 24 Kg, 48 Kg
...morePlantonics Vegetable Special
Plantonics Vegetable Special is Research Product for highest Yield in Vegetable Crops like, Chilly, Brinjal, Guar, Cabbage, Ridge Guard, Ladies Finger, Guard, Coriander, Bitter gourd, Capsicum, Spinach, Tomato and all Vegetable Crops. Plantonics Vegetable Special is triple acting Organic input for higher yield in Vegetable Crops, which works as an Organic fertilizer, Organic Plant Growth Promoter and Organic Soil Supplement. Why Plantonics Vegetable Special? Vegetable Special Improves color, Increased Size and Weight of Vegetable attractive Appearance of Vegetable Crops. Great Taste is Trademark of Plantonics Vegetable Special, as it improves Taste, and Customers returns every time for the unforgettable Taste of Plantonics Vegetable Special used Vegetables. Plantonics Vegetable Special Provides Market’s Highest Price to farmer because of Better Taste Color, Appearance, Improved Shelf Life of Vegetables. Decreased Dropping of Flowering and Vegetable Leads to Highest Yield of Vegetable Crops after application of Plantonics Vegetable Special. Protection against Diseases and Unfavorable atmospheric Shock saves huge on Chemical Pesticides. Savings on water Up to 40%. Savings on Chemical fertilizers and Pesticides up to 50% Increase in Yield up to 50 % Improved Soil fertility, Vigorous Plant growth, Healthy Leaves, Roots, Flowering, Vegetable Size, Early Harvesting and Highest yield is Added advantage of Plantonics Vegetable Special.
...morePlantonics Sugarcane Special
Sugarcane special is specially developed natural mixture of nutrients for optimum crop production. Why should i use Sugarcane Special? Many farmers are using Sugarcane special since years to increase yield of sugarcane crop. Green and healthy Crop Improved immune System Increased sugar content Increased weight Improved protection against stress of fungus pest disease & atmospheric changes. Sugarcane special contains highly effective nutrients in natural form which Plants can Uptake and Utilize easily compare to Chemical fertilizers.
...morePlantonics Potato Special
Nutrients in Plantonics Potato Special is useful for Improves plant health and Vigour Activates plant’s immune system Helps in nutrient uptake from soil Helps in increasing weight size and shape Improved shelf life Less requirement of chemical fertilizers
...morePlantonics Potash
Plantonics Potash Potassium is an essential plant nutrient and is required in large amounts for proper growth and reproduction of plants. Potassium is commonly considered as the “quality nutrient.” It affects the plant shape, size, color, taste and other measurements attributed to healthy produce. Potassium deficiency might cause abnormalities in plants. Conditions such as Chlorosis, Slow or Stunted growth, Poor resistance to temperature changes and to drought and Defoliation as well as Poor resistance to pests, Weak and unhealthy roots, Uneven ripening of fruits In Order to overcome all the major problems faced by using inorganic potash, Gujarat Bio Organics Pvt Ltd have manufactured Plantonics Potash by complexing Organic Potash. Plantonics Potash is available in both liquid and granules form. Plantonics potash in granular form is formed slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for longer duration Advantages: In Photosynthesis, potassium regulates the opening and closing of stomata, and therefore regulates CO2 uptake. Potassium triggers activation of enzymes and is essential for production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Potassium plays a major role in the regulation of water in plants (osmo-regulation). Both uptake of water through plant roots and its loss through the stomata are affected by potassium. Known to improve drought resistance. Protein and starch synthesis in plants require potassium as well. Potassium is essential at almost every step of the protein synthesis. In starch synthesis, the enzyme responsible for the process is activated by potassium. Activation of enzymes – potassium has an important role in the activation of many growth related enzymes in plants. Increases the flower formation, fruit set, seed set and rate of maturity which results in higher yields. Improves the color of the fruits, thus increasing their market value. Promotes growth of healthy green leaves and reduces the intensity of choruses. Completely biodegradable. Prolongs the shelf life of the produce. Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/pesticides. Recommendation: It is recommended for vegetables, paddy, wheat, maize, fruits, cotton, cereals, Soya, chilies, horticultural crop and all other crops. Method of application & Dosage: Liquid: Foliar Application: 2-3 ml/Liter of water, Drip Irrigation : 1-1.5 Liter/acre Granule: 20-25 Kg/acre * *Dosages will vary based on various Geo Climatic conditions & crops. Packing: Liquid formulations: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr Granular Formulations: 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 24 Kg, 48 Kg
...morePlantonics Phos
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient both as a part of several key plant structure compounds and as a catalysis in the conversion of numerous key biochemical reactions in plants. Phosphorus is noted especially for its role in capturing and converting the sun’s energy into useful plant compounds. Phosphorus is a vital component of DNA and RNA. Phosphorus is also a vital component of ATP, the “energy unit” of plants. Phosphorous influences the vigor of plants and improves the quality of crops. It encourages the formation of new cells, promotes root growth, hastens leaf development, the formation of grains, and the maturation of crops. It also increases resistance to diseases and strengthens the stems of cereal plants, thus reducing their tendency to lodge. Phosphorous deficiency causes stunted growth, do not develop satisfactory root system and sometimes develop a tendency to show a reddish or purplish discoloration of the stem and foliage owing to an abnormal increase in the sugar content and the formation of anthocyanin. In Order to overcome all the major problems faced by Phosphorous deficiency, Gujarat Bio Organics Pvt Ltd have manufactured Plantonics Phos by complexing naturally occurring Phosphorous salt. The Amino Acids acts as natural chelating agents which engulfs the nutrients and helps in easy in-take of the nutrients by the plants. Plantonics Phos is available in both liquid and granules form. Plantonics phos in granular form is formed slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for longer duration. Advantages: Stimulated root development Increased stalk and stem strength Improved flower formation and seed production More uniform and earlier crop maturity Increased nitrogen N-fixing capacity of legumes Improvements in crop quality Increased resistance to plant diseases Supports development throughout entire life cycle Completely Biodegradable and improves soil health. Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/pesticides. Recommendation : It is recommended for vegetables, fruits, cotton, cereals, horticultural crop and all other crops. Method of application & Dosage : Liquid: Foliar Application : 2-3 ml/Liter of water, Drip Irrigation : 1-1.5 Liter/acre Granule: 20-25 Kg/acre * *Dosages will vary based on various Geo Climatic conditions & crops. Packing : Liquid formulations : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr Granular Formulations: 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 24 Kg, 48 Kg
...morePlantonics Onion Special
Plantonics Onion Special is Research Product for highest Yield in Onion. Plantonics Onion Special is triple acting Organic input for higher yield in Onion, which works as an Organic fertilizer, Organic Plant Growth Promoter and Organic Soil Supplement. Plantonics onion special is used for Potato, Garlic, Beet root, turmeric, Ginger, Radish and Carrot. Why Plantonics Onion Special…? Onion Special Improves Root System, Chlorophyll Content, Increased Size and Weight of Onion Bulb. Plantonics Onion Special Provides Market’s Highest Price to farmer because of Better Colour and Appearance, Improved Shelf Life of Onion. Protection against Diseases and Unfavourable atmosphere saves huge on Chemical Pesticides. Savings on water Up to 40%. Savings on Urea up to 100% Savings on DAP up to 75 to 100 % Increase in Onion Yield up to 100 % Improved Soil fertility, Vigorous Plant growth, Healthy Leaves, Roots, Bulb, Decrease in Crop Duration and Highest yield is Added advantage of Plantonics Onion Special. Usage: All crops Including Wheat, Paddy, Sugarcane, Pearl Millet, Maize, Cotton, Vegetables, Onion, Potato, All Fruit Crops like Citrus Fruit, Mango, Guava, and Most of Spices crops Tea Coffee. Doasge: Use Plantonics Liquid as foliar spray 2-3 ml/litre of water. 700-800 ML/ Acre with Drip-Runoff water. Packing: 1Litre -5 Litres. Compatible with most of Chemical fertilizer and Chemical Pesticides as well as Bio fertilizers and bio pesticides-Recommended Jar test.
...morePlantonics NPK
Plants require three major nutrients – Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium for its growth and development. Plantonics NPK is combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium chelated with Amino Acids. • Nitrogen is the major component of amino acids, the critical element constituent of proteins and is necessary component in cell structure, plays very important role in cell division & reproduction. • Phosphorous is vital for adequate root development and helps the plant resist drought. It enhances flowering and increases fruit and seed production. • Potassium improves quality of seeds and fruit. It also helps to improve crop resistance to lodging, disease & drought. Advantages : Promotes the development of the healthy primary roots & their subsequent branches. Enhances the flowering and reduces the flower drop. Helps in higher photosynthesis and boosts vegetative growth. Increases the resistance power of the plant by strengthening the immune system. Completely biodegradable and improves soil health. Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/pesticides. Recommendation : It is recommended for vegetables, paddy, fruits, Cotton, Cereals, wheat, Maize, horticultural crop and all other crops. Method of application & Dosage : Liquid : Foliar Application : 2-3 ml/Litre of water, Drip Irrigation : 1-1.5 Litre/acre Granule : 20-25 Kg/acre * *Dosages will vary based on various Geo Climatic conditions & crops. Packing : Liquid formulations : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr Granular formulations : 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 24 Kg, 48 Kg
...morePlantonics Mango Special
Plantonics Mango Special Plantonics Mango Special What is Plantonics Mango Special? Plantonics Mango Special is specially developed balanced and complete Organic Blend for higher yield of Mango Crop. What are the benefits of Plantonics Mango Special? Long green healthy leaves Improved Photosynthesis Better tolerance against atmospheric changes Increased Flowering- Least Dropping Why should i use Plantonics Mango Special? Due to Global warming and hazardous chemical application on soil, our crop’s tolerance power is weaken greatly, crop is not able to cope up with atmospheric –temperature changes,imbalanced nutrient availability and Biotic Stress. Plantonics Mango Special provides vital nutrients in natural form, which plant can utilize easily. fertilie soil and Healthy Crop Prevents damages of Biotic and abiotic Stress. Healthy and long roots uptakes more nutrients and improved Photosynthesis insures increased fruit size and weight. What does it contain Plantonics Mango Special? Plantonics Mango Special is Blend of Naturally growing herbs and Plants. Nutrients of Plantonics Mango Special are highly efficient and readily bio-available for plant. Plantonics Mango Special starts work within minutes and shows positive effects in short period of time. When should i use Plantonics Mango Special? Plantonics Mango Special can be used anytime. Ideally by foliar spray at 12-15 days interval and by drip-open fertigation 30-35 days interval 2 application. Can i use Plantonics Mango Special with Chemical fertilizer and chemical pesticides? Plantonics Mango Special is compatible with most of chemical fertilizers and Pesticides. (Recommended Jar Test) How much should i use Plantonics Mango Special ? Dosage : BY FOLIAR SPRAY: 35-40 ML/ 15 LTR OF WATER BEFORE FLOWERING OR DURING-AFTER FLOWER FLOWERING-DURING FRUIT SETTING REPEAT AFTER 15-20 DAYS -2-3 APPLICATION BY DRIP – FLOOD IRRIGATION: 25 ML PER PLANT 2 APPLICATIONS OR TAKE 39 LITRE WATER AND ADD 1 LITRE PLANTONICS MANGO SPECIAL, NOW PUT 1 LITRE IN EVERY PLANT RECMND 2 APPLICATIONS PACKING SIZE: 250 ML 1 L 5L
...morePlantonics Magnesium
Magnesium is an indispensable mineral for plant growth, for it plays a major role in the production of chlorophyll, on which photosynthesis depends. Many critical physiological and biochemical processes in plants are adversely affected by Magnesium deficiency, leading to impairments in growth and yield. Amino Acids acts as natural chelating agents which engulfs the nutrients and helps in easy in-take of the nutrients by the plants. Plantonics Magnesium is available in both liquid and granules form. Plantonics Magnesium in granular formed slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for longer duration. Advantages : Enhances synthesis of organic compounds which are useful for plant growth and functioning. Helps in chlorophyll formation, hence increases the photosynthetic rate. Increases the yield & Quality of the produce. Helps in Synthesis of amino acids and cell proteins. Facilitates the utilization of other important nutrients by the plant. Completely Biodegradable and improves soil health. Compatible to be used along with other fertilizers/pesticides Recommendation : It is recommended for vegetables, fruits, Cotton, Cereals, Maize and all other crops. Method of application & Dosage : Liquid: Foliar Application : 2-3 ml/Litre of water, Drip Irrigation : 1-1.5 Litre/acre Granule: 10 – 15 Kg/acre * *Dosages will vary based on various Geo Climatic conditions & crops. Packing: Liquid formulations: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr Granular Formulations: 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 24 Kg, 48 Kg
...morePlantonics Liquid
Plantonics Liquid is specially developed Unique Formula for Healthy Crops and Higher Yield. Plantonics Liquid Provides many Macro and Micronutrients in Organic form. Plantonics Liquid Improves Overall Plant Health and helps in maintaining Plant Immunity, when used as fertigation application Improves soil Structure, Texture and porosity which provides more Oxygen, Nutrients and Water to the plant. Plantonics Liquid is working as stress buster Large, Green and Healthy Leaves. Long and Healthy Roots. Resistance against unfavourable weather, Pest attack & diseases. Improved Flowering-Fruit Setting, Least Dropping. Improvement in Size-Weight, Colour and Sweet Content. Huge savings on water, chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Higher Yield and Premium Quality-Premium Prices. Plantonics Liquid is specially developed Unique Formula for Healthy Crops and Higher Yield. Plantonics Liquid Provides many Macro and Micronutrients in Organic form. Plantonics Liquid Improves Overall Plant Health and helps in maintaining Plant Immunity, when used as fertigation application Improves soil Structure, Texture and porosity which provides more Oxygen, Nutrients and Water to the plant. Plantonics Liquid is working as stress buster Large, Green and Healthy Leaves. Long and Healthy Roots. Resistance against unfavourable weather, Pest attack & diseases. Improved Flowering-Fruit Setting, Least Dropping. Improvement in Size-Weight, Colour and Sweet Content. Huge savings on water, chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Higher Yield and Premium Quality-Premium Prices. Works better with Combination of Plantonics Granules. Usage: All crops Including Wheat, Paddy, Sugarcane, Pearl Millet, Maize, Cotton, Vegetables, Onion, Potato, All Fruit Crops like Citrus Fruit, Mango, Guava, and Most of Spices crops Tea Coffee. Doasge: Use Plantonics Liquid as foliar spray 2-3 ml/litre of water. 700-800 ML/ Acre with Drip-Runoff water. Packing: 1Litre -5 Litres. Compatible with most of Chemical fertilizer and Chemical Pesticides as well as Bio fertilizers and bio pesticides-Recommended Jar test. Plantonics Liquid is INPUT APPROVED IN ORGANICS AGRICULTURE.
...morePlantonics Fruit Special
Plantonics Fruit Special is Research Product for highest Yield in Fruit Crops Like Pomegranates, Orange, Lemon, Papaya, Custard Apple, Banana, Coconut, Watermelon, Musk Melon, Guava , Grapes, Apples, Cherry, Strawberry, Sapota (Chikoo), Pineapple , Sweet Orange (Mosambi), and all Horticulture Crops. Plantonics Fruit Special is triple acting Organic input for higher yield in Fruit Crops, which works as an Organic fertilizer, Organic Plant Growth Promoter and Organic Soil Supplement. Why Plantonics Fruit Special? Fruit Special Improves color, Increased Size and Weight of Fruit attractive Appearance of Fruit Crops. Great Taste is Trademark of Plantonics Fruit Special, as it improves taste, and Customers returns every year for the unforgettable taste of Plantonics Fruit Special. Plantonics Fruit Special Provides Market’s Highest Price to farmer because of Better Taste, Color, Appearance, Improved Shelf Life of Fruit. Decreased Dropping of Flowering and Fruit Highest Yield of Fruit Crops after application of Plantonics Fruit Special Plantonics Fruit Special Can be used in Organic farming. Protection against Diseases and Unfavorable atmospheric Shock saves huge on Chemical Pesticides. Savings on water Up to 40%. Savings on Chemical fertilizers and Pesticides up to 50% Increase in Yield up to 50 % Improved Soil fertility, Vigorous Plant growth, Healthy Leaves, Roots, Flowering, Fruit Size, Early Harvesting and Highest yield is Added advantage of Plantonics Fruit Special. Cost effective and Eco-friendly.
...morePlantonics Cotton Special
Plantonics Cotton Special is Research Product for higher yield in cotton. Plantonics Cotton Special triple acting Organic input for higher yield in Cotton, which works as an Organic fertilizer, Organic Plant Growth Promoter and Organic Soil Supplement. Why Plantonics Cotton Special..? Cotton Special Improves Lust Green Colour, Growth of cotton, induces flowering and provides Protection against Flower / Boll Dropping and Increases size & weight of cotton boll. Savings on water Up to 40%. Savings on Urea up to 100% Savings on DAP up to 50 to 100 % Increase in Cotton Yield up to 50 % -> Improved Soil fertility, Vigorous Plant growth, Healthy Leaves, Roots, Flower & Boll and Highest yield is Added advantage of Plantonics Cotton Special. Cost effective and Eco-friendly.
...morePlantonics Citrus Special
Plantonics Citrus Special is Specially developped Research product for overall growth and Yield of Citrus Crops. Plantonics Citrus Special is usefull for all citrus crops like Orange, kinnow, Lemon, Sweet lemon, bitter lemon, Citron Clementine Etc.. Better Root System. Less requirement of water. Green healthy and dense leaves. Improved flowering. Better fruit setting. Better Size. Improve Colour and Shining.
...moreBio Potash
Plantonics Potash Potassium is an essential plant nutrient and is required in large amounts for proper growth and reproduction of plants. Potassium is commonly considered as the �quality nutrient.� It affects the plant shape, size, color, taste and other measurements attributed to healthy produce. Gujarat Bio Organics Pvt Ltd have manufactured Plantonics Potash by complexing Organic Potash. Plantonics Potash is available in both liquid and granules form. Plantonics potash in granular form is formed slow releasing nature of the base material makes the nutrient available to the plant for longer duration.
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