Pruthvi Khetiwadi Kendra Nilambaug, Bhavnagar, Gujarat

  • Uberty Soil Conditioner

    Uberty Soil Conditioner

    8,500 Per 9200 Metric Ton

    16 Ton (MOQ)

    Organic N.P.K Granules Fertilizer�s Detail:- � Main Content ->organic. N.P.K. + Helping Content(Zink � Copper � Magnesium � Sulfur � Boron) � Mainly it is made high qualitative by Bentonite, Bonmil Powder, sea weeds, Dolomite, Seaweed extract, cow�s urine, and wormy wash etc. natural mineral elements. As natural lime is in ample proportion it reduces acidity from Soil, improves land and makes it soft. � Wormy wash in the liquid which is the best natural element very essential in development of vegetation. It increases the capacity to hold fertile in land. Land becomes damage by continues use of chemical fertilizers again and again given to your Farm. � Instead of using chemical fertilizer used Uberty granuals fertilizer which is an organic fertilizer for best result. � It is a natural agri culture product. � It reduces distroyness as well as increase land fertileness & their quality. � It is the best option available in fertilizer used as above element while sawing. All necessary required elements are present in required proportion. � Useful for every farming products and no need to use other basic fertilizer once the UBERTY GRANULES. INGRADIANTS Percentage (%) Seaweed 7% Cow urine arc 5% Amino acid 2% Bonmil 35% Seaweed extract 3% Humic 8% Wormy wash 3% Bentonite, dolomite 37%

    Country of Origin : India

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  • Uberty Mix Micro Nutrient Liquid

    Uberty Mix Micro Nutrient Liquid

    110 Per 140 Litre

    100 Litre (MOQ)

    UBERTY MICRONUTRIANT CHILATED Through Pruthvi Khetiwadi Kendra first time they doing research through seaweed extract, nitrogen, etc. type of substances are added in which also included fe, zinc, Mn, cu, b, which some high qualitative substances added and then prepare a one type of best UBERTY MIX MICRO NUTRIANT FERTILIZER. HOW TO USE IT? Through use of pipe: - give 40 to 50 ml. with 15 ltr. Water. Piyat method: - at the time of give 1 ltr. Uberty liquid in 1 acre land with the piyat water. Through dreep irrigation: - 3 ltr. Liquid in 1000 ltr. Water. COMPOSITION PERCENTAGE OF WEIGHT FE 4.0 MN 1.0 ZN 6.0 CU 0.5 B 0.5 SOLUBILITY IN WATER PERCENT: 100%

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  • Uberty Deluxe Granulated Fertilizer

    Uberty Deluxe Granulated Fertilizer

    12,500 Per 13500 Ton

    16 Ton (MOQ)

    DELUXE GRANULES FERTILIZER ï Mainly it is made high qualitative by Bentonite, Bonmil Powder, sea weeds, Dolomite, Seaweed extract, cowâs urine, amino acid, Humic acid and wormy wash etc. natural mineral elements. As natural lime is in ample proportion it reduces acidity from Soil, improves land and makes it soft. ï Due to the use of uberty deluxe fertilizer it helpful for protects to fall of vegetables & fruits flower as well as it increase their vegetation flowerâs growth. ï It also helps in increase size of the vegetable & fruits and become testier. ï In which added wormy wash, it is help for natural element for all long time crops. As well it helps in save moisture in soil capacity. ï To use of this fertilizerâs long time crops, fruit, flowers, trees, vegetable plants ,dry fruits and pulse etc. are become healthy, testy and high qualitative. ï To use of this fertilizer in soil earthworm & bacteria produce more & more quantity so it helps in increase plants capacity for disease. Thatâs why mould & dryness type of disease are destroyed and increase production of vegetations. INGRADIANTS PERCENTAGE Dolomite 7% Gaumutra arc 5% Amino acid 3.50% Bonmil 33% Seaweed extract 9% Humic acid 3.50% Wormy wash 4% Bentonite 35%

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    Tandav � it is useful for destroyed little animals on the leaf of plant as well as in which protein and calcium also helpful in these herbal pesticides. �� it is helpful for the control of green beatle, soldier beatle, termite and milibug. �� cotton, vegetables, onion, tobacco, ground nut, grains, sugar cane, wheat, beans, orchard crop, paddy, caminseeds, etc. Type of crops are given better result through our product. �� it is match with all type of fungus destroyer and insect destroyer product. Tandav is an eco-friendly as well as free of pollution. Proportion: - 2 to 3 ml. In 1 ltr. Water. Particular percentage neem arc 9 . 0 sitafal arc 6 . 0 dhatura arc 3 . 0 ativish arc 0 . 5 nicotine (tobacco) arc 7 . 5 aelovera 0.3 organics calcium 2 . 5 organics magnesium 2.5 cow uric arc q . S .

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  • Plant Growth Promoter

    Plant Growth Promoter

    70 Per 95 Litre

    100 Gallon (MOQ)

    We are engaged in manufacturing highly effective Plant Growth Promoter. Our Plant Growth Promoter is prepared using herbal products and is free from any artificial additives. Our Plant Growth Promoter is very effective in getting proper flowering and also in the growth of crops. Plant Growth Promoters, offered by us, is demanded in the agricultural sector to ensure proper growth of the crops and ultimately high yield. Our Plant Growth Promoter, branded as TANDAV, is an eco-friendly as well as free from elements causing pollution. Products Details : �It provides best result in all crops like as cotton, brinjals, cabbage, chilly, tomato, lady�s finger, caster plant, ground nut, cumin seeds, fennel seed, soya bean, beans, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. �It is a full of natural protein so it helpful in increase plants flowers and increase growth of production �It is helpful to remove any disease in the plant which is unhealthy and high quality of nitrogen �It is match with all type of fungus destroyer and insect destroyer product Proportion : �2 to 3 ml in 1 liter water Particular Percentage Nitrobenzene 20 Amino Aside 5.0 Seaweed Arc 8.0 Warmiwash 9.0 Bio Protein 4.0 Bio Stimulant Q.S.

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  • seaweed extract 22%

    seaweed extract 22%

    80 Per 105 Litre

    100 Litre (MOQ)

    BENEFITS OF APPLICATION OF SEAWEED: ï« Satisfy the needs of plant requiring nutrient to boost growth mainly at time of stress. ï« Sprayed at times, it can be used as a remarkable rescue remedy ï« Increases flowering, fruiting and quality of all produce ï« Increases sugar level (Brix levels). Research has indicated a link between high sugar % (brix) and pest resistance (disease and insect) ï« SEAWEED EXTRACT 22% can satisfy âhidden hungersâ in plant requiring nutrient boosts at time of stress ï« Sprayed at right time, it can be used a remarkable rescue remedy ï« It can also increase flowering and fruit production and quality ï« SEAWEED EXTRACT 22% can contribute to exceptional brix level increase. Comprehensive research has identified a link between high brix levels and pest and disease resistant. APPLICATION (DOSE /RATE) : ï« 40-50 ml. in 15 liter water or 400-500 ml per acre along with drip irrigation water. TYPICAL ANALYSIS OF POWDER SEAWEED EXTRACT 22% : ï« Elements- Category SEAWEED EXTRACT 22% ï« Total Nitrogen (N) 1.5% ï« Available Phosphorus (P2O5) 2.0% ï« Soluble Potash (K20) 1.6% ï« Sulfur 1.5%Magnesium (Mg) 0.45% ï« Calcium (Ca) 0.15%Sodium (Na) 3.5% ï« Boron (B) 125 ppm ï« Iron (Fe) 200 ppm ï« Copper 40 ppm ï« Zinc (Zn) 70 ppm

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  • Organic NPK Liquid

    Organic NPK Liquid

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    1000 Litre (MOQ)

    Organic n.p.k. Liquid  organic npk based specific organic biostimulant for foliar application. It contains partly hydrolyzed and easily assailable proteins amino acid, humic acid, seaweed extract is peptides and chilleted.  organic npk. Is water soluble and non toxic to plant.  when applied in accordance with directions, it increases crop yield and quality.  non phototoxic and does not leave harmful residues.  organic npk is compatible with normally sprayed insecticides and fungicides and other plant growth regulators which are non-alkaline in reaction.  organic npk is a unique liquid formulation to substitute npk nutrients for various crops.  this liquid formulation is made available for easily & readily absorb able form & also to take care of bio enzymatic conversions of proteins, for better & healthier crop growth. Proportion: - for foliar spray:-40-50 ml. 15 liter water for drip:-1 liter per acer

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  • N:P:K 12:32:06

    N:P:K 12:32:06

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    16 Ton (MOQ)

    Green gold n.p.k. 12:32:06 we offer a wide range of very high quality npk fertilizer-12-32-0(sodium, potassium, phosphorous) fertilizers to our customers. The ratio of each compound in the mixture is 12:32:06. This fertilizer is used in various crops and is highly acclaimed in the market for its great results. These fertilizers are arable and horticultural farming, primarily as a basic fertilizer in autumn for sunflower and wheat. These fertilizers are available at very cost effective market price to our most trusted customers. Proportion:- specification with percentage of contents percentage by weight moisture, max 1.5 total nitrogen 12.0 natural ammonium citrate phosphate (as p2o5), min. 32 water soluble phosphate (as p2o5), min 27.2 water soluble potash (as k2o), min. 6 available in 50 kgs bag

    Type : Fertilizer

    Application : Agriculture

    Cultivation Type : Organic

    Standard : Bio Grade

    Moisture : 0-10%

    Packaging Size : 50kg

    Country of Origin : India

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  • MOP Green Life Fertilizer

    MOP Green Life Fertilizer

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    16 Ton (MOQ)

    CONTENT: • Nitrogen (NH4) 00 % • Phosphorus (P2O5) 00 % • Potassium (K2O) 50% Referential Dosage: • Nurseries : 40 to 50 grams 15 lit water • 2 applications Fruit bushes 2 grams1 lit water • 3 applications Vegetables 3 grams1 lit water Features and benefits: • Potassium stimulates the growth of strong stems and gives the plant some disease resistance by promoting thickness of the outer cell walls. • Adequate potassium can reduce moisture loss from growing plants, thereby giving some drought resistance. • Potassium improves colour, flavour and storing quality of fruit and vegetables. • MOP is the most concentrated form of granular potassium and typically the most cost effective. • The even granule size of MOP allows for accurate spreading. • MOP is commonly blended with SSP to supply major nutrients for pasture based systems

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  • micronutrient fertilizer

    micronutrient fertilizer

    22 Per

    1000 Kilogram (MOQ)

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  • Micro Nutrient Fertilizer Powder

    Micro Nutrient Fertilizer Powder

    250 Per 255 Kilogram

    500 Kilogram (MOQ)

    CHILLETED MICRO NUTRIENT POWDER.. It is a Mixture of Main and essentila content of land like zinc,boron,mg,calcium,copper etc...which provide a crop for best growth. it also gives strength to a crop and also it helps to increse over all flowring and fruits in any crop or tree. Dosage:- For Folier Spray:-15 to 20 Gram per 15 Liter Water For Drip:- 500 Gram Per Acer..

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  • Stico Gum Gold Liquid Fertilizer

    Stico Gum Gold Liquid Fertilizer

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    1000 Litre (MOQ)

    Stico gum gold stico gum gold a unique new products from pruthvi khetiwadi kendra product that help to reduce input cost by minimizing wastage and enhances that efficiency of pesticides. Reduces droplet size improves adherence ensures uniform spreading of pesticide minimize run-off. Composition: - stico gum gold is a blend of polyoxy alkyl atyl ethers & alkyl alcohol. Compatability: - stico gum gold is compatible with all insecticides, neem and bio pesticides, all fungicides including copper & sulpher containing products, herbicides, plant growth regulator, foliar micro nutrients and fertilizers. Dosage: - stico gum when added to pesticides spray solution 20-30 ml. Per 15 ltr. Of water.

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  • Limba-501 (Bio Pesticide)

    Limba-501 (Bio Pesticide)

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    100 Litre (MOQ)

    LIMBA -501  It is useful for destroyed little animals on the leaf of plant as well as in which protein and calcium also helpful in these herbal pesticides.  In which all type of little insects like as green and white flea, thrips, crackers, green fly and white fly, grass hopper etc. types of insects are controlled by this product.  Cotton, vegetables, onion, tobacco, ground nut, grains, sugar cane, wheat, beans, orchard crop, paddy, caminseeds, etc. type of crops are given better result through our product.  It is match with all type of fungus destroyer and insect destroyer product. LIMBA is an eco-friendly as well as free of pollution.  It is a one type of bio-products. When the insects are take their food at that time this products go in their body by food.  So that’s why it is a 100% pure and effective product which gives result rapidly. PROPORTION: - 2 to 3 ml. in 1 ltr. Water. INCLUDE: - PARTICULAR PERCENTAGE Neem Arc 11% Sitafal Arc 11% Dhatura 0.2% Garlic arc 0.2% Jetropha 0.5% Nicotine (tobacco) Arc 12% Aelovera 0.5% Cow Urine Arc 17% sea protein Q.S. base

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  • HUMIC ACID 20%

    HUMIC ACID 20%

    80 Per 105 Litre

    200 Gallon (MOQ)

    HUMIC ACID 20% We are listed at the apex in the list of the preeminent Humic Acid Manufacturers, Suppliers & Exporters from India. The Humic Acid, liquid formulations 20%, is most popular as it is used for soil application, incorporated in drip irrigation or foliar application. Our Humic Acid helps to a great degree modifying such physical and mechanical properties of the soil as structure, color, consistency and water holding capacity. HUMIC GOLD enhances gravitroprism, retard leaf abscission, enhances resistance to stress, promote, xylem differentiation, improves quality and size of fruit, etc. USES: ï· Increase soil fertility through its influence on the water holding capacity ï· Increase humus contents ï· Effectively chelates, complexes and sequesters soil ï· Increase the soil caution exchange capacity ï· Enhance soil phosphate availability ï· Increase root, penetration and internal drainage ï· Conserves top soil DOSAGE:- ï· 40-50 ml. 15 liter water or 400-500 ml. per acre. Apply 1 liter per acre along with drip irrigation water.

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  • Green Uberty Organic N.p.k. Fertilizer

    Green Uberty Organic N.p.k. Fertilizer

    9,000 Per 9500 Ton

    50-100 Ton (MOQ)

    Organic N.P.K Granules Fertilizerâ��s Detail:- ï�ë Main Content ->organic. N.P.K. + Helping Content(Zink â�� Copper â�� Magnesium â�� Sulfur â�� Boron) ï�ë Mainly it is made high qualitative by Bentonite, Bonmil Powder, sea weeds, Dolomite, Seaweed extract, cowâ��s urine, and wormy wash etc. natural mineral elements. As natural lime is in ample proportion it reduces acidity from Soil, improves land and makes it soft. ï�ë Wormy wash in the liquid which is the best natural element very essential in development of vegetation. It increases the capacity to hold fertile in land. Land becomes damage by continues use of chemical fertilizers again and again given to your Farm. ï�ë Instead of using chemical fertilizer used Uberty granuals fertilizer which is an organic fertilizer for best result. ï�ë It is a natural agri culture product. ï�ë It reduces distroyness as well as increase land fertileness & their quality. ï�ë It is the best option available in fertilizer used as above element while sawing. All necessary required elements are present in required proportion. ï�ë Useful for every farming products and no need to use other basic fertilizer once the UBERTY GRANULES.

    Type : GRANULES

    Brand Name : UBERTY

    Country of Origin : GUJARAT

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    16 Ton (MOQ)

    CONTENT: • Nitrogen (NH4) 00 % • Phosphorus (P2O5) 41 % • Potassium (K2O) 54% Referential Dosage: • Nurseries : 40 to 50 grams 15 lit water • 2 applications Fruit bushes 2 grams1 lit water • 3 applications Vegetables 3 grams1 lit water PRODUCT DETAILS: • Free of Chlorine (Cl-) and heavy metals • Easy handling, free flowing • High Purity Fertilizer: 00:41:54 contains no elements detrimental to plants. It is free of Chlorine compounds, Sodium and heavy metals • Fully soluble : 00:41:54 is a free flowing crystalline powder that dissolves quickly in water • Compatibility : 00:41:54 can be mixed with all water-soluble fertilizers other than Calcium-containing fertilizers • PH Buffer: The Phosphate in MAP buffers fertilization solutions, keeping the pH effectively stable at around 4.5.

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    16 Ton (MOQ)

    Balanced nutrient ratio includes : • b, cu, fe , mn, mo, zn, edta chelated trace elements referential doses : • nurseries : 40 to 50 grams 15 lit water • 2 applications fruit bushes 5 grams1 lit water • 3 applications vegetables 3 grams1 lit water imported from : • compo gmbh & co. Kg • gildenstraβe 38 - 48157 • münster, germany recommended crops : • all field crops • all vegetable crops • all fruit crops • all floriculture units, shadenets, polyhouses

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  • agriculture machinery

    agriculture machinery

    50,000 Per 10000 Pair

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  • 19:19:19 Green Life Nitrophoska Fertilizer

    19:19:19 Green Life Nitrophoska Fertilizer

    65 Per 70 Kilogram

    500 Kilogram (MOQ)

    We are offering Nitrophoska Fertilizer as Nitrophoska 19:19:19 to the clients. Our Nitrophoska Fertilizer provides balanced nutrition for all the primary nutrients that a plant requires. The formulation of our Nitrophoska Fertilizer is good for foliar as well as Drip irrigation of all crops and at any point in the production cycle of the plants. Our Nitrophoska Fertilizer is high in demand for getting high yield. Balanced nutrient ratio includes : �B, Cu, Fe , Mn, Mo, Zn, EDTA chelated trace elements Referential Doses : �Nurseries : 3 to 5 grams / 1 lit water �2 applications Fruit bushes 5 grams/1 lit water �3 applications Vegetables 3 grams/1 lit water Imported from : �Compo gmbh & co. Kg �Gildenstraβe 38 - 48157 �Münster, Germany Recommended Crops : �All field crops �All vegetable crops �All fruit crops �All floriculture units, shadenets, polyhouses Packing Available : �1 kg pack, 25 kg bag

    Country of Origin : India

    Type : Fertilizer

    Application : Agriculture

    Cultivation Type : GMO

    Packaging Type : Plastic Bag

    Standard : Bio Grade

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  • 13:00:45 Green Life Fertlizer

    13:00:45 Green Life Fertlizer

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    16 Ton (MOQ)

    N: P: K 13:00:45 is a water soluble Potassium nitrate fertilizer which is totally water soluble in crystalline form. It contains high quality macro and essential nutrients and chloride free ingredients. This can be applied to the crop by fertigation or through foliar spraying. CONTENT: • Nitrogen (NH4) 13 % • Phosphorus (P2O5) 00 % • Potassium (K2O) 45% Referential Dosage: • Nurseries : 40 to 50 grams 15 lit water • 2 applications Fruit bushes 2 grams1 lit water • 3 applications Vegetables 3 grams1 lit water Recommended Crops : • All field crops • All vegetable crops • All fruit crops • All floriculture units, shadenets, polyhouses

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  • Phosphatic Fertilizer

    Phosphatic Fertilizer

    75 Per 80 Kilogram

    500 Kilogram (MOQ)

    We are engaged in offering superior quality Phosphatic Fertilizer (Mono Ammonium Phosphate MAP - 12:61:00). Our Phosphatic Fertilizer is made using organic ingredients and is free from any chemicals. Our Phosphatic Fertilizer, available as Richfield â 12:61:00 (MAP) is the best supplement to supply phosphorus and nitrogen simultaneously in fertilization programs for soil-grown crops. Nitrogen in Phosphatic Fertilizer is present in the Ammonia form, offering better control over N-availability to plants.

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  • Mono Potassium Phosphate

    Mono Potassium Phosphate

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    16 Ton (MOQ)

    CONTENT: • Nitrogen (NH4) 00 % • Phosphorus (P2O5) 52 % • Potassium (K2O) 34% Referential Dosage: • Nurseries : 40 to 50 grams 15 lit water • 2 applications Fruit bushes 2 grams1 lit water • 3 applications Vegetables 3 grams1 lit water PRODUCT DETAILS: • Instant uptake of nutrients by the plants resulting in significant and quick improvement in crop will be seen. • Through this application, nutrient uptake efficiency will be enhanced as losses due to leaching volatilization will be minimized. • Since P and K are specially structured and designed, this will give an excellent growth in all the stages of crop namely seedling stage, vegetative stage, reproductive stage and ripening stage. • The nutrients are textured and cohesively balanced. Hence, this will give better result and excellent yield in all crops like fruits, vegetables, flowers, field crops, foliage crops etc. • All horticultural crops will give awesome results with our MKP. • Since pesticides and fungicides are very compatible with this product, all pesticides and fungicides can be mixed when applying our MKP. • Labour expenses will be minimized when compared with conventional fertilizer application.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2001
  • No. of Employees 50 - 100
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 5 to 25 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Partnership

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Greetings from Pruthvi Khetiwadi Kendra,
We Pruthvi Khetiwadi Kendra an ISO 9001:2015 certified company are glad to introduced our self as Manufacturer, Exporter & Bulk Supplier of Organic Agricultural Fertilizer, NPK Fertilizer, Micronutrient, Plant Growth Regulator, BIO Fertilizer, BIO Pesticides, Water Soluble Fertilizer, Powder Form & Liquid Form. We also use to manufacture Agriculture machinery on customers requirement (Made to Order).
Below we have mentioned list of our highly rated products for your reference (Including organic products):
 Uberty soil conditioner (NPK & DAP Substitute)
 Uberty PROM (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure)
 Calcium Nitrate Granules
 Mix Micro Nutrient in Granules Foam
 Bio Potash Granules
 NPK Mix Granules
 Zink Powder, Sulphur powder
 Boron Powder
 Humic Powder (Flakes Powder) etc
We have our standard packing product wise for both domestic and international market. We also give packing for all products as per our client’s request under their brand name or labeling.
We are committed about maintain our product quality forever. We have an excellent staff who will guide you with their best ideas for using all our products in best effective manner. We keep constant touch with our customers and keep them posted about the latest market trends and updates about new products.
We are looking forward to establish business relations with your esteemed company and offer you our best services with quite competitive rates.
If you find any of our products in relation to your requirement, it would be our pleasure to welcome you at our office and factory for visit. So that we could present our live samples and working technique for your reference & your suggestions for any kind of changes will be appreciated.
We can also send samples of our products to your place for test and live experience.
Below we have attached our newly updated product list, thus kindly go through it and let us know if we need to get you samples as per your requirement.
We hope you will find above information’s of your interest and will be looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible.
Waiting for your prompt and positive reply also your valuable feedback’s and queries are always welcome.
Thanking you in advance.
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Contact Information

Pruthvi Khetiwadi Kendra

  • Mukesh M. Joshi
  • Ul-15,16,17, Pattani Plaza, Nilambaug Circle, Dairy Road., Bhavnagar, Gujarat