Wind Energy Related Services
SITE IDENTIFICATION Finding the right site is must for the success of wind farm project. Site identification involves techniques to find a place with maximum favouraing conditions and then to nurture the very opportunity to fruition. he important factors for a suitable location are: the course of wind speed, the land area, access to grid. The environmental sensitivities or constraints should be to a minimum. The process involves to start with regional overviews and precision GIS mapping, through which the specific opportunities are determined at a feasible site. This also involves mapping of project boundaries, turbine micro-siting and optimisation. CECL has a series of successful site identification of most suitable and perfect site on record under a large variety of wind power projects and assignments. WIND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT Accurate Wind Resource Assessment of a widely variable resource is the most critical feature for success of a WPP. Long term surface wind data is accessed from International sources for grid point nearest to the site. Meso-Scale and then Micro-Scale Wind Power DensityWind Speed Map is produced for the site location through input of accurate contourterrain data Ideal spot is selected to install Anemometry System which includes Cup-Counter, Anemometer, Wind Vane, Temperature Sensor and a Mini-computer for data recording all mounted on tall tower at 50 mtr and above. The recorded wind data is critically analyzed and formatted to represent wind characteristics and the out put is validated with reference to existing nearby Anemometry Mast. CECL has already identified three locations in virgin unexplored regions for development of 300 MW Projects. The process is continuing. MICRO-SITING & ENERGY ESTIMATION This constitutes the foundation of a WPP. Wind Resource data is formatted in terms of Speed and direction. The characteristic power of selected Wind Electric Generator (WEG) is formatted. Necessary correction factors related to site specific Air density are applied. Detailed Contour data at close interval is prepared indicating roughness and terrain features. Obstacles and exclusions are defined separately. Most advanced Computer Software is used to optimize the WEG layout, prepare Micro-siting Map and estimate the energy generation. Corrections factors related to grid and machine availability are applied to ensure accuracy. CECL does not believe in desk top study. The features observed during the site visits are used along with more than two decades of field experience to ensure reliability. Further optimization is achieved through advanced Software. VALIDATION & ENERGY ESTIMATION Energy estimation based on one-year wind data collected by the Anemometry Mast needs to be re-verified through other data available from nearby locations. High altitude wind data collected through Satellite is available for a number of years and can be used to predict long term validation of one year wind data. Probability analysis is carried out for P-50, P-75, P-90 level. CECL has access to large data-base from national & international sources to provide validation both on short and long-term perspective. Operational data from a large number of projects where CECL has been the consultant is also used for reconfirmation. It is the long field experience that counts. FEASIBILITY STUDY To facilitate Management decision for investment in WPP a feasibility study is helpful. The study report evaluates few options for installations in different states and use of different types of WEG. The return on investment under various options of saleutilization of energy is evaluated to ascertain comparative merits. In view of technology being comparatively new and experience being rather limited – the consultant is morally obliged to project the profitability and viability with higher degree of confidence. With wide experience in totality, CECL truthfully projects the merits and demerits and indicates the profitability with reasonable accuracy to facilitate investment decision. DETAILED PROJECT REPORT Once the site, make and rating of WEG and the selling option is finalized, detailed survey and field study is conducted. Comprehensive layout design is prepared with optimization of generation along with detailed design for approach road and grid evacuation. Detailed costing and financial analysis is carried out to establish overall viability. CECL has long experience in project implementation and operation of windfarm – realistic design is prepared to ensure : safe transportation – particularly in hilly area, grid reliability, high machine availability as also capital cost reduction. DETAILED DESIGN & ENGINEERING Once the site, make and rating of WEG and the selling option is finalized, detailed survey and field study is conducted. Comprehensive layout design is prepared with optimization of generation along with detailed design for approach road and grid evacuation. Detailed costing and financial analysis is carried out to establish overall viability. CECL has long experience in project implementation and operation of windfarm – realistic design is prepared to ensure : safe transportation – particularly in hilly area, grid reliability, high machine availability as also capital cost reduction. DUE DILIGENCE The energy estimation figures are critically analyzed in terms of accuracy, correction factors applied and year to year variation. The contract documents are studied in minute details to ensure compliance of statutory rules, permissions and clearances to ensure timely commissioning. Ultimate success of a Windfarm Project depends not only on selection of technological parameters but also on several commercial aspects like options of generation utilization (Captive, Third Party Sale or Sale to Utility) and detailed Cash Flow Analysis on consideration of several variables. CECL has in-depth knowledge of technology and wide experience in implementation of several successful projects, CECL has clear understanding of Regulatory and commercial issues – selects the optimum parameters and carries out Due-Diligence for long term viability of the project on consideration of risk mitigation measures. PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTING WPP provide attractive financial return only on long-term perspective. The initial benefit through tax concession is only a deferred tax liability. Procurement of WEGs and creation of infrastructure along with necessary Civil & Electrical works are crucial for long term viability of the project. Technology of WEG, Supplier’s credibility as also efficient O&M arrangement needs to be ascertained to ensure long-term trouble-free operation of the project. CECL has prepared a large number of high-accuracy bidding documents for both Public Sector Undertakings and Private Sector Corporate bodies. Techno-Commercial evaluation and drafting of Contract Agreement is also done based on past experience. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Implementation and Management of WPP calls for Multi-disciplinary activities related to Technical, Financial and Commercial aspects. Not only quality of works needs to be checked, it is equally important to ensure close co-ordination and monitoring for timely commissioning. CECL has a pool of highly experienced engineers from Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Electronic discipline supervise critical construction activities, ensure quality checks at difficult site conditions to facilitate on-dot commissioning to avail early generation and revenue earning. MONITORING Energy generation with respect to wind resource, frequency and type of machine and system failures needs to be critically monitored and analyzed to optimize generation. Income from WPP can be optimized only if break down and failure of WEG and evacuation system is avoided particularly during the limited high wind months. CECL works through on-line monitoring, development of maintenance protocol and site visits at regular interval – CECL along with their associate Company – M.P. Windfarms Limited ensures high degree of trouble free Operation and Loss reduction. LENDER'S ENGINEERS To meet the need of expert engineers to serve a project especially for a definite term or contract, where the task may not be managed with the available resources, the clients are provided Lenders Engineer’s services as per the requirements assessed mutually with the client. This involves serving through deputing or appointing suitable personnel and thus meeting the need of the project at a given point of time of various technical types. CECL has been providing the Lender’s Engineers to the clients for their projects and this has helped projects significantly to achieve the desired goals with optimum expenses. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Critical analysis of monitoring reports along with on-site observations and in depth study immensely help in performance improvement through reduction in break-down time and interval losses. Due to seasonal availability of wind resource, generation increasing in cubic proportion of wind speed and overall low Plant Load Factor, parameter setting and operationalcontrol logic needs to be site specific. For number of projects, CECL has conducted in depth study and analysis to ensure high machine availability reduction in internal consumptionloss and maximize earning from the project. REPOWERING When the Demonstration Projects and initial Private Sector Projects were installed in India in early 90s, the rating of individual turbines used to be in the range of 225-250 kW with hub-height of 30 mtr. Over the years the technology has undergone major changes and ratings are now available in the range of 1500 kW and above with hub-height of 80 mtr and higher. Windy locations are limited and it is in national interest that those small turbines - which have virtually completed 20 years of operational life – should be replaced by higher rating of more efficient WEGs to substantially increase the energy generation per Hectare of land used. CECL has already carried out three such studies which includes the first major Private Sector Windfarm established by Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd. It is a proud privilege for any consultant to have provided services for two generations of turbines. ERC Matters The Electricity Act 2003 has come into force w.e.f. 10th June 2003 and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) have been constituted to function under its provisions. Salient Provisions of Act are: Provide Open Access in Electricity Transmission & Distribution Determine the rules, regulations and Tariff for all forms of Renewable Energy Facilitate Intra-state Transmission & Wheeling of Electricity. Promote co-generation & generation of electricity from Renewable sources of energy by providing suitable measures for connectivity with the grid. Sale of electricity to any person and also specify, for purchase of electricity from such renewable sources, a percentage of the total consumption of electricity in the area of distribution Licensee. Specify Grid Code in consistence with Central Grid Code. CECL offers its Comments from time to time for various above functions of State Regulator, prepares & files petitions and attends the hearings on behalf of its investors. CECL also helps in execution of Power Purchase Agreements of WEG owners and provides guidance on various regulatory obligations. Technology Evaluation.
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