contract farming service
6,666 Per 43500 Square Feet
43500 Square Feet (MOQ)
We have always provided Marketing assistance in selling the crops to the farmers who got into business with us by purchasing the Planting material from us. Now, moving one step ahead other than providing complete marketing assistance, we also will provide �Buy Back Agreement� in our project of �Contract Farming� for some of the crops, which are highly demanded by our associates from us. In this way, we hereby bring a new revolution in the field of farming by associating persons/farmers with us looking for nice profit & growing collectively.With proper network of buyers with us, we are able to provide returns of approximately upto Rs.5,50,000/acre (Five Lakh Fifty Thousand Per Acre) to the farmers/cultivators & does the farming as per our instructions. The crop/crops under buy back agreement are provided with targeted requirement.Persons interested in farming with buy back agreement will be entertained only on Prior Appointment basis. Mr. Devesh : +91-9826556880
Kadaknath Contract Farming
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We are providing Kadaknath contract farming. Kadaknath is a exotic breed of chicken which is native of Madhya Pradesh (MP). Kadaknath chicken despite of its unique black color it is having no of medicinal values hence the demand is rising day by day. We are producers of kadaknath chicks and also supply of grown up chickens but to meets the market demand we need more supply and at our standers so, we are inviting partners to join us and get benefited. Contact us for more details.
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contract farming service
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contract farming service