Flanged Pipe Dealers in Bhopal

(1 products available)
  • Cast Iron Flange Pipes

    Cast Iron Flange Pipes

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              Cast Iron Flange Pipes   Cast Iron Flange Pipes Cast Iron Flange Pipes as per IS: 1536 with Screwed on Flanges, Length : up to 5.5m, available in mix lengths and std lengths of 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.25 & 5.5m. The Pipes are generally supplied internally and externally coated with Bitumin. The pipes are internally & externally coated with Bitumen paint. The flanges are generally supplied with flat face, however if required raised flanges may also be supplied. The flanges are generally drilled as per IS:1536 & IS:1538. CI Flange Pipe Application Ash Disposal in Power Plants. Sand Stowing operations in Mines. Fire Fighting Systems. Sugar Industries for Spray pond, SO2 piping & Injection Piping. For Laying in Hilly Areas / Slopes, even exceeding the Angle of Repose. Treatment Plants-Portable Water, Effluent and Waste Treatment. Chemicals Industry application for cooler pipes for conducting various chemical fluids like Sulphuric Acid, Brines, Alkalies, etc. Cast Iron Double Flanged Pipes are widely used in Soda ASh Plants, Fertilizer Plants, Sulphuric Acid Plants. Water Supply - Overhead Water Tanks, Pumping stations, Underground Mains, River Crossing, Hill Tracks, Sandy area, etc. Vertical Pipe Lines: for overhead Tanks / Elevated Service Reservoirs (EDR’;S). Disengagement Requirements: Application where pipelines are disengaged / dismantled for cleaning like in treatment plants for water, Effluent, Sewage and pump houses. Temporary installations, applications where pipelines are transferred. from one location to other: require Flange Pipes like temporary pipelines required for De-Watering mines or heavily inundated areas. Over Ground and & Exposed Installation: Flanged Pipes are most suitable for over ground pipelines like portions of Pipelines on Pillars / Pedestals for Rivers / Canal or Road crossing and bridges.

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