Garbage Semi Trailer
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type garbage semi trailer definition garbage semi-trailer is used to transport garbage collected by garbage trucks to the garbage semi-trailer through a station in the city for more economical transportation to the garbage disposal area. body volume 40 m3 - 70 m3 body st 37.2 is produced from quality hair. (base, side walls, ceiling) back cover st is produced from hair in 37.2 quality. close the roof from the rear end. an acid-resistant seal placed between the body and the back cover provides full sealing. the rear cover hydraulically opens and closes upwards. compression-discharge percentage a hydraulic cylinder is used for compacting. loading cover the front of the body has a filling mouth that opens and closes with a hydraulic cylinder. chassis - wheelbase chassis, axle, suspension, braking system, and electrical equipment are produced in accordance with the road regulations and tse norms. jack foots parallel running wide, double speed, telescopic, jack feet are used. hydraulic equipment the hydraulic system is operated with at least 57 hp diesel engine. .