Guar Gum
500 - 700 Per Box
It's a type of polysaccharide, or long chain of bonded carbohydrate molecules, and composed of two sugars called mannose and galactose. Guar gum is frequently used as a food additive in many processed foods.
Karaya Gum
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Wre are offering karaya gum, botanical name : sterculia urens common name : thapsi gum, gum kadaya, kullu gum. Family : sterculiaceae (cacao) introduction :- gum karaya is a medium-sized, deciduous tree to 15 m in height, usually with a clean, crooked, short bole up to 2 m dbh; branches large, spreading; bark thick, greyish-white or reddish, smooth, shining with a thin, white transparent outer coat, peeling off in papery flakes. Leaves on long petioles, crowded at the ends of branches, palmately 5-lobed, 20-30 cm diameter; tomentose beneath, glabrous above, entire, acuminate; stipules caducous. Flowers greenish yellow, small, in terminal panicles; follicles 4-6, ovoid-oblong, about 2.5 cm diameter, coriaceous, red, covered with stinging hairs. Infact, the specific name urens means stinging in reference to the hairs on flowers. Fruit consists of 5 sessile, radiating, ovate-lanceolate hard, coriaceous carpels, 7.5 cm long, red when ripe, covered outside with many stiff bristles. Uses:- exude gum karaya used in foodstuffs as emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners. Seeds are eaten after roasting. Seeds and young tender roots are eaten in times of famine. karaya gum is used in cosmetics and food. gum karaya in used in pharmaceutical industries as a laxative and adhesive.
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