Iconic Envirotech Private Limited Jahangirabad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

  • Water Treatment Plant

    Water Treatment Plant

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    We offer following items- 01. Mobile water treatment plants 02. Drinking water treatment plant 03. De-mineralization plant 04. Reverse osmosis plant.

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  • Water Demineralization Plant

    Water Demineralization Plant

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  • Water Demineralisation Plant

    Water Demineralisation Plant

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    Our range of demineralization plants with Mb are used in an assortment of industries. These demineralized water systems are fabricated in a way that removes the dissolved solids from the raw water. The dematerialized plant/ water system comprises strong acid cation and strong base anion unit that purifies water passing through it. This process offers water with less than 15 microS/cm conduction and very less total dissolved solids (TDS) for the total ionic load was get immersed on resin. The entire gamut is available in various specifications and can be customized as per clients’ specifications. Our demineralisation plant performs efficiently in purifying and removing varieties of impurities from water. Equipped with advanced filters, our demineralisation plant helps in faster removal of pesticides, bad taste, odors, colors and related harmful chemical contaminants. Water treatment through demineralized water system makes water safe for drinking by using different types of ion exchanging resins.

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  • water clarifier system

    water clarifier system

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    We design the high rate sludge contact clarifiers to remove the suspended solids and high turbidity in the water. These systems contain Clarifloculator Tank along with Clarifier that comprises lamella type, tube settler or convectional clarifier. These clarifiers have the ability to offer turbidity less than 50 NTU at the outlet of clarifier.

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  • uv water filtration plant

    uv water filtration plant

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  • ULTRA filtration filter

    ULTRA filtration filter

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    We precision engineered UV Plants that are perfectly designed for filtration. By unsettling DNA ultraviolet energy causes permanent deactivation of micro-organisms so that they are no longer able to uphold metabolism or reproduce. With the most effective wavelength typically at 254nm, the maximum effectiveness occurs at between 240nm and 280nm. The wedeco spektrotherm hp lamp develops this wavelength in large quantity. All bacteria, spores, viruses and protozoa (including cryptosporidium and giardia oocysts) are permanently inactivated.

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  • Swimming Pool Filtration Plant

    Swimming Pool Filtration Plant

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    We offer technologically advanced swimming pool filtration plants that are designed to provide long-term, trouble free operation with easy maintenance. We also offer customization for our range as per the design and space requirements set by the client.   We can use the following products for your pool: Pumps Filters Heaters Pool lights & lighting systems Automatic pool & spa control systems Automatic pool cleaners Spa accessories Maintenance products

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  • Sewage Treatment Plant

    Sewage Treatment Plant

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    01. Aerobic treatment plant 02. Anaerobic treatment plant 03. Mobile sewage treatment plants 04. Sewage treatment plants for hospitals 05. Sewage treatment plants educational institutions 06. Sewage treatment plants for hotels and resorts 07. Sewage treatment plants for residential complexes

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  • Reverse Osmosis Systems - (ro)

    Reverse Osmosis Systems - (ro)

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    We are offering reverse osmosis systems.iconic envirotech (p) limited is a best quality supplier / exporter of reserve osmosis (ro) system equipments. They are extensively made using high quality raw materials procured from authentic vendors. We are using advanced membrane technology in our ros to allow water to pass through a semi permeable of 0.0001 micron gauge. Therefore, it can separate the smallest of microbes. One can access our ro system for water purification at a reasonable cost. specifications: advanced membrane technology sophistically separate smallest microbes advanced set-up quality solution cost effective and economic higher proficiency

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  • Industrial Reverse Osmosis Plant

    Industrial Reverse Osmosis Plant

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    We are offering reverse osmosis (ro) for industries. our reverse osmosis especially has been designed for the industrial purpose where water is demineralised using a semi permeable membrane at high pressure. They are equipped with spiral wound membranes in high pressure containers. The spiral winding provides a very high surface area for water transfer. Between each membrane layer is a mesh separator in order to allow the flow of pure water. Our industry reverse osmosis is made by stainless steel with the help of advanced technology. Stainless steel ultra violet sterilizer Grundfos multi-stage jet booster pump with safeguards Anti-scalant dosing system, mixer & tank Ion exchange water softener auto-backwash digital valve Sediment pre-filters with auto flush Inlet solenoid shut-off valve Ion exchange water softener auto-backwash digital valve Multimedia GAC pre-filter auto-backwash digital valve

    Capacity : 1000-10000L

    Material : Mild Steel, Stainless Steel

    Power : 3-5kw

    Power Source : Electric

    Industrial Use : Industrial

    Voltage : 380V

    Control Type : Automatic

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  • Pressure Sand Filters

    Pressure Sand Filters

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    Our assortment of pressure sand filters finds extensive application for removing turbidity, suspended particles, color, odor and iron that are present in raw water with minimum pressure drop. We offer easy to operate pressure sand filters that give sparking clear water. The filters which are commonly used are sand and gravels or anthracite, carbon and magnetized dioxide.

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  • Portable Sewage Treatment Plant

    Portable Sewage Treatment Plant

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    We are offering portable sewage treatment plant. Our portable sewage treatment plant set up. We are using advanced technology to filter contaminated water sophistically, so that industries can set up our plant to ensure good flow of fresh and pure water. With the increased rate of industrialization, fresh water sources are getting polluted day by day. We are here to give a long-lasting solution by collecting and purifying water. Clients can set up our portable sewage treatment plant at lower cost.

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  • PORTABLE Reverse Osmosis System

    PORTABLE Reverse Osmosis System

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    We offer reverse osmosis system to fulfill all the requirements of water purifying at home and residence. These reverse osmosis system are made up of high quality raw materials and can be customized as per clients’ specifications and requirements. Advanced membrane technology Sophistically separate smallest microbes Advanced Setup. quality Solution Cost Effective

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  • Portable Reverse Osmosis - (ro)

    Portable Reverse Osmosis - (ro)

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    We are offering portable reverse osmosis.reverse osmosis system to cater all requirements of water purification at your residence. it is a best quality product which has been made by high quality raw materials and it can be customized as per the specifications or requirements.

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  • Packaged Drinking Water Plant

    Packaged Drinking Water Plant

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    We are using advanced technology to filter contaminated water sophistically, so that industries can set up our plant to ensure good flow of fresh and pure water. With the increased rate of industrialization, fresh water sources are getting polluted day by day. We are here to give along-lasting solution by collecting and purifying water. Clients can set up our Portable Sewage Treatment Plant at lower cost.  Specifications: Lowest cost High sludge volume May require final filter Corrosion resistant Single pipe system

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  • Iron Removal Filter

    Iron Removal Filter

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    These iron removal filters are widely used to eliminate turbidity, suspended particles, color, odor and iron that are available in raw water. These filters are known for their easy operation and give crystal clear water. Our iron removal filters are accurately designed to fulfill our client’s specific requirements. These filters purify water from sand without clogging the filter. The entire range can also be customized as specified by the clients.

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  • Effluent Treatment Plant

    Effluent Treatment Plant

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    01. Effluent treatment plant for paint shop 02. Effluent treatment plant for textile dyeing industry 03. Effluent treatment plant for dairy 04. Effluent treatment plant for leather industry 05. Effluent treatment plant for electroplating industry 06. Effluent treatment plant for paper industry 07. Kitchen wastewater treatment plant.   We can use the following products for your pool: Pumps Filters Heaters Pool lights & lighting systems Automatic pool & spa control systems Automatic pool cleaners Spa accessories Maintenance products

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  • Cartridge Filter

    Cartridge Filter

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    We offer a wide spectrum of cartridge filters that are highly acknowledged for their compactness and high porosity. The entire range is fabricated using thermally bonded polypropylene micro fibers and offer high capacity for dirt holding, low pressure loss and unremitting performance. These filters are appropriate with most chemical processes and are free of additives. These are widely used in food and beverage industries and conform as per the requirements of FDA. Its fiber construction minimizes the chances of migration of fiber and offers capacity to resist particle shedding, even under pulse conditions. The entire range is manufactured using pure polypropylene and has the ability to withstand high temperature as well as pressure. These filters are widely used for filtration of organic acids, petroleum oils, animal oils, vegetable oils, alkalies and organic solvents. Our assortment of cartridge filter finds wide application in the following areas: Filtering resins paints inks photographic emulsions waters high purity chemicals Food and beverage Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries.   Technical Specifications 115mm O.D X 27 mm I.D. (Jumbo) Micron rating: 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 & 150

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  • Advanced Sewage Treatment Plant

    Advanced Sewage Treatment Plant

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    We are offering advanced sewage treatment plant. We are providing the sewage treatment plant which is developed while considering and forecasting the needs of big shopping malls, high rise and multi story residential housing projects, municipal corporation, industries, educational institutions and commercial purpose. To eradicate the problems of choked water, contamination of water and other health hazards, our intricately manufactured sewage treatment plant is an ideal solution. this can not only be installed forground but underground also to save the space and enhance the beauty to hide all instruments at particular place where they can run and give optimum utilization.

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  • ADVANCE reverse osmosis system

    ADVANCE reverse osmosis system

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    We are a trusted name in manufacturing and supplying Reserve Osmosis (RO) System equipments. They are extensively made using quality raw materials procured from authentic vendors. We are using advanced membrane technology in our ROs to allow water to pass through a semi permeable of 0.0001 micron gauge.Therefore, it can separate the smallest of microbes. One can access our RO system for water purification at a reasonable cost. Specifications: Advanced membrane technology Sophistically separate smallest microbes Advanced Setup Quality Solution Cost Effective

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  • Activated Carbon Filters

    Activated Carbon Filters

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    These activated carbon filters are widely used to remove suspended particles, turbidity, odor, color and iron present in the raw water. These filters provide fresh water and are easy to operate. These filters are available in three series, FR, SS and MS activated carbon filter is widely used in various industries. The entire gamut is appreciated for its durability, simple installation and reliable performance. The FR series of activated carbon filters comes with fiber glass reinforced plastic (FGRP) composite vessels that are 1/3rd of the weight of carbon steel. These filters are well recognized and are certified by NSF & PED. Our range of activated carbon filter are as strong as steel and are reckoned for their excellent appearance. The filters are appreciated for the following features: High performance Composite material Thermoplastic liner of polyester Wall thickness 3.8 mm to 7.6 mm as per vessel diameter 100 % corrosion resistant Excellent bonding between inlet & PE liner Better curing at high temperature 200 mm to 1,000 mm diameter All are top opening & dia 450 mm onwards top & bottom opening 450 mm onward flange fitting Operating Pressure: – 10.5 kgf/cm2 Operating temperature: – 490 C 250,000 times cycle test from 10 psi to 150 psi.  The SS or stainless steel pressure sand filters find usage in: Pharmaceutical product water Dairy and Food products Beverages Packaged Drinking Water Cosmetics   The mild steel pressure sand filter find usage in following applications: Filter high quatity of water Thermoelectric Power Plants Irrigation and Farming Aqua Culture

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  • Activated Carbon Filter

    Activated Carbon Filter

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  • Drinking Water Plant

    Drinking Water Plant

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  • Effluent Water Treatment Plant

    Effluent Water Treatment Plant

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Service Providers / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Iconic Environment(P) Limited has exceptionally qualified and highly trained professionals who understand the needs of your project. We have a pool of National experts who are well qualified to perform on a project like this and have successfully completed a variety of EIA infrastructure & consultancy work on schedule worldwide. State-of-the-art equipment and techniques complement our staff’s design and is ISO 9001:2008 certified Service provider, Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of an assorted range of products, which find use in diverse industries. In addition to this, the company is operating as a proficient Service Provider of different types of services. The range of products, which it offers encompasses Water Filters, Water Softener, Water Clarifier System, Reverse Osmosis System, UV Water Filtration Plant, Packaged Drinking Water Plant, Demineralization (DM) Plant, Waste Water Treatment Plants, Swimming Pool Filtration Plant and Chemical Dosing System. Beyond these, it specializes in of fering services, which include Environmental Services, Consultancy Services, Geological and Hydro-Geology Services and Audit and Certification Services. Excelling the volatile and constantly changing environment, it constantly reinvents itself and provides the best in class solutions to the valued clientele.We are reckoned as the most promising Environment Consulting Company, which is engaged in providing Professional Services to the valuable clients. What makes us stand out in comparison to others is that fact that we work with a sincere dedication towards providing solutions that best solve the environment related problems.We have attained specialization in handling different type of projects that require prior environmental clearance that too when the environmental regulations have become more stringent since the last two decades. We operate as a group of technical professionals working for different infrastructure and development projects that cater to the needs of diverse sectors. The projects, which we handle, demand expert guidance that fulfills the requirement of environment and forest protection acts & regulations. More over, we strictly follow the set guidelines and operate in an ethical manner in the corporate and industrial business environments
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Contact Information

Iconic Envirotech Private Limited

  • Mr. Nadeem Uddin Abbasi
  • FF-11, CENTER POINT COMPLEX, PLOT NO. 188, JINSI SQUARE, Jahangirabad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462008

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