INNOVATIVES AGRICULTURE & BEVERAGES PVT LTD Innovatives Agriculture & Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Is one of the 3 companies of the Innovatives Group of companies with its office operating with the Head office at Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar, started in August 2009, with an object to enter in to specialized Industrial Agribusiness, by, investing funds in Food processing, pharmaceutical , plantations ,Florticulture , Organic farming Horticultural activities .The company is in a budding stage & plants are ready for establishment of Industries for spices, Aloe vera, Jatropha currently. This company would transform in to multicore company by the end of 2017. INFRASTRUCTURE Protocol as mentioned earlier ,i.e. the office is directly controlled by the chairman of the group, with a status of separate division (Agri-Division) headed by Divisional Manager who is assisted by Marketing executives & Team leaders in the Marketing avenue. OUR MISSION Innovatives Agriculture & Beverages has a mission to establish it as a blue chip division in the Innovative group of companies , by generating revenues exceptionally in the Agro Projects out of the funds investment .The mission is to develop long term activities in the on organized agrarian sector with sustained planning , Research & Development, keeping in view of the CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY; by organizing SHGs in organic farming , plantation, layout of garden, parks etc and maintenance thereof.. The agenda in the mission by and large is as follows. •To establish an Industry for SPECIES POWDER ,SOUCES, PRICKLES of export quality. •To manufacture byproducts processed from Aloe vera for human hygine and skin care, by cultivation of Aloe vera & establishing plant for pulp & juice extraction. •Floriculture- Develop floriculture in commercial scale of high quality. •Plantation- Jatropha, Teak, Pineapple, Papaya. 3.Pineapple – for Bromoline – Enzyme used in pharma & direct sales of pineapple & suckers. 4.Papaya – To extraction of pappain for the latex for pharma to control peptic ulcer and Direct sales of fruits(ripe) 5.Organic farming – CSR in the periphery of Bhubaneswar through SHGs with buy back policy. 6.Taking of Horticultural works with BMC Bhubaneswar on contract. 7.Lay out of Nordal Nursery to promote kitchen garden & floriculture. 8.Opening of Agro sales centre – for sales of agriinput (seed & bio- fertilizers), vegetables, flowers etc Micronutrients . 9.Training – 1. On sales and Marketing – of Agro products. Batch wise – On payment of fees session wise. 10.Training to SHGs on organic farming , plantation, vermiculture. JATROPHA ( BIO DIESEL) CULTIVATION & INDUSTRY Innovative Agri world be involved in both export and cultivation of JATROPHA in home state ODISHA. The company would help the entrepreneurs & farmers in settin of JATROPHA cultivation ventures . Innovatives would provide • Seed of high quality & germination • Develop high grade nurseries. • Distribute seedings & Organic manerus. • Import Technological & Agricultural informative inputs. • Buy seeds for crushing to be done by the registered SHGs. • Present available Oil expellers in Rural sector on per Industrial standards & specifications to fulfill the export promoters by APEDA. • The companies immediate target is 5000 MT of crude oil export by end of 2017 and bringing an area of 1 lakh across in the first year under cultivatioin. • The executive Director would also provide inter cropping technique and buyback all the farms produce of bee hiving sericulture,edible crops and tree plantation(teak). OUR VISION Our vision is very clear & simple to interact to innovate. Since Agriculture is no more The business of anybody and every body like in the conventional past ; now it requires expertise in the latest technology and professionalism . Agriculture sector need to be organized like a will oiled machinery & should be full of innovative idea this is the objectives and vision of Innovatives. Growth of the company depends on the result oriented investments. Accordingly the company has decided to go with home needs and Industrial needs. Therefore the company has planted set a target for vision 2017, with the projects like SPICE PROJECT, ALOE VERA PROJECT ,& JATROPHA PROJECT with lesser revenue learning projects in the pipeline. The planning and R & D works are in progress. The details have been explained in our mission. The company has the vision & objective to establish Agro-based projects .The first project taken to hand is spices project, Primarily the company is Marketing The spice powders in own packing in innovatives brand name “MUTE”. Simultaneously Company is working on formalities of spice manufacturing plant near Bhubaneswar with an utilization capacity of 60% to process 1000 kg of spice powder per day. “INTERACT TO INNOVATE” A WAR IS NOT LOST TILL IT IS WON.
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