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Chemical Fertilizers have Played a Significant Role in Indian Agriculture Facilitating Green Revolution and Making the Country Self-reliant in Crop Production. However, Concentrated and Continuous Use of Easily Soluble Chemical Fertilizers Disturbs Soil Health, Leading to Acidification, Micro Nutrient Depletion, Soil Degradation, and Reduction in the Quality. Besides, Use of Fertilizers May Contribute to Environmental Risks like Increase in Global Temperature, Ground and Surface Water Pollution View of Increasing Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers and Insecticides, It Deteriorating Soil Productivity and Soil Health, the Concept of Organic Farming is Gaining Momentum World for Developing An Eco-friendly and Organic Agriculture. Organic Farming is a System of Farming Without Use of Chemical Inputs and Biological Pest Control and Plant Protection Measures with Minimal Use of Permissible Natural Minerals to Promote Agro-ecological System and Soil Biological this Direction, Vermicompost is One of the Best Examples of Organic Manures Which Offer Immense Scope to Small and Marginal Farmers in Creating Their Own Organic Manorial Resources and Ways to Generate Alternative Income. There is a Growing Realization that Vermicompost Provides the Nutrients and Growth-enhancing Hormones Necessary for Plant Growth. the Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables and other Plant Products Grown Using Vermicompost are Reported to have Better Keeping Quality. Advantages and Benefits:eco-friendly Contains Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash Along with Micronutrients like Fe, Mg, Preserves Moisture in the Extends Shelf Life of Fruits and Promotes Beneficial Micro-organism’s Population in Reduces Transplant Shock.improves Taste and Quality of the Buffering Has a Capacity to Detoxify Chemical Residues & Heavy Metals.increases Nutrients Uptake.