Paddy Drum Seeder
4,800 Per Piece
1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
We are offering paddy drum seeder. Direct paddy seeder direct paddy seeder is one of the revolutionary equipments that changed the face of sowing paddy seeds in wetland field. Direct paddy drum seeder has eliminated the need of transplantation and hours of manual work which will literally break the back of the farmers involved in sowing the paddy seeds to the field. At one stretch with single operator effort, it covers 8 rows of 20 cm row to row spacing at a time. Made up of plastic material, which makes it easy. Salient features labour cost is reduced drastically. uniformity in seed sowing and plant population. continuous drilling of seeds is eliminated. reduction in seed rate and thinning cost. crop matures 7-10 days earlier than transplanted paddy. light in weight and easy to handle. an area of 1 field preparation field must be well puddled and leveled. wate must be drained out atleast 24 hrs before sowing to form hardslurry pan of puddle soil. at the time of sowing, only paper thin of water should be maintained in the puddled field. water should be flooded to the puddled field once in three days after sowing and drained out immediately. this practice must be continued for 12 days. Thereafter depending upon the height of the seeding, water should be allowed to stand in the field. Operation procedure after assembling, fill the drums with pre-germinated seeds. Remember only two-third of the drum are to be filled at a time. close the mouth with the knob provided. pull the seeder manually at a normal walking speed (1 kmh) in the backward position as in the photo. the wheel impression in the first pass will server as a maker. in the second pass the wheel should pass on the same wheel impression of the previous pass to maintain the row-to-row spacing of 20 cm. occasionally watch the dropping of the seeds through the holes of the seeder . refill the drum when it reaches one fourth capacity. continue the seeding operation.
Direct Paddy Drum Seeder
5,700 - 6,200 Per Drum
10 Box (MOQ)
Best Deals from Drum Seeder
Plastic Drum Seeder
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Outstanding Features • Saves seeds. Farmers can save 50-80% seeds compared with broadcast seeding • Portable and lightweight. It can be used both for dryland and wetland seeding. It is easy to operate and maintain. It is made of lightweight tubing and polyethylene plastic. • Convenient. Rice grains are seeded in straight rows, hence, mechanical weeding can be done between rows. • Adjustable seeding rate. It can be adjusted so farmers can opt to seed 20, 40, and 60 kg/ha seed rate with simple adjustment. • It saves on labor Specifications • Operator required : 1 person • Seed capacity : 12 kg ( 2 kg/hopper) • Seeding output : 1-1.5 ha/day • Seeding rate : 20-60 kg/hour • Seed : 24 hours soaking • Preparation : 24 hours incubation for wet seeding • Number of rows : 08 • Spacing between rows : 20 cm • Machine weight : 10 kg
Drum Seeder
20 Per Piece
Drum Seeder
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Modiant Seeder
8,500 Per Piece
Drum Seeder
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DIRECT PADDY SEEDER is one of the revolutionary equipment that changed the face of sowing paddy seeds in wetland fields. Direct paddy drum seeder has eliminated the need for transplantation and hours of manual work, which will literally break the backs of the farmers involved in sowing the paddy seeds into the field. At one stretch, with a single operator effort, it covers 8 rows of 20 cm row to row spacing at a time. It is made up of plastic material, which makes it easy to carry.
120,000 Per pieces
10 Piece (MOQ)
Paddy Drum Seeder
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Owing to our well-trained professionals, advanced technology, and well-equipped laboratories, we are known to be the largest suppliers of Paddy Drum Seeder in Bihar, India. While the Paddy Drum Seeder is extensively used in a number of industrial applications, we manufacture them using optimum quality components. The USP of these Paddy Drum Seeders is that they are known for their high performance, superior strength, and low maintenance cost.
Drum Seeder
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It is an agricultural implement used for sowing pre-germinated paddy seeds directly in wet-land field. It is a manually pulled implement which helps the farmer to sow 8 rows at one draw. It does not require any mechanical power for its operation.The Drum Seeder Machine is certified by North Eastern Region Farm Machinery Testing & Training Institute, Biswanath Chariali, Sonitpur, Assam, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Direct Paddy Drum Seeder
5,700 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Drum Seeder
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Drum seeder : Drum seeder is used for cultivation of direct seed rice. The rice cultivated by other drum seeder because of having closed row to row spacing, does not allow the movement of hand operated weeding tools to facilitate mechanical weeding. Consequently, the yield of paddy grown thought drum seeder is affected by weeds and farmers do not realize higher yield as compared to manual transplanting methods of paddy cultivation. The AGRIMAX-BIHAR brand Drum Seeder is one of the quality products of our firm. The implement is light weight and has been provided with arrangements for changing row to row and plant to plant distance. This special feature of the machine allows the farmers to opt different methods of planting paddy including the SRI and by use of AGRIMAX-BIHAR brand Drum Seeder, framers have got 10-15% more yield than the transplanted paddy . It is labour saving equipment. The large sized drum, properly lugged wheels and PVC bush provided with this implement all together makes it very different from drum seeders made by other firms. It requires only 2 man days for seeding 1 hectare of land per day.
Row Drum Seeder
4,800 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Drum Seeder
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The Drum-Seeder is used for direct sowing of Paddy seeds along the principles of the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method of farming. The product has been designed to sow seeds in a straight line so that the farmer can carry out the weeding process later, without any trouble. The delivery holes in the Seed Drums have been designed to drop a specific number of seeds at specified distances in order to prevent seed wastage.
Drum Seeder
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Khedut Drum Seeder is used for sowing paddy seed directly in wet land field. It is an efficient and inexpensive implement for sowing of paddy seed.
Pro Seeder Attachment
9,199 Per Piece
Agriculture Drum Seeder
5,600 Per Piece
Krishi Usha Drum Seeder
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Krishi Usha Drum Seeder is used for sowing germinated paddy seeds directly onto wetland field. Manually-operated, Krishi Usha Drum Seeder assures uniformity in seed sowing & plant population. The filed capacity of Krishi Usha Drum Seeder is nearly 1 hector per day. We have huge dealer–chain in different parts of UK, which ensures time-bound delivery without any hassle. Salient Features : Coers 8 rows of 20 cm row-to-row spacing at a time. Uniformity in seed sowing & plant population Reduction in seed rate and labor cost Made up of FRP (Fibre Raisen Plastic) Lugged type wheel for proper grip on muddy fields. Field Capacity : 1 hector per day Lighter in weight and easy to operate
Drum Seeder
9,000 - 10,000 Per Piece
Drum Seeder
19,500 Per Piece
10 Piece (MOQ)