Plaster Of Paris
JCM Gypsum one coal Plaster is gypsum based plaster suitable for application on most internal backgrounds including brick, block and concrete. It Consists otgypsum hemihydrate, formulated with special additives to enhance working and setting characteristics. It contains light weight aggregates to improve pIoster’s workability, coverage, application and post usage behavior. it dries to provide ¤ off- white, smooth matt finish ready {or painting.Features : Directly applied, single coat application Free of shrinkage cracks Imports high coverage of B7m/MT' Achievesdesired smooth finish Zero maintenance Compatible with all types of paints Available in 23 Kg packaging HDPE Bags Application Methodology - Surface Preparation : The background to be plastered should be thoroughly brushed with broom to be tree of all loose particles and dust. Wash and clean traces at mould oil Mix JCM One Coat Plaster to water {not vice versa], use a mixing rod tor thorough mixing and avoid lumps and unmixed residues Water to Plaster ratio {l part otwatan],5 part of plaster} should be maintained to have good oohesive workable mix Mix JCM One Coat Plaster as much as required depending upon the immediate scope ot work, partially unused material to be keptwell secured in dry place Once the mix has begun to set, additional water should not be added, as performance properties of JCM One Coat Plaster will get altered, thus affecting workobility, cohesiveness, adhesion and strength Avoid using a wet brush on ta the finished surface as that would leave permanent brush marks and thus spoil the surface A single coat should not exceed l2 mm in thickness. lf at all thickness required is more than l2 mm, plaster should be applied in multiple coats Alter complete drying {which takes usually 72 hrs depending on the thickness and weather conditions], the plain smooth leveled surtaoe is readytar painting
Color : White
Country of Origin : India
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