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- Vitamin C: 302 mg.
- Nutritive Value of Guava: per 100 gms.
- Vitamin A: 250 I.U
- Vitamin B: Thiamine .07 mg.
- Niacin: 1.2 mg
Guava is a tropical fruit, which is in very much like the shape of a pear, and has a yellow-green skin and white, yellow, or red/pink flesh. The guava tree belongs to the myrtle family Myrtaceae. The tree is native to Mexico, as well as Central America, Northern South America and parts of the Carribbean. They are now cultivated throughout the tropics.The fruit is known by many names in various countries. They are called Pera in Sri Lanka, Amrood in Hindi and Urdu. In Bengali it is known as Peyara. They are also referred to as the bayabas locals of Guayaba. Some people prefer eating guavas to oranges, as the former have more concentration of Vitamin C and are also a lot cheaper than the latter.
Guavas can be consumed raw, but need to be ripe, as raw guavas are hard on the stomach. They make excellent jams, preserves, and sauces. Guava trees are ideal for use as fruiting hedges, landscaping trees and as ornamental potted specimen trees
Nutritive Value Guava is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. A guava contains approximately five times more Vitamin C than an orange. It also possesses vitamins A and B and is also rich in Calcium, Nicotinic Acid, Phosphorous, Potassium, Iron, Folic Acid, Fiber, etc
Varieties of Guava
Guava Hawaiian: They are of a large variety of guava, and are yellow in colour from the outside, whereas, the flesh is pink in colour. They can be consumed fresh or as a juice and can also be pruned to keep compact
Para Guava: They are medium in size and have a translucent white-yellowish flesh. As they are of a sour variety, therefore, they are not often consumed raw, but they make tasty drinks and desserts. This kind of guava is grown in warm sub tropical locations experiencing high rainfall
Guava-Mexican Cream: They have a roundish shape and are often small to medium small in size. The skin is light yellow in colour and is slightly blushed with red. The flesh is white and creamy, thick and extremely sweet. They make for an excellent dessert. The seeds of this variety are relatively soft
Guava-Strawberry: This is a guava that is grown mainly in Brazil. It is a red coloured fruit of the size of a golf ball. The leaves of the tree are of the shape of an egg. The flesh is sweet and has a strawberry like flavour
Guava-Thai White: They are the most common Asian variety with green skin and white flesh with a few seeds. They have a mild flavour. They grow well in frost free climates
Guava Hawaiian-Pink Supreme: They are the largest of all the varieties of guavas grown and have a high juice content, and fruit to seed ratio. Their flesh is pink in colour and they are one of the most popular commercial variety. Their trees bear heavy fruit after one year
Guava Yellow Cherry: These guavas are approximately 3cm in diameter, and have a mild flavour. They are the sweetest of all the above mentioned varieties. They have a yellow skin, with a white creamy flesh and small seeds.
Guava possesses antiseptic, astringent & anthelminthic properties, useful to cure many diseases and ailments
Guava can help in killing the bacteria, fungi and amoeba in the body
Rich in fiber content, guava helps keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check and therefore helps in fighting many heart ailments
Lycopene, a compound present in the fruit reduces the risk of cancer, if the fruit is consumed on a regular basis
Research has shown that eating guavas aid in the functioning of the kidneys
The Vitamin C present in the fruit helps to regulate the heart beat and also fights with the free radicals
Consumption of guava also helps to control diabetes and prevents constipation
Guava leaves when applied to wounds and to aching places helps in effectively curing
Guava is often given to children to cure pangs of diarrhea
It has general haemostatic properties, and therefore helps in treating bleeding nose, gums and minor internal haemorrhaging
Consumption of guava also helps in menstrual problems
The fruit is also beneficial for treating male infertility (due to high Vitamin C content) caused by sperm clumping, adhesion and other abnormalities
Gargling with the decoction of guava leaves relieves from swollen gums and oral ulcers. This decoction also helps to curb the puking sensation and is beneficial to cure skin diseases.
The decoction is also beneficial for skin diseases and it is very useful in stopping the puking sensation
Chewing guava leaves are also an ideal remedy to cure toothaches.