Ultrafiltration (UF) is a variety of membrane filtration in which hydrostatic pressure forces a liquid against a semipermeable membrane. Suspended solids and solutes of high molecular weight are retained, while water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane.
...moreRotating Biological Contactor
Rotating biological contactors is a remediation technology used in the secondary treatment of wastewater. Rotating biological contactors are fixed-film reactors. This technology involves allowing wastewater to come in contact with a biological medium in order to facilitate the removal of contaminants.
...moreNano Filteration
Nano filtration is a pressure driven separation process. It is much the same as reverse osmosis. The key difference is the high degree of removal of monovalent ions, multivalent salts and low molecular weight organics in the reject. Reverse osmosis removes the monovalent ions at 98-99% level at 200 psi.
...moreIndustrial Wastewater Treatment
Wockoliver is a leading provider of water and wastewater technology and equipment Globally. It has a wide range of expertise from staff including professional engineers (civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical and environmental), draftspersons, boilermakers, fitter and turners, painters, certified water and wastewater plant operators, etc., supporting its specialist activities.
...moreMineral Water Plants
Wockoliver - our company is counted amongst the foremost exporters, wholesalers and suppliers of mineral water plants in india.
...moreRecycling Plant
Wock-oliver is known for their innovative responses to both thermal and membrane desalination and water re-use challenges. Wock-oliver technologies include pretreatment, ion exchange, membrane processes, wastewater recycling, zero liquid discharge (zld) and evaporative processes. We offer both customized and pre-engineered solutions.
...moreReverse Osmosis Plant
Reverse osmosis separation technology is used to remove dissolved impurities from water through the use of a semi-permeable membrane. It is also one of the methods used to desalinate seawater. Reverse osmosis is used to purify liquids in which water is an undesirable impurity. Municipalities and industrial facilities can use ro permeate as a consistently pure drinking water supply and to transform drinking water to high purity water for industrial use at microelectronics, food and beverage, power, and pharmaceutical facilities.
...moreSewage Treatment Plant
Wockoliver - our company is counted amongst the foremost exporters, wholesalers and suppliers of sewage treatment plant in india.
...moreSewage Water Treatment Plant
Wockoliver - our company is counted amongst the foremost exporters, wholesalers and suppliers of sewage water treatment plant in india.
...moreWater Filtration Systems
Wockoliver - our company is counted amongst the foremost exporters, wholesalers and suppliers of water filtration systems in india.
...moreDissolved Air Floatation Clarifier
Dissolved air floatation clarifier has been widely used for industrial wastewater treatment. The typical industrial wastes treated by flotation are paper mill backwater, oily wastewater as well effluents from sugar, dairy, textile industries and tanneries.
...moreTurbo Filtration
Turbo Filtration is one of the patented technologies of Wock-Oliver , which has been done after years of R&D. Its low pressure UF and is devised where re-cycling of effluent is required , seprating higher molecular particles.
...moreFilter Press
Wock-Olivers Filter Presses are used for the purpose of dewatering sludge and slurry produced in wastewater treatment, and chemical and mineral processing. Most wastewater treatment processes will produce sludge or slurry that is commonly disposed as a liquid waste.
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