Pipeline Wrappings
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Physical characteristics of jai outer wrap as per awwa-c-203-1991 are as follows : Nominal thickness - Shall not be less than 0.76 mm. Mass - Shall not be less than 5.4 kg./9.3 m' nor more than 6.8 kg./9.3 m' . The weight of the base membrane of glass fibre tissue shall not be less than 0.77 kg./9.3 m' . Breaking strength - The average strength in the longitudinal direction shall not be less than 6130 N/m of width. The average breaking strength in the transverse direction shall not be less than 4730 N/m of width. Pliability - There shall be no cracking of JAI outer wrap as per AWWA-C-203-91. Weight loss on heating - The loss of heating shall not be more than 2 % as per AWWA-C-203-91. Sticking to Surface - During unroll shall not Stick to itself to such an extent as to cause tearing (at temp. between 0o C to 38oC).