Purusha and Prakriti
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Purusha and Prakriti - The two realities of Presence Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment introduces you to the concept of Purusha and Prakriti. This awareness program is facilitated by Mr. Praveen Saanker, Mr. Abhishek Mohan and Mr. Eswaran Namboothiri. Hinduism recognizes two eternal principles, which are mentioned in the Vedas, the Bhagavadgita, the Sutras and other Hindu scriptures. They're Purusha and Prakriti. They're also known as Brahman and Brahmi, Isvara and Isvari, Siva and Parvathi, Narayana and Narayani. The Gita declares that seated in Prakriti, Purusha manifests the worlds and beings. Vedicology program facilitators explain the significance of the eight key pointers on Prakriti quoting various scriptures. Prakriti is the set of eternal, indestructible, and indivisible realities that produce modifications. Maya is the modification of Prakriti. It represents the natural universe we experience. Tattvas are the collection of ceaseless and original realities which constitute Prakriti. Asambhuti is the original unmanifested Prakriti in which all are latent. Sambhuti is the manifested Prakriti. It is Another name for Maya. It is both a modification and an illusion. Gunas are the three processes which impart motion and actions to Prakriti's alterations. Nature in the English sense of the word represents the modifications of Prakriti, but maybe not Prakriti itself. It's the same as Sambhuti or Maya. Asambhuti or Mula Prakriti is your second ceaseless Principle of existence, alongside Unmanifested Brahman in which everything stays in a state of latency.
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