Carbonated Beverages and Liquids
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Compact linear bottling machine for mineral water - carbonated beverages and liquids, automatic & semi automatic pet filling machine.
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Carbonated Soft Drinks
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Capacity Available - 500 LPH to 20000 LPH Fully Automatic with Advanced Technologies. With HMI System. All are in SS with recommended grade as per the standard. Quality materials will be used at worn out places for maximum period of life. All Bought out Items are Branded one like Grundfoss, Bonfiglioli, Siemens and Snider to get spares & service at any point. SS316 at all product contact zones. Bottle Volume - 200Ml to 1000Ml Suitable to Fill - All kind of Carbonated Drinks Shape of Bottles considered - Round CARBONATED SOFT DRINKS Carbonated Soft drinks made out of sugar, concentrate and flavors. Well known flavors are Cola, Orange, Lemon, Pineapple and Bovontoa. First water has to treat to the Beverages standard for processing. The processed water is then collected sugar and food grade carbon are added and heated to the required temperature. The heated sugar solution is well agitated by an Agitator. After thirty minutes the hot sugar and carbon mixer is pumped to the filter press where the activated carbon with sediments in the granulated sugar are removed and the clear sugar solution cooled from 79° C to 15° C by way of plate heat exchangers and sent to Blending tanks. In the blending tanks concentrate and flavoring agents (Preservatives) are added and agitated thoroughly and kept for bottling. Premix/Carbonation System draws the chilled process water at 2° C from the Chiller. Ready mixed syrup mixes with carbon-di-oxide and also sprayed on the finished mixed product. SODA The processed water is passes through online Chiller for cooling. Carbonation System draws the chilled process water at 2° C from the Chiller. The chilled water enters in to the CO² Injector. CO² gas will be injected at the ventury of Injector unit. Chilled water and CO² gas used to mix at required level due high pressure pump. Then the CO² mixed water enter into the carbonation tank for proper mixing. The carbonation tank is designed for better further mixing of gas and water. The special type internal cascade plate construction inside this tank ensures that quality of final product. Regulators are provided at both CO² lines to monitor the required pressure of gas, ensuring uniformly in the quality of carbonated water. A safety valve on the tank releases excess pressure developed into the atmosphere. Due to the cascade plate construction, the final product gas volume is as per require standard. That is 4 to 6 Volumes. The low & high level electronic indicators are provided at both the tanks. These indicators interlinked with the high pressure pump and chiller plant for continuous smooth operation. The final product of soda used collect from the bottom of the carbonation tank and the pipe line of the same is connected to the counter pressure filler tank. SEMI AUTO CARBONATED SOFT DRINKS (CSD) & SODA LINES Capacity Available - 200 LPH to 350 LPH All are in SS with recommended grade as per the standard. Quality materials will be used at worn out places for maximum period of life. All Bought out Items are Branded one like Grundfoss, Bonfiglioli, Siemens and Snider to get spares & service at any point. SS316 at all product contact zones. Bottle Volume - 200Ml to 500Ml SS316 at all product contact zones. Bottle Volume - 200Ml to 1000Ml Suitable to Fill - All kind of Carbonated Drinks Shape of Bottles considered - Round The new bottles are rinsed by manual by way of nozzles. The rinsed bottles are dumped in the collection tank, which is attached with the rinser. The water line should be connected by customer from the overhead tank to get the sufficient pressure for rinsing. The rinsed pet bottles are put underneath of Syruper unit by manual to collect the sugar mixed syrup at required quantity. The Syruper unit is having adjustment control to change the syrup quantity. The bottles with syrup move to filler by way of SS Slat chain conveyor for filling. Syrup filled bottles pick from conveyor and insert in to neck flats of rotary filling machine manually. While rotation, the neck flats move upwards with the bottles to press the filling valves for filling by way of mechanical cam. Due to pressing of filling valves, the carbonated water will mix forcibly with syrup. The rotary filler connected with Online RO Unit, Chiller and Carbonator. The mixing will proper due to CO² pressure in the valves. Then the filled bottles used to collect from other end of filler for manual capping. After capping Collection of bottles and labeling work by manual. Labeling work should start after reach the room temperature of the bottles. AUTO CARBONATED FLAVOUR DRINKS LINES Capacity Available - 500 LPH to 10000 LPH Fully Automatic with Advanced Technologies. With HMI System. All are in SS with recommended grade as per the standard. SS316 at all product contact zones. Quality materials will be used at worn out places for maximum period of life. All Bought out Items are Branded one like Grundfoss, Bonfiglioli, Siemens and Snider to get spares & service at any point. SS316 at all product contact zones. Bottle Volume - 200Ml to 1000Ml Suitable to Fill - All kind of Carbonated Drinks Shape of Bottles considered - Round The required quantity of selected flavor will be poured at Blending tank. The Processed water and Flavor are mixed in the blending tank by way of stirrers. The mixed flavor water will enter into Pasteurization unit after completion of filter process. The mixed flavor drink is heated up at high temperature to remove unwanted and for more life in Pasteurization unit. Then Pasteurized flavor drink will passes through online chiller for carbonation. The Carbonation unit draws chilled flavor drink at 5° C from the Chiller. The chilled flavor drink and CO² gas used to mix in injector at required level due high pressure pump. Then the CO² mixed product enter into the carbonation tank for proper mixing. The special type internal cascade plate construction inside this tank ensures that quality of final product. SEMI AUTO CARBONATED FLAVOUR DRINKS LINES Capacity Available - 200 LPH to 350 LPH All are in SS with recommended grade as per the standard. Quality materials will be used at worn out places for maximum period of life. All Bought out Items are Branded one like Grundfoss, Bonfiglioli, Siemens and Snider to get spares & service at any point. SS316 at all product contact zones. Bottle Volume - 200Ml to 500Ml Suitable to Fill - All kind of Carbonated Drinks Shape of Bottles considered - Round The new bottles are rinsed by manual by way of nozzles. The rinsed bottles are dumped in the collection tank, which is attached with the rinser. The water line should be connected by customer from the overhead tank to get the sufficient pressure for rinsing. The Sugar mixed Flavor has to be mixed with treated water and keep stock for every four hours production. The mixed flavor drink will be stored in the blending tank. The mixed flavor drink from blending tank moves to Pasteurization to be heated up at high temperature for removal of unwanted bacterias and for more life. Then Pasteurized flavor drink will passes through chiller and then to the carbonator. The carbonated flavor drink will enter to the filling machine tank. The flavor drink used heated up by way of Boiler. The rinsed bottles used pick from conveyor and insert in to neck flats of rotary filling machine by manual. While rotation, the neck flats move upwards with the bottles to press the filling valves for filling by way of mechanical cam. Then the filled bottles used transfer capping head. Then the capped bottles used collect manually. The rotary filler connected with Pasteurizer. After capping Collection of bottles and labeling work by manual. Labeling work should start after reach the room temperature of the bottles.
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