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DBQ or drop bottom quench solution treatment furnace is primarily used for solutionizing of aluminium parts prior to forming. The requirement is a quick quenching of aluminium parts usually within 5 to 10 seconds so that the material comes to ideal precipitation hardened condition. When heated evenly to a temperature of upto 550°C, a solid solution of copper is formed in the aluminium structure which flows throughout the microstructure. The furnace is inverted type with charge lifting and lowering facility to accommodate the high speed quenching including de-clamping, door opening and quenching. The furnace can be stand alone type with charge carrier loader and quenching tank moving on the floor or floor mounted with charge carrier loader and quench tanks sliding in a pit. As the requirement is very fast quenching it is fully automated by the use of PLC and SCADA. These furnaces can also be used for continuous ageing cycle ranging from 16 – 24 hrs time. Various quench media such as water, glycol or other polymer oils as per process requirement are used. Area of application is generally used in aeronautical industries for solutioninzing and ageing of structural parts, also in forging industries of aluminium alloy forgings.