Heat Pump
50,000 Per Units
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VENUS COMMERCIAL - HEATPUMP: Uses heat from the air to heat water and saves energy as much as 60-80%, when compared to oil fired boilers or electric water heaters. It is ideal for commercial applications like in hotels, hospitals, spas, hostels etc. where hot water is needed in large volumes. This range saves on operating costs by tapping into the heat in the air in a safe and affordable way. You can satisfy your customers while saving on your energy bills. In the business environment, a commercial heat pump water heater can do a lot to enhance the company bottom line. Whether you are looking for a heat pump water heater for hotels, an appliance to serve you at your warehouse or something for a local shop, our team at Venus is here to help you. We are specialists in guided sales, meaning we are willing and able to help you at every step of the sales process. You are never alone, and you never have to make any decisions without complete information. Why not contact us now and see how we can help you with your commercial heat pump water heater needs?
Best Deals from Heat Pumps
Mechanical Heat Pump
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The primer consists of a hermetically sealed compressor, heat rejection chamber, drier-filter, expansion device, and heat absorption chamber. Hot vapours from the heat absorption chamber in the tank are sucked by the compressor, are compressed & sent to the heat rejection chamber. Liquid emerging out from the heat rejection chamber passes through the expansion device; it is throttled to low pressure & temperature & sent to heat absorption device where it boils. A drier filter is in the way to throttling device Product Code : SAMS R/AC - 006
Heat Pump
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For all Solar water heater installations where the space is a constraint. We give the option of Heat pump. It also saves a lot of electricity
Heat Pumps
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Usually when you think of solar hot water, panels and a collector tank installed on a roof spring to mind – a traditional solar hot water system. A heat pump is a different way to use renewable energy to heat water – that doesn’t need solar panels! Heat pumps can save you a bundle of cash on your hot water bills, as they use approximately one third the energy of an electric water heater. Additionally, there’s generous rebates available making them an extremely economical option! How does a heat pump work? A heat pump is a little like a reverse refrigerator. It transfers the heat in the air outside of the unit to the water stored inside the heater through a heat exchange system. In the case of heat pumps, “heat” is a relative term as they will still work in very cold conditions* – at least -10 degrees Celsius, so it will still be generating hot water for you during winter nights. How is that possible? Here’s the basic process: External air is drawn into the heat pump system via a fan into an evaporator containing a special type of refrigerant, which is stored in piping. The refrigerant used is called R134a, which isn’t a CFC, so it doesn’t negatively affect the earth’s ozone layer. R134a has an evaporation or boiling point of -26C; whereas water has a boiling point of 100C. Temperatures that feel very cold to us are still more than enough to make the refrigerant “boil”. The air that has been drawn into the system, which is far warmer than the refrigerant, turns the refrigerant from a liquid into a gas inside the heat pump’s piping. A compressor then pumps the now gaseous refrigerant through a small valve, which compresses it; and as a result of the process generates a great deal of heat. A heat exchanger transfers the heat from the heated refrigerant gas pipes to a tank where water is stored. The temperature of the refrigerant has now dropped dramatically as the heat has been drawn away, so it returns to a liquid state and the heat pump cycle begins again. Benefits of a heat pump Massive savings in hot water related expenses over the long term A heat pump produces between 3 – 5 times the amount of renewable energy than electricity required to power the unit. It’s an environmentally friendly hot water option given the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions through less energy requirements. A heat pump is effective even in low temperatures*. In extreme cold, an electric assist is activated to ensure the water stays at the desired temperature No roof space or panels needed Ease of installation as a solar heat pump uses the same connections as an electric hot water system.
Heat Pump
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We bring forth high grade Heat Pump that uses very less electric energy in order to convert energy from a cold area to a hot area. The Heat Pump manufactured in our company is widely demanded in the market for their durability and other attractive features. Used In Transfer of heatAmplifying heat Attributes High quality and flexibilityEnergy efficientLonger lifeEnvironment friendlySaves energyHigh efficiencyReverse operation
Heat Pumps
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Heat Pumps, TransPuls Synergic welding system, Automatic gear converter
Air Source Heat Pump
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Air Source Heat Pump
Air Cooled Heat Pump
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Air Cooled Heat Pump, Industrial Water Heater, Heat Pump Unit
Heat Pumps
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Heat Pumps, Pressure Booster Pumps, Water Heaters, RO Pump, Dewatering Pump
Heat Pump
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Heat Pump, Online Water Chillers, Reboiler heat exchanger