Industrial Exhaust Duct System
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The basic function of exhaust ducting is to work as an air tight tunnel between exhaust hoods and exhaust fan dis- charge. It has to be properly designed to maintain required air quantity, static pressure and air velocity from the individual exhaust hoods and total system requirement. (Ducting to be designed differently for Exhaust and Make-Up Air system to keep negative pressure in the kitchen. Chennai Exhaust Air System specialise in their fields and execute their works with their confidence. We make Kitchen Exhaust Systems ,M.S Exhaust Blower, Exhaust Fans, Exhaust Hood , Fresh Air System, Air Handling Unit, Grills, Micron Filters, Hefa Filters, Air Washer System, M.S Blowers, (S.S, Aluminium GI), G.I Ducting,Openable & Closed Oil Filters and many more.
MS ducts and Ducting
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Industrial ducting made of mild steel had very wide application because its low cost in comparison to other ducts and easy to manufacture. M.S ducts easily gets rusted and will not be able to withstand corrosive environment, in some condition having mild corrosive environment, MS ducts lined with FRP or with special coatings (Epoxy coatings etc..) with serves efficiently. We could also use FRP ducts, SS ducts, GI ducts, Spiral ducts, Aluminium ducts, Flexible ducts along with MS ducts together forming complete ducting system based on applications. Since air being a compressible fluid, the ducting should be properly designed for maximum efficiency with minimum losses. If the ducts , bends, branches etc..are not properly designed considering proper bend radius or process parameters like dust loads, moisture content, dust carrying velocities wont serves its purpose. Powder accumulation on bends occurs, more velocity and pressure would have been lost as friction. Improperly designed ducting system will have more friction loses, and increases blower power consumption as well as power bills. Properly designed ducting system consumes less power and gives more cost savings in long term. Application Industries: Air pollution control equipments Powder transportation industry Cement plants Wastewater Treatment Plants Petrochemical Plants Laboratory Exhaust,Glass and Metal Foundries Clean Rooms Plating & Metal Finishing Facilities Pulp and Paper Industry,Marine Exhaust Systems,Food Processing Facilities Apzem had a strong team of engineers having deep knowledge in various industrial processes, duct design, international ducting standards (SMACNA, AMCA etc..) . We are happy to assist you in selecting, designing ducting for your process needs.
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