Macromed is one of the leading technical oriented company is involved in manufacturing and marketing of medical equipment’s in the field of dental, dermatology, ENT, operation theatre, ICU and Surgical laser. Macromed is established in 2016. The core people of this companies are from research and development field with strong engineering background and knowledge in bio-medical and various other aspects. Macromed believes that the success of as organisation depends on the quality of the employees and ethics of the company. We mainly focus on ethical business with committed service which should not mainly depends on money making from the customers rather we focus on concept selling and suggestion oriented sales. We try our best to match our mission and vision also we are parrallely focusing on newer technologies and concepts to inculcate in our company to meet our future needs. We try to extend our coverage and support to all geographical areas in south india either through our direct employees or our franchises.