Madras Engineering Industries Limited Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • Wear Sensor

    Wear Sensor

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    Wear Sensor is a device used to monitor the brake lining wear of S’ cam brake system. It provides signal to the display unit mounted in the dash board of the vehicle and alerts the operator when the lining is worn out and due for replacement.

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  • Spring brake actuator

    Spring brake actuator

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    Service Brake - To convert compressed air energy into mechanical force. This force is used for brake application at foundation brakes. Parking brake - To release energy stored in heavy compression spring to apply brakes upon release/loss of air pressure

    Application : LCV/ICV/MCV/HCV

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  • manual slack adjusters

    manual slack adjusters

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    In a S-cam type foundation brake, the final link between the pneumatic system and the foundation brake is the brake adjuster. The arm of the brake adjuster is fastened to the push rod of the chamber with a clevis and the spline end is installed on the brake camshaft. Primarily, the brake adjuster is a lever that converts the linear force of the air chamber push rod into a torque which turns the brake camshaft and applies the brake. Two types of brake adjusters are in use; manual type brake adjusters, which periodically require a manual adjustment; and self-adjusting brake adjusters, which automatically adjust during normal service braking applications. All brake adjusters use the worm and gear principle and fundamentally differ only in their torque limit specification

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  • Clutch Booster Assembly

    Clutch Booster Assembly

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    Clutch Booster is an assembly used in Automobiles in the Clutch actuating mechanism. It is primarily used to reduce manual effort needed to dis-engage the clutch whenever gear shift is required. The device utilises the compressed air available in the vehicle system to boost the force required for dis-engaging the clutch

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  • Brake Chamber

    Brake Chamber

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    Brake Chamber To convert compressed air energy into mechanical force. This force is used for brake application at foundation brakes.

    Application : LCV/ICV/MCV/HCV

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  • automatic slack adjusters

    automatic slack adjusters

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    The process of adjusting the shoe clearance manually is cumbersome and time consuming, as we will be seeing now. The brake adjustments need several steps. Jack up the wheels and keep rotating the wheel. Then press the worm shaft clock completely and rotate worm shaft until the wheel locks. After this, rotate the worm shaft in the reverse direction until the wheel starts rotating freely. Then turn the worm shaft slightly and release the lock. Repeat this process for all the wheels. As it is difficult to maintain uniform clearance on all wheels and this can result in vehicle pulling to one side while braking

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  • manual slack adjuster

    manual slack adjuster

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Contact Information

Madras Engineering Industries Limited

  • R Sriram
  • D - 80 , Anna Nagar (East), Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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