Market Assessment Services in Chennai

(3 service providers available)
  • Global Market Opportunities Scanning

    Global Market Opportunities Scanning

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    Scanning Global Market Opportunities You need answer the following questions before you enter into any global market A. What type of product are you selling ? B. Is it acceptable in the global market?  C. Does it have price competitiveness?  D. Are you availing the right government schemes?  E. Are you targeting the right market? F. Are you customizing the product as per the customers requirement? G. What is the size of the world market for a product?  H. What are the trends for that market – i.e. is the market growing and by how much? I. With which countries does my country currently trade for certain products? J. Are there opportunities to identify new or alternative markets? K. What tariff barriers exist in a specific market? L. Which countries compete to supply to a specific market and to the world?

  • market assessment services

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    market assessment services, Techno Economic Feasibility Studies

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