micron cartridge filters
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The Micron filter of 1.0, 0.45, & 0.2 are housed in a specially manufactured SS 316 housing. The code of the cartrid ges used is code 4-PP, PVDF, Pleated, Membrane cartridge. Specially Electro polished SS 316 housing with Derry Bends and SMS easily unlock fitting are used.The micron cartridge used are PP, PVDF, Pleated Membrane, cartridges. They are far superior to any pleated, PP, cartridges.The rating of the cartridges are absolute and guarantee to give the rating of filter prescribed.
Micron Cartridge Filter
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Our range of Micron cartridge filters are one of the best selling products. These are used for post treatment systems getting super clarity and extra sparkled water, which is filtered by a conventional sand filter. Micron cartridge filters have the ability to easily separate following: For water used in micro biological, bacteriological, enzyme, drug & medicine, marine & other research work, hospitals, laboratories and others For clarifying water used for blending in wines, liquors, breweries, soft drinks aerated & mineral water plants For water used in the making of syrups, fruit juices, health drink & other food items in food industries
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Micron Cartridge Filter
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micron cartridge filters separate suspended solids, silt, fine dirt from water. Different types of cartridge materials are employed to filter the water based on applications. Pleated type, string wound, media filled cartridges and melt down cartridge are available. All these are available in different micron ratings. The micron ratings of these filters are in range of 100-1 micron. Based on the solids particle distribution, micron cartridge filters for particular applications are installed. They trap all the solids above the rated size. As all the pores in micron filters are filled up the pressure drop across the housing increases. Then the cartridges has to be cleaned or replaced. applications pre filtration to ro units filtration of cip effluent pre filtration to uv, ozone units
Micron Cartridge Filter
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Micron Cartridge Filter