Portable Oil bath
33,300 Per Piece
Magnetic Stirrer Oil Bath
15,000 Per Piece
Best Deals from Oil Bath
Oil Bath
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An oil bath is a laboratory heating device which uses boiling oil as the temperature regulator.
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“MIGHTY INSTRUMENTS” Viscosity Oil Bath is designed to inner made of stainless steel and outer made of mild steel sheets and attractively finished in powder coat paint. The inner space in between the walls in tightly packed with special grade glass wool to avoid thermal losses.
Oil Bath
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High Temperature Oil Bath
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High Temperature Oil Bath manufactured by us is facilitated to take high temperature of heat. This Digital High Temperature Oil Bath are double walled body. The gap between the double walled is filled with wool to minimize the heat thus produced. Temperature is controlled by proportional digital indicating controller. This wide range of High Temperature Oil Bath is available in compatible prices; this has been possible due our years of experience and research. We are one of the oldest and most reputed High Temperature Oil Bath Manufacturers.
Oil Baths
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Double Walled chamber, Outer made of mild steel with powder coating finish and Inner made of stainless steel with glass wool packing between the two walls to avoid heat loss. Heating will be of immersion type heater and controlled by a capillary type thermostat. The oil bath will be supplied with a stand to keep the flask on it.
High Temperature Oil Bath
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Interior construction of stainless steel 304 Outer construction-PCRC sheet /SS 304 (as per requirement) 75mm glass wool insulated on five sides Provided with High speed stirrer with speed regulator Control panel provided on the side of oil bath two neon lights and an ON/OFF switch. Perforated and removable diffuser shelves Microprocessor based temperature controller Aesthetically designed-Designed according to the standards and principles underlining industry’s aesthetic values. Corrosion Resistant interior and exteriors-Corrosion resistant coatings like epoxy coatings are applied inside and outside the baths to prevent against degradation due to moisture, salt spray, oxidation or exposure to a variety of environmental or industrial chemicals/ corrosive agents. Energy Efficient – the baths uses less energy to provide the same level of performance, comfort and convenience, thus making it energy conserving. Sturdy Construction – the baths are built with robustness to withstand stress and strain, giving it long life and ability to perform in extreme stress environments.
Oil Bath
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Oil Bath, Dissolution Testers, Tablet Disintegration, tester