Concrete Densified Parking Flooring Service
10 Per Sq. Ft.
Densified parking floors are treated with a specific concrete densifier that fills the pores contributing to smooth aesthetics. These floors change the matrix of the concrete as it reacts with free lime present in the concrete which makes concrete dense and hard. It stops the process of salt formation at the surface, hence no dusting. It hardens, densify, seals and dustproofs the concrete lifetime. These floors can be polished to desired level and gloss is enhanced based on polishing levels. Grinding tools are used to get the much-wanted shininess and a light-reflective effect. It is up to the customer to choose whether he wants a more exposed aggregate or a shinier polish. The densified floors are uniform homogeneous floors with high flatness accuracy, designed to create dust free floors and improved floor quality. These floors eliminate the need for a topical coating, which reduces maintenance significantly. It provides the seamless, self-smoothing glossy resin system as it meets both the aesthetic and functional criteria. The hard-wearing system will maintain a high-performance finish for an extended period of time despite the heavy foot traffic, scuffs, and general wear and tear that it will inevitably face. Densified floors cure the concrete faster up to 93%. These floors increase abrasion resistance by 38% and hardens the floor by 40%. Densified Parking Floors with Spartekoncrete Enhancer is one of the best methodologies to use in concrete parking flooring for increasing Compressive Strength, Tensile Strength and Abrasion Resistance and minimizes the Shrinkage and Floor Wraps. It is a cost-effective option for commercial and industrial spaces since they typically cover large areas. AdvantagesSave-time-moneyTime & Cost SavingCost Effective Flooring Than Vdf & OtherStain Free&Reduced MaintenanceFaster Procedure Than Vdf & Other Safety & SecurityIncreased Slip And Wear ResistanceChemical ResistantReduced Tire Wear Strength & DurabilityIncreased Compressive, Tensile And Abrasion ResistanceHigh Durability And SustainabilityMore Life-span Compared To Vdf & Other Better FinishImproved Floor Quality And High Flatness AccuracyMinimum Shrinkage & Floor WrapsUniform Homogeneous Floor Eco FriendlyElimination Of Dusting From EfflorescenceImproved Reflectivity And Ambient Lighting ApplicationsEducational InstitutionsResidential & Commercial BuildingsRetail Outlets & Community Halls
Parking Deck Flooring Service
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It is ideal whenever there is little installation space such as in underground car parks or parking decks, fl at roofs, terraces. It is ideal whenever high-quality aesthetic fi nishes are to be achieved, since the gratings rest directly on the channel’s contact surface, thus covering it completely.
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