Pipe Components Dealers in Chennai

(3 products available)
  • Pipe Fitting Components

    Pipe Fitting Components

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    Pipe is a hollow tube with round cross section for the conveyance of products. The products include fluids, gas, pellets, powders and more. The word pipe is used as distinguished from tube to apply to tubular products of dimensions commonly used for pipeline and piping systems. In common usage the words pipe and tube are usually interchangeable, but in industry and engineering, the terms are uniquely defined. Pipe is generally specified by a nominal diameter with a constant outside diameter (OD) and a schedule that defines the thickness. Tube is most often specified by the OD and wall thickness, but may be specified by any two of OD, inside diameter (ID), and wall thickness. Pipe: NPS 1/2-SCH 40 is even to outside diameter 21,3 mm with a wall thickness of 2,77 mm.Tube: 1/2" x 1,5 is even to outside diameter 12,7 mm with a wall thickness of 1,5 mm. Steel Pipes are manufactured in 4 versions: Welded SAW Pipe Spiral Welded Pipe Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) Pipe Seamless Pipe Length of Pipes Piping lengths from the factory not exactly cut to length but are normally delivered as: Single random length has a length of around 5-7 meter Double random length has a length of around 11-13 meter Shorter and longer lengths are available, but for a calculation, it is wise, to use this standard lengths; other sizes are probably more expensive. Ends of Pipes For the ends of pipes are 3 standard versions available with Piyush Steel Plain Ends (PE) Threaded Ends (TE) Beveled Ends (BE)

  • pipe sheet metal component

    pipe sheet metal component

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    pipe sheet metal component, precision sheet metal component

  • Best Deals from Pipe Components

  • pipe bending components

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    pipe bending components, HYDRAULIC PRESS COMPONENTS

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