RS Cattle Feeds Madhavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • Tapioca Meal

    Tapioca Meal

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    Tapioca starch is highly nutritious. Tapioca Kappi Flour is also a perfect animal feed supplement and is widely demanded for feeding cattle and poultry. The tapioca meal we offer is a high energy supplement enriched with carbohydrates, but it is low in protein and minerals. Tapioca residue is a good feed for early lactation; it is used along with high protein ingredients in the cattle feed under balanced ratio. It is easy to diet too. For calves around 15% can be fed, dairy cows 20 to 25% and up to 40% for fattening bulls.

    Applications : Cattle Feed

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  • Soya Bean De-Oiled Cake

    Soya Bean De-Oiled Cake

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    Soybean Meal is mainly used as animal feed around the world. It is a highly preferred food source as it is easily digestible, protein rich and also due to its energy giving nature. It is an excellent meal for both ruminant as well as non-ruminant animals. It is consumed in ration with other ingredients. It must be fed in a completely mixed ration or be mixed with less palatable proteins to prevent overeating. Soya bean meals are high in B-complex vitamins, have a proven ability to lower cholesterol and are anti carcinogenic, essential amino acids, proteins and other nutrients. However it is low in calcium, Phosphorus, Carotene and vitamin D.

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  • RS Stallion / Mare Developer

    RS Stallion / Mare Developer

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    For foals from 6 months of age to maturity. Supplies nutrients for optimum growth. Provides high production and protection growing foals. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 16 Crude Fibre (Max) 6 Crude Fat (Min) 3.5 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2900

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  • RS Sheep

    RS Sheep

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    For dry sheep, Rams, ewes during early pregnancy and late lactation. Suggested to reduce feed cost through enhanced concentrate intake. To maintain good body health for breeder sheep. Supplies more than 50% as RDP to ensure microbial protein synthesis. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 18 UDP (Min)* 8 RDP (Min)* 10 Crude Fibre (Max) 10 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2500

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  • RS Mother Ewe Formula

    RS Mother Ewe Formula

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    For ewes, 2 months before and 2 months after lambing. Prevent metabolic diseases due to nutrient deficiency. Supplies energy, 60 % UDP and minerals to enhance birth weight. Enhance milk yield in ewes for better growth of lambs and reduces lambing interval. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 22 UDP (Min)* 12 RDP (Min)* 10 Crude Fibre (Max) 6 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2600

    Packaging Type : We provide feed labelling over each packing bag, which is embedded with information Etc.

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  • RS Master Mare Formula

    RS Master Mare Formula

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    For breeding mare's 3 months before (pregnant mare) and 4 months after (lactating mare) foaling. Prevent metabolic diseases due to nutrient deficiency. Supplies energy, balanced amino acids and minerals to enhance birth weight. Enhance milk yield for higher growth of foal to minimize starter feed. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 20 Crude Fibre (Max) 6 Crude Fat (Min) 3.5 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 3000

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  • RS Kid Starter

    RS Kid Starter

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    For Kids up to weaning 3 months of age Supplies nutrients to kids for higher growth rate. Provides high production and protection to kids. Favours early weaning of kids. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 22 Crude Fibre (Max) 6 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2780

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  • RS Kid High Grow

    RS Kid High Grow

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    For weaner kids up to slaughter weight. Suggested for kids rearing for meat production for quick body weight gain. Supplies balanced amino acids and minerals to enhance growth rate. Attains slaughter weight at an early age. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 18 Crude Fibre (Max) 8 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2700

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  • RS Horse Energy Plus Supplement

    RS Horse Energy Plus Supplement

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    For working, sports and athletic horses depending upon the duration of work. Supplies energy to perform works. Nutrition feed is applicable for intense training and heavy racing animals. It converts energy into muscle power. Avoids excess protein supply, Reduce feed cost and maintain healthy body condition. Additional minerals and vitamins. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 15 Crude Fibre (Max) 5 Crude Fat (Min) 5 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 3150

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  • RS Horse Classic

    RS Horse Classic

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    For dry horses, breeding stallion and mare's of early pregnancy and late lactation. Maintain normal body weight suitable for breeding. Avoids nutrient overload in non performing producing horses. Reduce rearing cost of breeding stock. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 15 Crude Fibre (Max) 5 Crude Fat (Min) 4 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2950

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  • RS Foal Starter Classic

    RS Foal Starter Classic

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    For foals up to 6 months of age for better growth rate. Supplies balanced amino acids and minerals to enhance growth rate. Attains better body weight, body condition and elevated growth at an early age. Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 18 Crude Fibre (Max) 4 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 3200

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  • RS Dairy Cow

    RS Dairy Cow

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    For dairy cattle yielding less than 12 lts milk per day. It supplies both rumen degradable nitrogen and available energy in the rumen along with minerals. Providing more than 50 % of protein as rumen degradable protein to enhance microbial protein synthesis even at poor quality roughage feeding. Maximize feed intake and maintain good animal health and reproductive performance Feed Composition: Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 18 UDP (Min)* 9 RDP (Min)* 9 Crude Fibre (Max) 5 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2500

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  • RS Calf Starter

    RS Calf Starter

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    For calves up to 4 months of age, to enhance calf growth and to spare cow milk for marketing. Suggested for calves rearing for both breeding and slaughtering purpose. Enriched with balanced amino acids and minerals to enhance body weight gain. Elevates large Frame Body Size, Muscle Thickness and Musculature in the growing calves which adequately increase body weight. Nutrients Level (% DM Basis) Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 24 Crude Fibre (Max) 6 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2780

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  • RS Calf High Grow:

    RS Calf High Grow:

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    For calves from 5 months to 12 months of age. Enriched with Protein, Energy and Minerals to calves for higher growth. Provides growth and enhance performance to calves with improved frame size and improved muscle thickness. Elevated muscle system in relation to the skeleton size. Dry Matter (Max) 11 Crude Protein (Min) 20 Crude Fibre (Max) 7 Crude Fat (Min) 3 Energy (ME, Kcalkg)* 2750.

    Packaging Type : We provide feed labelling over each packing bag, which is embedded with information regarding Etc.

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  • RS Bypass Protein Master

    RS Bypass Protein Master

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    For dairy cattle yielding more than 20 lts milk per day containing high protein. It gives remarkable quality of milk with an incredible yield in aggregate and extended herd health. Providing more than 60 % of protein as rumen bypass protein to meet amino acids requirement. Minimize rumen ammonia level and improve reproductive efficiency of cows.

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  • Rice Polish

    Rice Polish

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    Rice Polish is the meal taken off from the brown rice in order to make white rice. It is a very popular animal feed. It is also called as broken rice or milled rice. It is the rice that has been separated at the polishing stage. Since rice is rich in protein and fat, the broken rice is not thrown away but it is fed to poultry. It also contains high levels of the Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E and some trace minerals. One must be very careful while feeding broken rice to animals. Make sure it is organic and safe for consumption. Little negligence in this matter can lead to complications. We offer our clients good quality rice polish.

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  • Rice Bran De-Oiled

    Rice Bran De-Oiled

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    De-oiled rice bran meal has a high amount of protein and other nutritional components. The low fibre content makes it excellent for use in animal feed. The rice bran meal is used as an additional feed with other ingredients. It is fit for consumption by cattle, poultry and fish. It is also used as an organic fertilizer for medicinal purpose. It can be used as fuel for boilers, and used for manufacturing sodium silicate, silica, gel and insulation bricks. It is also given to horses to increase their weight. It is also given to the aging dogs as an energy supplements.

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  • Rapeseed Meal

    Rapeseed Meal

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    Rapeseed is primarily cultivated for animal feed due to its very high lipidic and medium proteinic content. It has a high protein content and good amino acid composition. Rape seed consist of about 40 % of oil. Canola is a specific variety of rapeseed bred to have low erucic acid content. Rapeseed meal is used basically in animal feed due to its protein content of 36-38%. Rape seed meal is a high-protein animal feed. The feed is mostly employed for cattle feeding, but also for hogs and poultry.

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  • Pigeon Meal

    Pigeon Meal

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    Pigeon pea is an excellent fodder for cattle. It can be directly blended and crushed like maize. It is enriched with high protein value. The nutritional profile of pigeon pea is interesting for cattle feeding and poultry, sheep and goats. Anti-nutritional factors are present but in a lesser quantity than for other legume seeds, leading to higher nutritive value and good source of vitamin A. Adding pigeon meal in livestock diets can cause biomass gain in the cattle. It is generally fed to the cattle with additional ingredients in order to give a balanced meal.

    Applications : Animal feed - Cattle, Poultry, Sheep, Goat

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  • oral calcium

    oral calcium

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    RS Oral Calcium is enriched with subsequent minerals and targeted vitamins specially designed for high yielders to increase milk production in Pregnant & Lactating mothers and also for growing young ones. It improves health, shank and skeleton, vigour, appetite. This also prevents Milk Fever and Hypocalcimia and other complications like dystocia, retention of placenta, metritis, mastitis, etc. Our rich quality supplement is formulated for both Ruminant and Non-Ruminant animals. Composition Elements (Per Lt): Sno Elements 1. Calcium 2. Phosphorous 3. Iron 4. Zinc 5. Cobalt 6. Carbohydrates 7. Vitamin B12 8. Vitamin D3

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  • mineral mix

    mineral mix

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    RS Mineral Mixture is enriched with a balanced ration of adequate minerals & vitamins required for the animal health. Our mix promotes reproductive performance and conception, Milk production, Fat percentage in milk, Growth rate, Immunity & disease resistance, Stimulate the microbial development in the rumen, Reduces stress in animals, and Reduces risk of acidosis. Our rich quality mixture is formulated for both Ruminant and Non-Ruminant animals. Composition Elements (Per Kg): Sno Elements 1. Calcium 2. Phosphorous 3. Magnesium 4. Iron 5. Iodine 6. Copper 7. Zinc 8. Cobalt 9. Manganese 10. Sulphur 11. Vitamin A 12. Vitamin E and Many more

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  • Groundnut De-Oiled Cake

    Groundnut De-Oiled Cake

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    Groundnut de-oiled cake is extracted during the solvent extraction process. It is highly nutritious and makes a perfect animal feed. It contains the right amount of energy, fat and protein. It has several health benefits and serves as the perfect balanced diet for the cattle. It has an optimal blend of protein carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in this pellet-formed compound. It helps in increasing the milk production capacities of the cattle.

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  • livestock feed

    livestock feed

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    Animals need ideal feed to grow, reproduce and stay healthy. The ideal animal feed must include basic nutrients such as energy, proteins, minerals, vitamins and other micro nutrients which is essential for the animal’s good health. The quality of the livestock feed is differentiated as per the quality of materials used and feed Etc.

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  • Cotton Seed De-Oiled Cake

    Cotton Seed De-Oiled Cake

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    The Cotton seed meal we offer is an excellent source of proteins and rich in nutrition. The protein content in the cotton seed meal is best utilized by the cattle if it by passes its rumen and is digested in the subsequent parts of the stomach. It has excellent protein feed resources, rich in nutrition, contains tryptophan, methionine and high-content vitamin. It is low in lysine and must be fed with other protein sources with different rations. Cottonseed meal is low in minerals and fair in vitamin B content.

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RS Cattle Feeds

  • Sai Krishna Prasad V.
  • No. 97, Madhavaram High Road, Perambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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