STC V- Serve (p) Ltd. Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • Placement Agencies

    Placement Agencies

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  • Permanent Staffing

    Permanent Staffing

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    PERMANENT STAFFING SERVICES Getting the right candidates at the right time is every HR Managers dream. At STC V-Serve we work towards achieving that dream for you. We have considerable expertise in providing Permanent Staffing at various levels. Our streamlined system is tuned to understand the client requirement and select the right candidate that matches their needs, both technically and culturally. Our permanent staffing selection is carried out through one of these ways: Selection from our wide database STC V-Serve has one of the widest and most refined database of prospective employees from various fields. This huge stream of employee listing could be fully leveraged by our clients, ensuring the widest possible search for the best candidates. Selecting from our database also means a quick solution for your staffing needs. Selection through Advertisements When volume response is the need of the hour, nothing works better than advertising the required positions. Apart from quick and bulk responses, advertisements also bring the company in to the attention of the media and the prospective candidates. STC V-Serve can come up with highly creative and strategic advertisement concepts that drive considerable responses to the vacant positions. Turnkey Staffing Solutions If you are a start-up company or a company on the expansion drive, our Turnkey Staffing Services would suit all your staffing requirements perfectly. We can work in tandem with your HR team to process and screen large volumes of prospective candidate listings internally, which results in significant savings on the cost and time involved.

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  • Temporary Staffing

    Temporary Staffing

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    TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES Temporary staffing, though an accepted practice in the developed countries is fast catching up in India. And among the leading players in this field is none other than STC V-Serve. Customers can avail of our pool of candidates for their requirement for a specified period. The employees would be in STC V-Serve’s rolls and we also would take care of the statutory obligations of the employees deputed for a particular project. Temporary staffing provides for a flexible, cost-effective and quick solution for your staffing needs.

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  • Executive Search

    Executive Search

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    EXECUTIVE STAFFING SERVICES Every big company today is known by the people who lead them. These visionaries at the helm are the driving force in the company’s march to the future. At STC V-Serve we perfectly understand how vital recruiting for your top management is. Our Executive Search is geared towards locating the brightest among the top management candidates for your company. We commence the process by working along with our customer to chalk out a Search Brief, which forms the foundation for the searching and screening. The Brief would detail on the assignment scope, position description, candidate requirements and terms of employment. A Search Plan would then be devised where milestones would be set. Executive Searches are invariably of highly confidential nature. At STC V-Serve, we are pledged to protect the sensitivity and classified details of client and candidates. Our impeccable track record of spotting the right people for the top positions even on a demanding deadline has made STC V-Serve the first choice for several leading companies.

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  • Assessment Center

    Assessment Center

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    Assessment Centers offers standardized evaluation of behavior based on multiple evaluations which includes job-related simulations, interviews and psychological tests. Job simulations are used to evaluate candidates on behaviors relevant to the most critical aspects of the job. At STC V-Serve we employee several trained observers and techniques to judge on the performance and behavior of a candidate. These judgments are pooled in a meeting among the assessors or by an averaging process. The discussion results in evaluations of the performance of the assessees on the dimensions or other variables. Our advantages include: > Infrastructure to conduct assessment centers for mass testing or individual screening > Employs test modules that are well-researched, tested and approved worldwide > Easy to use testing patterns > Supported by trained professionals and eminent psychologists

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider
  • Secondary Business Type Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2009
  • No. of Employees 50 - 100
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 0.5 to 2.5 Crore Approx.

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
STC V-Serve is among the fastest growing and most innovative Software and Human Resource Consulting firm based at Chennai, India. The company provides comprehensive services in the areas of IT Staff Recruiting, Temporary Staffing, Executive Staffing, and Job Placements for leading technology companies both in India and outside.
STC Technologies – the company behind
STC V-Serve is promoted by STC Technologies, a leading provider of Outsourced Independent Testing Services for some of the most admired companies in the Banking, Finance, Insurance and Technology sectors.
STC Technologies is also in the forefront in providing complete spectrum of IT services – from Architecture development and integration to maintenance, enhancement, testing and transformation of legacy systems.
For more information about STC Technologies and service offerings, visit our corporate website at
STC V-Serve – Carving a niche in Software Testing Job Consultancy
Thanks to the highly professional approach and inventive solutions, STC V-Serve has created a name for itself in the extremely competitive HR marketplace. Apart from India, the company has placed highly skilled candidates to leading companies in USA, Singapore, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Kuwait, New Zealand, Oman and Germany.
STC V-Serve has engaged over 35 through-bred HR professionals from varied industries who searches and screens candidates from across the country and abroad. The candidates are selected after a multi-level screening process.
Our flexible environment and rich expertise in software Testing industry allows for our clients to pick and choose from a variety of options that includes consulting, contracting, contract-to-hire and direct placement.
Our Mission
To provide innovative and exclusive Staffing solutions in areas of Software Testing Domain which enable our customers to meet their critical business assurance.
Quality Policy
At STC V-Serve, our biggest promise to our valued customers is our commitment on quality. We provide HR Consulting Services that are intended to enhance the overall capabilities of the organizations we serve. All of our services are delivered as an integral part of a formalized Quality Management Plan that focuses on continuous improvement and utilizes client feedback to improve internal process and the competency of our consultants and support team.
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Contact Information

STC V- Serve (p) Ltd.

  • Mr. Laxmi
  • Kimbarley Towers, Y-222, 3rd Floor, 2nd Avenue Annanagar, - 600 040, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu