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Understanding Hinduism
What is hinduism? hinduism or sanatana dharma is diverse; no single doctrine (or set of beliefs) can represent its numerous traditions. However, the various schools share several basic concepts, which help us to understand how most followers of hindu philosophy see and respond to the world. Awareness course on hinduism is an initiative by vedicology center for encouraging the practice of sanatana dharma. Vedicology team members mr praveen saanker and mr eswaran namboothiri facilitate a study on understanding the core philosophy and key concepts of hinduism. The concepts of hinduism we discuss here are primarily based on vedantic doctrines, and accepted by most diverse modern traditions (but not all!). hindu studies or research on hinduism begins simply by differentiating between matter and spirit. Spirit is understood within two main categories, namely the individual self, or soul (the atman) the supreme self, or god (the brahman). Vedicology division for hindu studies and research on hinduism have divided the core of hindu or sanatana dharma philosophy into 12 concepts, and these interwoven concepts form the basis for theological discussions in this program.
...moreUnderstanding Atman
An awareness program on atman -- the self or the spirit, is an initiative by vedicology center for spiritual and cultural empowerment for supporting the tradition of sanatana dharma. Vedicology team members mr eswaran namboothiri and mr praveen saanker facilitate a study on understanding the core philosophy and essential concepts of atman. What is atman ? atman is a sanskrit term that means inner self, or soul. In hindu philosophy, atman is the foundational principle, the real self of someone beyond identification the gist of a person, with happenings. To be able to attain liberation (moksha), a human being has to acquire self-knowledge (atma jnana), that is to observe that one's true self (atman) is equal with the higher self brahman. Hinduism's six schools consider that there is atman (soul( self) in every being. It is vital to understand the foundational concept named atman to understand the spiritual core of hinduism. the real self, which never changes is referred to by atman. It is distinct from both the body and the brain. This self that is real is beyond the designations we ascribe in terms of nationality, sex, species and race. Ideas of reincarnation are natural extensions of the preliminary concept. Consciousness is regarded as a symptom of the soul. Mr.praveen saanker and mr eswaran namboothiri motivate the participants to understand that the true self (atman) is distinct from the mortal body. Another vital point is that earthly denominations do not apply to the spirit. The participant's key takeaway is the atman is your soul -- unchanging, conscious and constant. The learning that is most important is that consciousness within us is an extension of the soul and in a way, an extension of the higher self ( brahman) .
...moreAstrology Service
Awareness workshop on "karma." karma is the executed"deed", "work", "activity and it is also the "object", the "intent". Vedicology scholars mr praveen saanker and mr.eashwaran namboothiri explains the concept of karma (karman) by comparing it with the other sanskrit term kriya. The word kriya is the activity along with the steps and effort in action, while karma is (1) the implemented action as a consequence of that activity, and (2) the intention of the actor behind an executed activity or a planned action (described by some scholars as metaphysical residue left in the celebrity ). A fantastic action generates good karma, as does great intent. A bad action generates bad karma, as does poor intent. Various philosophies in hinduism derive different definitions for the karma concept from early indian texts; their definition is a combination of (1) causality which may be ethical or non-ethical; (2 ) ethicization, that is good or bad actions have impacts; and (3) rebirth. Other indologists include in the definition of karma hypothesis what explains the present circumstances of a person with regard to his or her actions in past.these actions may be those in a person's present life, or, in certain schools of indian customs, possibly actions in their past lives; moreover, the consequences may result in the present lifetime or an individual's future lives. The law of karma operates independently of any deity or any practice of divine judgment. According to vedicology india experts, karma concept as a notion, across different indian spiritual traditions, shares certain common topics: causality, ethnicization and rebirth.
...morePurusha and Prakriti
Purusha and Prakriti - The two realities of Presence Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment introduces you to the concept of Purusha and Prakriti. This awareness program is facilitated by Mr. Praveen Saanker, Mr. Abhishek Mohan and Mr. Eswaran Namboothiri. Hinduism recognizes two eternal principles, which are mentioned in the Vedas, the Bhagavadgita, the Sutras and other Hindu scriptures. They're Purusha and Prakriti. They're also known as Brahman and Brahmi, Isvara and Isvari, Siva and Parvathi, Narayana and Narayani. The Gita declares that seated in Prakriti, Purusha manifests the worlds and beings. Vedicology program facilitators explain the significance of the eight key pointers on Prakriti quoting various scriptures. Prakriti is the set of eternal, indestructible, and indivisible realities that produce modifications. Maya is the modification of Prakriti. It represents the natural universe we experience. Tattvas are the collection of ceaseless and original realities which constitute Prakriti. Asambhuti is the original unmanifested Prakriti in which all are latent. Sambhuti is the manifested Prakriti. It is Another name for Maya. It is both a modification and an illusion. Gunas are the three processes which impart motion and actions to Prakriti's alterations. Nature in the English sense of the word represents the modifications of Prakriti, but maybe not Prakriti itself. It's the same as Sambhuti or Maya. Asambhuti or Mula Prakriti is your second ceaseless Principle of existence, alongside Unmanifested Brahman in which everything stays in a state of latency.
...morereincarnation samsara vedicology service
Reincarnation and Samsara -Vedicology Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment, India presents an awareness program on Reincarnation and Samsara. Vedicology India team members Mr.Praveen Saanker, Mr.Eashwaran Namboothiri, facilitates this program. Vedicology team explains the ongoing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth endured by human beings and all other mortal beings, and from which release is obtained by achieving the highest enlightenment. As the real self (atman) remains unchanged through life, it continues after departure. This soul is carried within the delicate (astral) body to its destination. The precise nature of the new body is determined by the state of mind at death and is primarily influenced by (1) the person's desires, and (2) his karma. Samsara refers to the procedure for passing from one body to another during all species of existence. Hindus consider that consciousness is present in most life forms including plants and fish. However, although the soul is present in all species, its potential is exhibited to different degrees. In aquatics and plants, it is most"covered", almost asleep, whereas in humans it's most alert. This progression of consciousness is manifest during six broad"types of existence," namely (1) aquatics, (2) plants, (3) reptiles and reptiles, (4) birds, (5) animals and (6) humans, including the residents of paradise. Most Hindus believe samsara fundamentally painful, a cycle of four recurring issues: birth, illness, old-age, and final departure.
...moreconcept of maya vedicology awareness program
Concept of Maya -Vedicology Vedicology awareness program on Maya is facilitated by Mr Praveen Saanker, Mr Eswaran Namboothiri and Mr Abhishek Mohan. This program is conducted as a two hour awareness program. Serious spiritual seekers can register for the two-day workshop at the Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment, Chennai, India. In Hinduism, Maya is used to denoting both Prakriti or Nature and deluding power. Prakriti is the dynamic energy of God. Much like Him, it's unborn, uncreated, individual and indestructible. According to Vedicology Team, God undertakes five different functions, namely, Creator, Preserver, Destroyer, Concealer and Bestower of grace. In His job as Concealer, He unleashes the power of Maya, through Prakriti, to hide Himself from what He generates and delude all the living beings (jivas) into thinking that what they experience by using their perceptions is real and that they are independent of their objects and other people they perceive through their senses. Maya consequently causes ignorance and through ignorance perpetuates the notion of duality, which is accountable for our bondage and mortality on the planet. We must become conscious of the extent of its influence and its function in our lives. Out of this consciousness comes a feeling of caution and discrimination, which ultimately contributes to our salvation. But till we reach that point, we remain in the grasp of maya, like a fly, caught helplessly in a web.
...moresanatana dharma vedicology awareness program
Sanatana Dharma or Hindu Dharma Vedicology awareness program on Sanatana Dharma or Hindu Dharma explains the essential elements of Hindu Dharma across 2 days of classroom sessions. The program/training on Hindu Dharma is facilitated by Mr.Praveen Saanker and Mr.Eswaran Namboothiri and is conducted at the Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment, Annanagar, Chennai. The practitioners of the ancient faith whose origins can be traced to the Vedas thought that their faith was eternal, with its roots in heaven, also originated directly from God at the very beginning of creation. Therefore they preferred to call it the eternal religion (Sanatana dharma). Therefore the word Hindu was used initially in a secular sense rather than religious. Sanatana means endless and dharma means obligation or obligatory duty. Dharma Primary Aim Of Human Life In Hinduism, religion (dharma) influences the way people live and view themselves. The very act of living is regarded as an essential duty and an opportunity to fulfil the goals of creation and participate in God's eternal dharma. Tradition maintains that duty (dharma) is the primary aim (Purusharthas) of human life since it is the basis upon which one develops the wisdom and discretion to pursue wealth (artha) and happiness (kama) without undermining the odds of liberation (moksha). Every living being, and for that matter, every Thing in the diversity of God's creation has a function and a particular responsibility in God's manifested universe, without which production will probably be incomplete. Thus, Sanatana Dharma, that we broadly recognize as Hinduism, is God's eternal duty shared with all from the highest to the lowest, hear and hereafter.
...morethree modes of existence vedicology awareness program
Three Gunas or Modes of Existence Guna means virtue. The gunas are primarily responsible for our predominant traits, actions and modes of behaviour. Vedicology awareness program on the three gunas present The importance of gunas and their influence upon human behaviour according to the Bhagavadgita. Awareness Program or workshop on the Three Gunas is conducted at the Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment, Annanagar, Chennai, India as classroom sessions facilitated by Vedicology team members. Gunas exist in all beings, including individuals, in a variety of levels of concentration and combination. They also exist in all objects and organic products. Hence, the food that we eat is important if we want to cultivate decent behaviour. Depending upon their comparative strengths and ratios, the gunas determine the nature of beings, things, their actions, behaviour, attitude and attachments and their participation with the objective world in which they dwell. The primary intention of the gunas in the living beings is to produce bondage, through needs for sense objects, which lead to different attachments with them and which in turn keep them bound to the world and under the endless control of Prakriti (7.13). The Role Of Gunas In Creativity The gunas are born from Prakriti. The Self does not Reside in them but they reside in him (7.12). Ahead of creation, they remain inactive and at a state of ideal balance in the Primordial Nature (Mula Prakriti). When their balance is disrupted, creation sets in motion and the diversity of beings and objects come into existence, each possessing the triple gunas in various proportions. The admixture (panchikarana) of the gunas and the components (mahabhutas) is nicely explained from the Paingala Upanishad.
...morehinduism rituals significance vedicology awareness
Significance of Rituals in Hinduism Vedicology awareness program on the importance of Rituals in the Hindu tradition explains the principal causes of the conduct of various rituals by a Hindu. This awareness program is conducted at the Vedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment, Annanagar, Chennai. In Hinduism, rituals are meant to inculcate feelings of loyalty and religiosity and thus bring God and spirituality to the middle of human life. As a part of the householder's responsibilities, a devout Hindu is expected to carry out certain rituals daily starting in the morning until evening. Reason For Observing Vedic Rituals Vedic Rituals or sacrifices are integrated into human life and though they are supposed to be performed with a certain regularity, their ultimate objective is not mere observance but the transformation of the mind and body so the person becomes a fit vehicle to manifest the goal and purpose of God in creation. Hindu ritual and sacrificial ceremonies are many in numbers. But, they primarily involve sacrificial offerings to ancestors, gods, departed spirits, fellow humans and other living beings. The offerings are made on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Some offerings are created on particular occasions that come just once in a lifetime. Such offerings are supposed to be created without claiming reciprocal advantages as a service to God and his or her reflections.
...moreconsciousness psychologists services
DURATION – 3 DAYS FULL TIME Indian Psychology is astonishingly rich, elaborate and complete. Embodied In a number of the better known, conventional philosophical systems, it spells out the rationale behind memory, comprehension, emotions, instincts, reasoning, imagination, and myriad other mind related happenings, which so far remain baffling, unanswered questions from modern cognitive sciences, mechanistic psychology and their kindred disciplines. Vedicology Team of Psychologists and Vedics scholars explain the Idea of Brain, Mind and Super Mind. Our group systematically unfolds Vedantic psychology – in its bigger effort not only to develop an integrated perspective in your mind but also to synthesise ancient wisdom with modern sciences. Mr.Praveen Saanker and his distinguished team of Vedic Scholars along with eminent Psychologists explore the nature of mind, its Indian concept and how it compares with its Western world view on religion, philosophy, psychology and science. The team explains the concept of mind as set out in the Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta and other ancient scriptures of India, along with other ancient scriptures of Jainism and Buddhism. The team then compares this with philosophical perspectives from Plato and Aristotle to Wittgenstein and Strawson, (b) psychological viewpoints of William James, Freud, Jung, Watson, and others, and (c) theories of modern physiologists/physicists governing brain, mind, and artificial intelligence. The team thus builds a solid foundation for the super structure of parapsychological phenomena and also speculates about the possibilities for (individual) ‘mind’ to link up with the ‘Supermind’, which, in Vedantic concept, is Brahman: fundamental Consciousness that illumines everything-living and non-living. This concept is explained over different compact modules so that true seeker can understand this over a period of time.
...moremetaphysics conventional philosophical systems
DURATION – 3 DAYS FULL TIME Indian Psychology is astonishingly rich, elaborate and complete. Embodied In a number of the better known, conventional philosophical systems, it spells out the rationale behind memory, comprehension, emotions, instincts, reasoning, imagination, and myriad other mind related happenings, which so far remain baffling, unanswered questions from modern cognitive sciences, mechanistic psychology and their kindred disciplines. Vedicology Team of Psychologists and Vedics scholars explain the Idea of Brain, Mind and Super Mind. Our group systematically unfolds Vedantic psychology – in its bigger effort not only to develop an integrated perspective in your mind but also to synthesise ancient wisdom with modern sciences. Mr.Praveen Saanker and his distinguished team of Vedic Scholars along with eminent Psychologists explore the nature of mind, its Indian concept and how it compares with its Western world view on religion, philosophy, psychology and science. The team explains the concept of mind as set out in the Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta and other ancient scriptures of India, along with other ancient scriptures of Jainism and Buddhism. The team then compares this with philosophical perspectives from Plato and Aristotle to Wittgenstein and Strawson, (b) psychological viewpoints of William James, Freud, Jung, Watson, and others, and (c) theories of modern physiologists/physicists governing brain, mind, and artificial intelligence. The team thus builds a solid foundation for the super structure of parapsychological phenomena and also speculates about the possibilities for (individual) ‘mind’ to link up with the ‘Supermind’, which, in Vedantic concept, is Brahman: fundamental Consciousness that illumines everything-living and non-living. This concept is explained over different compact modules so that true seeker can understand this over a period of time.
...moreconcept of mind psychologists services
DURATION – 3 DAYS FULL TIME Indian Psychology is astonishingly rich, elaborate and complete. Embodied In a number of the better known, conventional philosophical systems, it spells out the rationale behind memory, comprehension, emotions, instincts, reasoning, imagination, and myriad other mind related happenings, which so far remain baffling, unanswered questions from modern cognitive sciences, mechanistic psychology and their kindred disciplines. Vedicology Team of Psychologists and Vedics scholars explain the Idea of Brain, Mind and Super Mind. Our group systematically unfolds Vedantic psychology – in its bigger effort not only to develop an integrated perspective in your mind but also to synthesise ancient wisdom with modern sciences. Mr.Praveen Saanker and his distinguished team of Vedic Scholars along with eminent Psychologists explore the nature of mind, its Indian concept and how it compares with its Western world view on religion, philosophy, psychology and science. The team explains the concept of mind as set out in the Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta and other ancient scriptures of India, along with other ancient scriptures of Jainism and Buddhism. The team then compares this with philosophical perspectives from Plato and Aristotle to Wittgenstein and Strawson, (b) psychological viewpoints of William James, Freud, Jung, Watson, and others, and (c) theories of modern physiologists/physicists governing brain, mind, and artificial intelligence. The team thus builds a solid foundation for the super structure of parapsychological phenomena and also speculates about the possibilities for (individual) ‘mind’ to link up with the ‘Supermind’, which, in Vedantic concept, is Brahman: fundamental Consciousness that illumines everything-living and non-living. This concept is explained over different compact modules so that true seeker can understand this over a period of time.
...morekarma fundamental program service
COURSE DURATION – 14 DAYS ( ( USUALLY ON HOLIDAYS FOR 2-3 HOURS PER DAY) SPONSORED PROGRAM – PARTICIPANTS NOT CHARGED A FEE Vedicology training program on Karma is an interactive facilitation program. Karma is a fascinating subject for many of us. The more we understand Karma the more meaningful life becomes for us. Vedicology programs on Karma explains the Karmic laws in detail and also teaches you how to start loving Karma. Contents:- Law of Causation Law of Action and Reaction Law of Compensation Law of Retribution Philosophy of Karma Secret of Karma Duty or Motive in Karma Karma Training Program in Chennai by Vedicology offers fascinating perspectives for life’s great mysteries, but, more importantly, it tells you how to make the most of every day of the life you’ve been given.
...moredeath reincarnation vedicology program
COURSE DURATION – 50 WEEKS ( 4 HOURS PER WEEK) COURSE FEE – PLEASE SPEAK TO OUR TEAM FOR VARIOUS PAYMENT OPTIONS This 50-week course is an interdisciplinary program that draws on anthropology, ancient Indian, Tibetian and Buddhist Scriptures, studies, philosophy, in-depth psychology and psychical research, among other fields. The program is designed as a 5 module program to introduce participants to death and reincarnation research and theory. The course covers all aspects of research on death and reincarnation, including reincarnation beliefs, methods of case investigation, findings from studies, and the interpretation of those findings. It includes original lectures as well as readings from ancient scriptures, the scientific literature and involves participation through discussion among participants. It is self-paced with an estimated time commitment of 4-6 hours per week, including discussion periods. The program would attempt to answer the below-appended questions logically and scientifically. 1. What is death? Can you explain the process of dying? 2. What is our relationship with death and why is the fear of death is so spell bounding? 3. What is the soul? 4. How does the soul migrate? 5. What transpires to the soul after death? 6. How does the soul choose a body or parents or lineage? 7. Is there any relationship between karma and reincarnation? 8. Is reincarnation religion-based or belief system-specific, or is it for every human being? 9. Why is it that we all live up to different ages and have different levels of suffering? 10. Why is it that some people die very young? 11. What is the relationship between age, death and reincarnation?
...morejourney of the soul astrology service
Course duration – 8 days ( usually on holidays for 2-3 hours per day) sponsored program – free for participants contents what makes a human being the mysterious ways of the mind… why we are, what we are… the soul’s journey to its destiny the birth and death of the ego the unconscious and the superconscious the significance and importance of the conscious mind the kundalini and the awakening of the higher consciousness this program, in short, is an explanation of the involution and evolution of the soul. It provides not only an intellectual understanding of the soul’s journey but practical counsel on how to speed it along. In case you are interested in attending this program, please fill out the contact form given below and one of our team members will get in touch with you.
...moreFundamentals Of -Vedic Astrology
Vishnu Sahasranamam –Learn To Chant The Right Way With Vedicology Course Duration – 15 Saturdays or Sundays. Normal Duration is 1-2 hours per day. Course Fee – This is a sponsored program and hence participants need not pay any fee. Vedicology Astrology Training Program is a six-month program conducted for 15 hours each week. Vedic Astrology is known as Jyotish and relies more on the Sidereal ( based on the Stars ) places of the Planets, as one sees them in the Sky against the positions assigned to few fixed stars. This Historical system of Indian Vedic Astrology is scientific in nature and employs many Sophisticated Mathematical Calculations to arrive at an astute rate of accuracy for Astrology Predictions. Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which focused on the accurate understanding of planetary motions, stars and their influence on an individual’s life. It is the connection of Zodiac, time, star, planets, and it is numerous combinations According to Vedic Astrology, you will find Twelve Zodiac Signs, Nine Planets and Twelve Houses. Based on when a person is Born, the twelve Signs are dispersed among the Twelve Houses, and Nine Planets are put in a Variety of Houses of birth charts. To make possible the correct diagnosis and interpretation, an astral chart is drawn. The configurations of the Planets and Stars at the present time of birth along with the various sorts of Karmas will call and indicate the life of the person, his/her strengths, flaws, bad and good items. There’s no magic or extra-human powers to do it. It’s a logical-mathematical calculation. Everyone can be educated for that. Vedicology Astrology Training Programs are conducted by reputed astrologers at the Vedicology Centre in Chennai.
...moreVedicology Numerology Training Program
Duration – 2 days course fee – contact our team to understand the schedule, fee and payment options vedicology numerology training programs chennai is conducted by the best numerologists in india. Numerology uses numbers as a key to human behaviour. It is an easy-to-learn method that exercises the mind’s intuitive faculty to fathom the depths of human personality. Practising the art of numerology creates endurance, patience, and pointedness. While vedicology numerology training in chennai course opens up the subject/theory of numerology, the experience is a greater teacher. After completing the course one has to work with one’s personal understanding of that information which has been disseminated through the program. Information alone is not knowledge; direct experience must be added before the information becomes knowledge. Vedicology numerology classes in chennai is simple to learn and very engaging, like the creative arts. By observing and understanding the birth number, name number, compound name number, fate number and compound fate number you get to understand numerology. However please remember this is only a beginning. you should always remember: no numbers are good or bad. No one number is superior to any other. All numbers work differently through different human bodies, each with its own genetic behavioural pattern. All numbers are influenced by the unique qualities of their environment and by the collective unconscious. We can try to understand them, but we have no right to judge and categorize them. Numerology is a method of linking the microcosm with the macrocosm. With practice, a numerologist starts to comprehend the influence of celestial bodies on human understanding and conduct. All objects of the material world are related to the nine planets. For a numerologist, the planets become embodied in a human form, and he or she can closely observe them as a part of the cosmic play.
...moreFundamental Program On -Palmistry
Course duration – 4 days course fee – contact our team to understand the different payment options the above lines are enough to demonstrate the importance of our hand. Our ancient scriptures have time and again referred to our hands as not just hands but an abode of gods, religiously and spiritually speaking. It is a treasure of energy and working power of a human being from the materialistic point and is the origin of the activities of life from the astrological and spiritual point of view. Our life is speedy, active and eternally changing every second, and our palm is an indicator of all the changes, success, and struggles of our existence. The lines of our palm is an indicator of our past, present and future and these can be interpreted to chart out a useful roadmap. The course would explain the difference between indian and western views on palmistry and why these fundamental differences occur.
...moreVastu Shastra Practitioner Progam
Course duration – 2 full days ( 9am to 5.30pm) course fee – please get in touch with our team to understand the schedule, fee and payment options. Free awareness program on indian vastu shastra is conducted at vedicology center every month. the awareness program is 2 hours in duration and gives the participant an idea about vastu principles, five elements, 10 directions and home alignment as per basic vastu principles. You can get in touch with our team for registering yourself for the free vastu awareness program. Best vastu shastra consultants in chennai believe that the proven time tested vastu principles if applied right to our home or workplace help us live a prosperous and peaceful life. Famous vastu shastra consultants in chennai india train students on logical and scientific vaastu principles through a well-designed training course. Vastu training chennai offer insights into vaastu for home, vastu for office, vastu for factories. Vedicology vastu training program in chennai also covers vastu for educational institutions and vastu for hospitals. Learn the practical and implementation techniques of vastu from the most knowledgeable and experienced vastu consultants at vedicology. learn the tips on developing a vastu compliant living space without doing any structural changes or demolitions to the existing structure. Whether it is an individual house, apartment, commercial building, plot or any other physical structure, you can get the essential training on how to imbibe the principles of vaastu.
...moreProfessional Vastu & Energy Practitioner
Course duration – 2 full days course fee – please get in touch with our team to understand the schedule, fee and payment options. Advanced vastu series-1 advanced vastu series focuses on relationships, its various effects from a vastu perspective and appropriate remedial measures. This series also covers the foreign energy spectrum in detail. Completion of vastu practitioner program is a prerequisite for this program. Vastu & relationships for relationships – problems & remedial measures for relationships – problems & remedial measures relationship with in-laws relationship between husband & wife relationship between parents & children relationship with elders of the family relationships within the family relationship with lovers relationship with friends relationship with neighbours relationships at workplace relationship with boss relationship between superiors & subordinates relationship with colleagues
...moreAdvanced Vastu Energy Practitioner
Course duration – 2 full days course fee – please get in touch with our team to understand the schedule, fee and payment options. Advanced series focusses on commercial vaastu and its advanced applications. Completion of vastu practitioner program and professional vastu energy practitioner program is a prerequisite for this program. Commercial vastu applications for advanced level practitioners hotels, restaurants, resorts, banquet halls. Selection of land, layout planning and interiors, creating the right ambience shops and showrooms selection of property, position of owner, east-facing shop or showroom south-facing shop or showroom, north-facing shop or showroom, west-facing shop or showroom, safe/cash box/ cash counter, importance of eshanya zone, position of stocks, pantry / kitchen, water filter / container, toilet, important vastu tips for shops and showrooms educational institutions – selection of land and layout planning offices selection of land/building for offices, interior layout and design, main entrance, general plan of an office, reception, location of chief executive’s office, interior planning of chief executive’s office, vastu-relevance for top boss, top boss – choice of chair, location of conference room, interior placement of conference room, location of administrative department, location of accounts department, location of sales and marketing department, puja or location of idol, location of water coolers, location of pantry/ kitchen/canteen, location of toilets, location of staircase, vastu solution for office politics/ backbiting, difference in design for staff areas and for the top boss or owner, vastu ways to design individual workspaces, small office / home office.
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