Vemuri Lakshminarayana & Associates Aminjikarai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • machinery valuation services

    machinery valuation services

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    Experienced Cousellor for higher Education, More than 24 yrs of Experience at Engineering Education, Trained over a Lakh students - both directly and indirectly. Qualified, Givt. of India - Ministry of Finance - IT dept registered and experienced valuer for Industrial Plant and Machinery valuation; Registered with various banks.

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  • plant valuation

    plant valuation

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    Experienced Cousellor for higher Education, More than 24 yrs of Experience at Engineering Education, Trained over a Lakh students - both directly and indirectly. Qualified, Givt. of India - Ministry of Finance - IT dept registered and experienced valuer for Industrial Plant and Machinery valuation; Registered with various banks.

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  • Valuation of Plant and Machinery

    Valuation of Plant and Machinery

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    Experienced Cousellor for higher Education, More than 24 yrs of Experience at Engineering Education, Trained over a Lakh students - both directly and indirectly. Qualified, Givt. of India - Ministry of Finance - IT dept registered and experienced valuer for Industrial Plant and Machinery valuation; Registered with various banks.

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  • Chartered Engineer

    Chartered Engineer

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    Provide the services of Chartered Engineer to certify the goods purchased or the condition of goods and any technical documents. Based on the certification of the Chartered Engineers, the Client can get any tax benefits, if applicable and any loans, etc availed by the purchaser.

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  • valuation consultants

    valuation consultants

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    Providing service to give cost estimate of the used machinery based on their condition, usability, life span of the machine, technology status, etc. Based on the estimate given by us, the prospective buyers can approach the banks for loan, if needed.

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  • International Student Admission into India

    International Student Admission into India

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    Providing admisssion to stdeunts of various countries to higher education - arts, science, engg, dental and medical to the famous tamil nadu based vinayaka mission university. Services can be provided in getting admission to bachelor of arts (ba, bachelor of science (, bachelor of engineering (be, masters in all above courses, mbbs, bachelor of dental surgery, ms md, master of dental surgery (various disciplines) and so on. All the students must meet the minimum qualification requirement as per the india universities, ugc, dental council of india, medical council of india norms.

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Contact Information

Vemuri Lakshminarayana & Associates

  • Dr. Prof. Lakshminarayana Vemuri
  • #8-a, Amman Koil St., Mehta Nagar, Aminjikarai P.o., - 600 029, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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