Supersonic Wind Tunnel
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Wind Tunnel
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Blower, Balance And Small Aspect Ratio Model, Water Flow Channel, Subsonic Wind Tunnel, Manometer – Pilot Static Tube, Circular Cylinder & Aerofoil Pressure Distribution Models, Wind Tunnel Strain Gauge Balance, Supersonic Wind Tunnel, Mercury Manometer, Schlieren System & Shadow Graph System, Sharp Nosed And Blunt Nosed Models.
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Wind Tunnel
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This is an open circuit Wind Tunnel which provides a region of controlled airflow into which models can be inserted. The propulsion is provided by a fan at downstream of working section. The tunnel consists of bell mouth shaped entry to guide the air smoothly into settling chamber consisting of honeycomb and nylon mesh screens which filters and stabilizes the air flow. This follows working section or test section where various models can be tested. Product Code : SAMS AE - 001
Sub Sonic Wind Tunnel
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Subsonic Wind Tunnel with following specifications and Accessories; 1. 72m/sec velocity Blower M.S fabricated 2. 300mm X 300mm Test Section 3. Pitot Static tube 4. 20 Tube manometer 5. Airfoil model with 20 tapings 6. Cylindrical model with tapings7. Strain gauge setup to measure lift and Drag
Subsonic Wind Tunne
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Subsonic Wind Tunne
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Tunnels, Building Construction Material Supplies, Concrete, Diaphragm Walls