Electronic Acupuncture Treatment Instrument
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Electronic Acupuncture Treatment Instrument is combined with Modern micro computer high-new technique, traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and meridian theory, based on the traditional electronic acupuncture treatment Instrument. The product is used for applying low Frequency pulse to stimulate the acupoints of human body. Acupuncture apparatus treatment instrument is combined with modern micro computer high-new technique, traditional chinese medicine acupuncture and meridian theory, based on the traditional electronic acupuncture treatment instrument. The product is used for applying low frequency pulse to stimulate the acupoints of human body. Main technical specifications: output pusle wave: un-symmetry bi-direction triangular pulse wave pulse frequency: frequency adjustable in 1-100hz output pulse width: =0. 175ms output peal voltage value:70 0v(load 500o) output pulse channel: 6 channels ac-dc converter(inputac220v,50hz/ac110,60hz output:dc9v,150ma)