Bentonite Lumps
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We are suppliers of Calcium and Sodium Bentonite. Bentonite is clay generated frequently from the alteration of volcanic ash, consisting predominantly of smectite minerals, usually montmorillonite. Other smectite group minerals include hectorite, saponite, beidellite and nontronite. Depending on the nature of their genesis, bentonites contain a variety of accessory minerals in addition to montmorillonite. The special properties of bentonite (hydration, swelling, water absorption, viscosity, thixotropy) make it a valuable material for a wide range of uses and applications. Features Wet ability Less reactive High bulk density Uses Animal/Poultry Feeds Cat Litter Construction and Civil Engineering Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Preparations Detergents Drilling Muds Foundry Foundry Sands Grouting Material Metal Casting Oils/Food Markets Paints, Dyes and Polishes Paper Pelletizing Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Taconite Pelletizing Waste-water Purification Well Drilling